Chapter 104

“No, he wants to explode! Stop him!” Everyone’s pupils shrank, and the crisis of life and death filled everyone’s hearts instantly.

“I can’t stop it, run away!” Everyone tried to interrupt Hou Kang’s self-destruction, but Hou Kang was already ready to go and couldn’t stop it. They had no choice but to give up this idea and turned around to escape.

“Hahaha…” Hou Kang Zhuangruo was crazy and laughed loudly: “I want to escape now? It’s too late! You guys, let me bury them all!” At this moment, the tyrannical aura on Hou Kang reached its peak. , Like a balloon inflated to its apex, it exploded with a “boom”, and instantly enveloped everyone in this tyrannical space.

Chaos was turbulent by this explosion, and the cracks in the space were like centipedes. Minor Worlds were created and annihilated. Although everyone fled around, how could the explosion range of Realm’s big cultivator easily escape from the peak of Avenue Sage? What’s more, Hou Kang had been planning for a long time, and they found out too late, and everyone was swallowed by this self-detonation. Only the chaos that absorbed their flesh and blood and became stronger and the treasure floating in the chaos proved them. It used to exist.

After a long time, the chaotic turbulence calmed down, and Chen Xuan slowly walked out of the void. Chen Xuan looked at these treasures with a heavy heart.

Destroying foreign enemies, Wu You, should have been pleased. But seeing so many great cultivators of Sage Realm fell here, he was filled with emotion, not excitement. Dao is impermanent, and practice is endless. He himself is just a cultivator at the peak of Dao Sage. How strong is it that Hou Kang, Changda, and Wen Renying can be strong? Can you be strong enough to cross the Sage early stage to late stage cultivator combination?

But now, Hou Kang, Changda, Wen Renying, and the hundreds of Dadao Sage are all dead, turned into the nourishment of chaos, and only their spiritual treasures fall into his hands.

A sense of sorrow rose unconsciously in Chen Xuan’s heart. Dadao Sage can be regarded as a superior figure no matter what world he is in. It was only for that illusory opportunity that hundreds of Dadao Sage fell here.

While Chen Xuan sighed, Tan Taiyun and Qiu Shining in the void were also sighing.

“Sure enough, it is the impermanence of the avenues, so many avenues Sage said they fell and fell.”

“If it weren’t for you and I have stepped into this Realm, I am afraid that you and I can’t be exempted! Cultivators, don’t you want to climb a higher Realm?”

Tantaiyun nodded, and immediately said: “Yes, who doesn’t want to go further on the road of cultivation! But then again, our little brother can be really extraordinary, just relying on a good fortune spiritual formation. , Opinion Hongmeng Lingbao, he brushed hundreds of Dadao Sages round and round, and even killed them all, it really is a monster!”

Seeing that the crisis was lifted, Tan Taiyun and Qiu Shining had no worries in their hearts, so they no longer deliberately constrained their interest. In this emotional effort, they inadvertently leaked out their own energy.

Chen Xuan put away the various spirit treasures on the ground and was about to leave. He suddenly felt a new breath, and couldn’t help but tighten his heart, and said loudly, “Who?”

Tan Taiyun and Qiu Shining looked at each other, and they read surprises from each other’s eyes. “Our little brother is really amazing! The vast chaos, how vast, you and I inadvertently reveal a ray of vitality can be perceived by him, this observation power, this dexterity, is the entire three thousand domains. I am afraid it will be difficult to find the second one!” Tan Taiyun said in shock.

Tan Taiyun and Qiu Shining are both great cultivators in the good fortune realm. If they did not deliberately release their own aura, they would not be able to detect it by the joint exploration of the peaks of a hundred avenues. However, Chen Xuan could perceive it right away. It can be seen that Chen Xuan is extraordinary.

Qiu Shining smiled faintly: “Yes, the younger brother is really extraordinary, even the poor Dao has to admire it. Okay, let’s go down and meet him, lest he be worried anymore.”

The two showed their figures holding hands and came to Chen Xuan. Tantaiyun smiled and said: “Haha, little brother, don’t be unharmed.”

Seeing Tan Taiyun and Qiu Shining, Chen Xuan was also shocked. He hurriedly greeted him and said, “I have seen two senior brothers. Why are you here in the little brother realm, brother? Do you also want to find the so-called chance?”

Tan Taiyun raised his hand and gave Chen Xuan a violent shudder: “You stinky boy, when you leave, you are in a hurry and don’t even say hello. If something goes wrong, how can you tell the master if something goes wrong? Ruo? It’s not your brother Shining who reminded me that Poor Dao doesn’t know where to find you.”

Chen Xuan rubbed his head and smiled apologetically: “It’s the brother’s fault that made the brother worry. It’s really because of the foreign enemy coming from the mother world, and the brother is worried, so he didn’t have time to say goodbye to the brother, so please forgive me.” After a violent thud, Chen Xuan’s heart was warm. Ever since Pangu opened the sky, I can’t remember how long no one cared about himself like this. Hongjun and the others are more in awe of own. At this moment, he really felt Tantaiyun’s deep concern.

“Okay, let’s explain, when did your kid become so long-winded! Pan Dao and your Senior Brother Shining finally arrived at your site, don’t you say to take the two of us to your site?” Tan Taiyun rolled his eyes and said to Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan suddenly realized that when he returned to the chaos this time, all his thoughts were on solving foreign enemies. He himself had forgotten that he had never visited Honghuang to take a look. He quickly cupped hands and said: “Brother made a mistake, please give him two Magic Treasures to punish him!”

Tan Taiyun said in an unpleasant manner: “Your kid has seized so many Xiantian treasures and chaotic spirit treasures this time, and you want to scrape the oil of the poor way. He is too greedy! No!” Although he was talking about Chen Xuan. Greedy, but took out a Chaos Lingbao in his hand and threw it to Chen Xuan.

“Chen Xuan would like to thank Brother Chen for his’punishment’, and hope that Chen Xuan will make any mistakes in the future, and I will ask Senior Brother to punish heavier. Hahahaha…”

The gag between Chen Xuan and Tan Taiyun made the three of them extremely happy, and they didn’t look like a big cultivator at all.

“I’ve talked about it, and the trouble is also happening, and I asked the two seniors to come with the younger brother, so that the younger brother can do his best as a landlord!” Chen Xuan smiled with cupped hands.

“Okay! Pan Dao and you, Senior Brother Shining, will let you see what the turbulent Chaos Realm looks like recently!”



After a while, the three of them came outside the prehistoric formation.

“Huh? This is a bit interesting!”

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