Chapter 36

Soon, Lin Yang wandered all the way and came to one of the city walls.

Lin Yang’s appearance immediately attracted the attention of countless people. Among them, the sergeant general who guarded this place was the most reflected, kneeling on one knee for the first time, and shouted: “Tube, Fifth Legion, see Wuzu. ”

“Martial ancestor! Is he the fourth ancestor of our human race?”

“According to legend, it was Wuzu who created Martial Dao for our human race and planted Longya rice to make our human race show its brilliance.”


Countless ordinary human races have heatedly discussed, looking at Lin Yang, full of respect, and bowed their heads in salute.

Lin Yang nodded slightly, looking at the thousand-man army guarding the city wall in front of him. Everyone’s aura is already stepping into the Cultivation Base of Immortal Dao. The most important thing is that almost all of these people carry a fierceness like a wolf and a tiger. At first glance, you can tell that it is a long-term killing.

Today, the army belonging to the human race Sacred Land still maintains a number of 100,000. During this period, there are naturally many soldiers who have fallen and turned into dust, and subsequent supplements have only exceeded this number.

This is Lin Yang’s order. Although the human race is gradually becoming stronger, it is still a huge resource to maintain the army’s expenditure. Lin Yang does not need to have people who want to make up for it.

And obviously, his approach is correct. The army guarding the gate of the city right now does not look like there are only a thousand people, but everyone has grown up through the killings, and the Cultivation Base of the Thousand People Immortal Dao has become an army and burst out. Strength should not be underestimated.

However, when Lin Yang’s eyes fell on these ordinary people, he inevitably had some doubts.

Soon, a soldier came up and looked like the commander of the Fifth Legion. This man was wearing a stomachache, only a vicious head was exposed, and there was a line from his forehead to his chin on his face. The scars seem to have experienced a lot of battles.

“Subordinate Tu Yuan is the commander of the Fifth Army. As for these people, they are all human tribes who have migrated from all over the land.”


Lin Yang suddenly realized, “No wonder that the population of Sacred Land has grown so much. This has been done very well. Only by gathering the various tribes of the human race together, can we protect the best growth.”

Lin Yang smiled slightly, now that the human race has Long Ya Mi, plus an invincible army, normal food is no longer a problem.

Moreover, ordinary people are not doing nothing. In the future, the construction and development of Sacred Land will be indispensable. These people are the choices before Lin Yang Closed Door Training and the Suiren clan and others.

“We pay homage to Wuzu.”

Hearing Tu Yuan mentioning them, nearly 100,000 ordinary human races in the same place saluted Lin Yang one after another, their eyes hot, full of Taotao respect.

“You don’t have to be like this. We are both human races. Naturally, we have to help each other. You should all go in quickly. It’s not safe here either.”

Lin Yang looked at the people with a smile on his face. After the words fell silent, his complexion changed at random, and he shouted at Tu Yuan in front of him: “There is a demon clan, the whole army is in formation.”

Tu Yuan was taken aback for a moment, his mind was still thinking, his body was already moving, and he stepped directly on the city wall of Baizhang, shouting, “The whole army lined up, lined up.”

“Boom boom boom!”

The dull and orderly sound of footsteps spread across the earth, and the interrogation of ordinary human races fled into the distance, and the entire army of thousands of people, from interrogation to completion of the array, only a few breaths of time.

As soon as the formation was laid, a majestic dark cloud greeted the sky in the distance.


Amidst the dark clouds, a wave of deep Monster Qi protruded surgingly, and the sky was turbulent. Monster Qi was trembling all over the sky. The monsters of strange shapes and strange shapes showed their bodies. Even though the monster race stepped into the immortal way, it could fade away and transform into Xiantian Dao. body.

However, the body after incarnation is definitely not as useful as the main body. Therefore, in the battle, the weak monster race like Celestial Immortals all manifested their true body in order to explode their peak combat power.

Lin Yang Divine Sense took a look, his tight expression relaxed a little, “A true fairy, nearly a hundred Celestial Immortals, not too powerful.”

However, this phenomenon has attracted Lin Yang’s attention. Although the monsters are in groups, they rarely attack the humans on a large scale. This phenomenon is obviously abnormal.

And headed by Tu Yuan, the Thousand-member Legion saw a group of great monsters coming in the distance, and his expression sank with him. Obviously, he had encountered this situation for the first time.

“The wind blows up and confronts the monster race.”

Tu Yuan yelled, the thousands of people behind him acted in an orderly manner. They stood in an orderly manner after counting their breaths, standing in twos and threes, revealing the killing intents of the terrifying murderers all over his body, invading the sky, a bloody robbery cloud, and killing and killing. Falling down.

Martial Dao is brave and dominates the sky. It is the will that bursts out of the bodies of thousands of Martial Dao people. This Martial Dao will is like a sharp sword, showing the sharpest side, facing the distant demon cloud.

“Chichi! Human race, what a human race, I killed countless sons of my demon race before, and today I will completely destroy your human race.”

(Ps: First, please ask for flowers and give a reward!)*

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