Chapter 49

Lin Yang looked straight ahead, full of fearlessness, and swung his fists down, “Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist!”

The Six Paths of Reincarnation boxing, in the world of Perfect Era, is nothing but the magical powers of the Great Emperor. However, after being acquired by Lin Yang, it has been systematically improved and the laws of Samsara have been integrated into the laws of Dao.

However, the Six Paths of Reincarnation boxing has not been established now, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation can only use the simplest Hungry Ghosts Dao. However, even if it is the simplest one, it is not what Lin Yang can bear today.

After the 100,000 zhang black jade was bombarded out by Lin Yang, it was seen that his body quickly withered, and his body was exhausted in an instant. If it weren’t for the iron-blooded Killing intent brought by Martial Dao’s army soul, It is constantly being supplied by far, but in an instant, Lin Yang is about to fall into a state of dying.

But even so, it still made him extremely uncomfortable, his soul was sluggish, his body was withered, and he only relied on a trace of strength to support him.

“Let me see if you die or my human race is dead!”

Lin Yang’s eyes are full of madness, this strike seems to be his most powerful magical move, doing all he can, if this is still not able to defeat the opponent, then he has nothing to do.

When the 100,000 zhang black jade got out of his hand, a terrifying swallowing force erupted from within, and blatantly bombarded the bloody Sword Qi like a river.


The offensive broke out, and in an instant, thousands of miles of land were wiped out, and the aftermath of the mighty power continued to spread.

“Ah! My spirit has been swallowed.”

Along the way, countless armies of demon tribes were affected, almost all of them were drying up in an instant. All the vitality of the spirit and spirit was swallowed by the vast black jade of the sky, but within a few breaths, at least tens of thousands of demon soldiers and demon generals were swallowed. Exhausted.

At the same time, the black jade that was opposed to that vast Sword Qi also instantly expanded, spreading from the original one hundred thousand zhang to two hundred thousand zhang.

The Jiuying, who was holding the winning ticket, suddenly changed his complexion, without any hesitation, directly showing the real body of the monster race, transforming into a huge nine-headed monster nearly ten thousand feet tall.

“Woo, Qi Qi!”

Jiu Ying erupted with strange baby screams, and his voice shook the world. The eardrums of the ordinary Celestial Immortals were directly punctured, overflowing with blood.

Jiuying is a wild alien. It is a monster of water and fire. It can spray water and spit fire. Its cry is like a baby crying. It has nine heads, so it is called Jiuying.

The roots are extraordinary, even if compared with the top Xiantian gods and monsters, they are only one point behind, and at this time, there is no simple existence of a Daluo Jinxian.

The black jade swelled and instantly cut Jiuying out of the offensive and crushed them, turning them into infinite energy, scattered on the ground, and swallowed by the black jade one after another.

The so-called Hungry Ghosts are often hungry, so they are hungry; fear and fear, so they are ghosts, and escape into Samsara to swallow everything in the world.

After the system changes of the Six Paths of Reincarnation boxing, each punch has the power to fully demonstrate the law of Samsara. If the six punches are completely played, I am afraid that even Sage will not be able to resist it.

This is also the horror of Six Paths of Reincarnation, but unfortunately, Lin Yang’s Cultivation Base cannot support the emergence of Six Paths.

But even if it was one of them, it was far more than just the nine infants of Daluo Jinxian Realm who could resist.


“Damn it!”

After Jiu Ying appeared in his true form, he still couldn’t resist the swallowing from the black jade, his face was ugly, “You want to kill me, you look down on me too much.”

“Blood Fiend Sword, break it for me!”

A long sword floats out. It is the top-grade Xiantian Lingbao in the hands of Jiuying. Any Xiantian Lingbao has good power. In the same Realm, if you own a Xiantian Lingbao, you have the full force. The strength of one head.

And the Blood Fiend Sword, as the top-grade Xiantian Lingbao, is the main killer, and its attacking power is not weaker than that of the top-grade Xiantian Lingbao. The terrifying power has fallen all the way, and Jiuying has unreservedly used his whole body combat power at this moment.

The infinite power permeated the sky, falling down in bursts, turning into an infinite killing breath, the terrifying breath shook the sky, and the power of Xiantian Lingbao was terrifying.

Nowadays, the black jade has swollen to nearly thirty feet after swallowing the infinite essence of energy and Spiritual Qi, hanging in the sky like a huge black hole, and it can be seen that countless auras of the world are forcibly pulled into it.

Lin Yang looked at the power of the nine infants blooming, his heart was startled, he gritted his teeth again, a mouthful of his life Blood Essence spewed out, and went directly to the huge black jade in the sky.

“The law of space! Escape.”

Lin Yang, who had already run out of oil lamps, after a squirt of Blood Essence, only felt a dimness in front of him, and almost fainted, but he knew that he could not faint now, otherwise! Waiting for the human race will be Death.

Lin Yang Blood Essence escaped into the black jade, and nearly 300,000 feet of the black jade began to twist. The surrounding space was no more than a breathing general, and the huge black jade disappeared into the sky!

Countless powerful people who put their minds on this place were shocked in their hearts. They didn’t know what happened. However, in the next second, some of them made a burst of shouts.

“No, it’s the law of space. Jiuying is afraid that it will be over this time!”


(ps: The second one, please ask for flowers and give a reward!)*

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