Chapter 30

In many places, you only need to mention it a little bit to know, of course, it is undeniable that Lin Lei does have the ability as a commander in this regard.

Lin Lei said modestly: “These are all Wu Zu told me, I just did it.”

Lin Yang waved his hand, and did not take his words, but instead said: “How is the strength among the 100,000 army now?”

Lin Lei replied without hesitation: “Among them, I, Lin Feng and others have all reached the level of cultivation Martial Dao. In addition, six Xiantian races have joined the legion, and there is also the Cultivation Base, the peak of refining the void. ”

“At the same time, I divided the 100,000 army into five parts, namely Lei Department led by me, Feng Department led by Lin Feng, Water Department led by Lin Shui, Water Department led by Lin Huo, and Lin Tu led the Department of Water. Earth Ministry.”

“Each army here is 20,000 people. Among the large army members, Cultivation Base is generally in the stage of refining the gods and fighting the illusion, and it has been able to form a lot of combat power.”


Lin Yang opened his mouth lightly and nodded in satisfaction. The human army is indispensable. The main force of 100,000 in the early stage is enough. If there are more, it will limit their growth.

The most important thing is that Lin Lei even consciously divided the army into various parts, which seems to be more conducive to management.

However, Martial Dao cultivation is indispensable. It is not so simple to maintain the resources of a hundred thousand army.

“But your previous idea of ​​dividing the army to hunt is a bit too sloppy.”

Lin Lei’s expression was stagnant, and some did not understand the meaning of Lin Yang’s words.

“How can an army go into battle without a soldier on its hands, no armor on its body, no matter how strong it is with bare hands, it can’t stand it.”

Lin Lei frowned slightly when he heard this, “However, no one in my human race can refine weapons, not to mention that it is hard to find spiritual treasures. If you want to reorganize an army of 100,000, how can this be done.”

Lin Yang heard the words and smiled mysteriously, “This is why you don’t need to worry, let me ask you, in the military scripture, the army kills the formation, are they all tempered?”

Hearing Lin Yang inquiring about the formation of the army, Lin Lei looked down and said: “The army formation has basically been tempered, but I haven’t tried it yet, and I don’t know if these people will work.”

“Well, you continue to hone the big formation, hunting, wait for a while, don’t rush, every one of us is a life.”

“You follow me.”

After Lin Yang finished speaking, after thinking about it, he called Lin Lei and wandered around the human race Sacred Land.

Although Lin Lei was puzzled as to why Lin Yang would take him to wander around, he did not say anything. This is the subtle change of becoming a soldier. In many cases, he would not doubt it, and just do everything.

Before he went too far, Lin Yang found what he wanted on a small hill.

“Sure enough, there are minerals here.”

Lin Yang squatted down and picked up a pitch-black stone on the ground. The surface of the stone looked very pitch-black. However, if it was placed under the light, it could be found that the stone could reflect light. Yes, this is not a stone. It’s iron.

However, the term “iron” does not yet exist, so it will be called “stone” by the human race.

Lin Yang has taken the ore, pinched it in his hand, slowly exerting force.

“A layer of force…”

The pitch-black ore in his hand was slightly deformed, but it was not directly crushed.

“Two layers of force…”

The shape of the ore changed, but surprisingly, under Lin Yang’s tremendous power, it was not completely crushed into powder, on the contrary, it seemed to have toughness, and then it changed.

“Three layers of force…”


Finally, the ore could not withstand the huge force in Lin Yang’s hand, and it shattered directly into powder.

“Tsk tusk, use enough power equivalent to immortality to destroy it, which is probably hundreds of times stronger than the later titanium alloy.”

Lin Yang was surprised and caused Lin Lei to say, “Wuzu, this is called ebony stone by us. The material is hard. Usually the larger ebony stone will be made by the tribe into a stone axe or a sharp knife.”

“It seems that the human race here already knows to use equipment.”

Lin Yang shook his head slightly, and then left this little discovery behind him, looked at Lin Lei, and said: “Go and help me find some ebony stones, the size doesn’t matter.”

Lin Yang drew a range of the size of a stone pier with both hands: “It’s about that much.”

“Okay, I’ll look for it right away.”

Today’s Lin Lei is already showing a more vigorous and resolute manner. After receiving Lin Yang’s order, his figure disappeared in a flash, using the fastest speed to sway on the mountain, but he returned to Lin Yang again after a dozen breaths. , And at the same time both hands each embrace a large pile of black stones.

Lin Yang instructed: “Put it on the ground.”

Ebony stone contains a trace of Spiritual Qi compared to the stones that can be seen everywhere, but not much, so it is not enough to be a spiritual thing.

However, this is enough.

Lin Yang put his hands on the pile of ebony stones, and a stream of pure Magic power surged out, spreading directly on which pile of ebony stones the size of a stone pier.

The ebony stone flooded by Magic power suddenly seemed to be exposed to high temperatures, and it began to melt into a pool of black liquid, and as Lin Yang’s mind moved, the black liquid slowly condensed into the appearance of a sword.

(ps: Sixth, please give me some flowers and a reward!)*

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