Chapter 27

Today’s Lin Yang’s status is completely different, not only the patriarch of their tribe, but also the fourth ancestor of the human race, Wuzu.

Lin Yang smiled slightly and said: “How are the people of the tribe cultivated?”

“After devouring Demonic Beasts, most of them have already stepped into the Realm of Refining the Void and Realm, and it will not take too long to achieve the Immortal Dao.”

Speaking of the changes in this group of people, Lin Lei’s eyes flickered proudly, “Moreover, if I lead an army to fight, a true immortal can be an enemy.”

Personal combat power is nothing, more than two thousand people gathered together, soaring blood to the sky can shake the true fairy Demonic Beasts. Although this has not been tried, Lin Lei consciously has confidence.

Lin Yang patted Lin Lei’s shoulder again, and laughed: “Very well, we are satisfied, it won’t be long before it’s time for you to play.”

“But before that, I have one more thing for you to do.”

“Wuzu, please say.”

“I want you to select one hundred thousand people from the human race Sacred Land, join the army, and practice day and night.”

People like Lin Lei will be born talents in later generations. Many of these things can be done as long as Lin Yang is a little bit, and can do better.

This point can be seen from the previous in Muyang tribe, Lin Yang against the demon general and the others, there are not a few people who can react to the power of the real immortal in the first time, and make resistance.

The most important thing is that Lin Lei has a cohesive force that can make the army obey his instructions. Based on this alone, Lin Yang wants to reorganize a human race Martial Dao army, Lin Lei is indispensable.

“Can I.”

Speaking at this time, Lin Lei hesitated a bit, knowing that there were 100,000 people instead of 2,000, and how difficult it would be to manage it.

After all, no one is Han Xin.

“Although there are more than 100,000 people, you don’t want you to stare at it alone. Do you remember what I said to you earlier?”

“Ten people form a corps, a hundred people form a team, a thousand people form an army, and ten thousand people form a group. The soldiers are invincible.”

As Lin Yang’s words rang in Lin Lei’s ears, Lin Lei’s eyes gradually became firm, and there was a faint courage that began to gather.

“Yes, I will definitely train an invincible army for the Human Race, and suppress everything under the direction of the Bingfeng.”

“Go ahead.”

After Lin Yang gave the order, he left the place, and it was inevitable to form a human race army. It is not for a race to rise overnight, nor can it be done by a strong individual.

Really want the human race to occupy a place in the prehistoric, only the human race can become stronger.

Soon Lin Yang walked through Sacred Land and came to a flat ground. His sight fell on the forest green Pingyang in front, one by one young shoots broke through the soil, exuding a halo.

“Longya rice, as the food of the dragons in the Yangxian world, has a good effect in nurturing in the prehistoric world.”

Lin Yang smiled and looked at a green area in front of him. It was the Araliaceae he had brought from the Muyang tribe that was planted here, which is also the only remaining Araliaceae in the entire Muyang tribe.

It takes ten years for the Aragon Gummy to mature. Now that several years have passed, the buried Aragon Gummy has also taken root and radiated infinite vitality.

However, all Long Ya Mi has been planted in the ground, and now, even Lin Yang himself does not have Long Ya Mi for cultivation.

And Long Yami, in the world of Yangxian, has broken the inheritance, and the main reason is that it is difficult for Fang Tiandi to breed this kind of spiritual thing.

But it is different in the prehistoric world. The richness of Spiritual Qi in the prehistoric world is far greater than that in the world of Yangxian, and even the legendary Xiantian Spiritual Roots have been conceived.

Although these dragon’s tooth rices have extraordinary effects, they are really common elixir in comparison.

The only difference is that the planting period of Araliaceae is very short, and it can mature in ten years. As a seed, a grain of Araliacea can produce an absolute high yield of 100 kilograms, and it is also regarded as Lin Yang. In the future, human race, the most important material to look at.

“I don’t know if you can get Heavenly Dao’s approval after Long Gami is born.”

Lin Yang smiled slightly, the later generation Shennong pioneered farming, ranking among the three emperors and five emperors, and now he has brought grain planting to the ancient human race ahead of time, and perhaps he will be recognized by Heavenly Dao at that time, thus giving him the Heavenly Dao merits.

“Speaking of merit, the merit of my last Martial Dao hasn’t been used yet, maybe I can try to cultivate the immortal body of Xuanhuang merit.”

Lin Yang’s eyes lit up, and instantly remembered this invincible physical supernatural power.


The indestructible body of Xuanhuang Gongde was formed by collecting the Qi of Xuanhuang Gongde when the protagonist Qin Yu of the Star Era opened up the Universe.

After he has achieved the Xuanhuang Indestructible Body, he can truly be regarded as the last master of the Harmony. Even the Heavenly Venerable who is detached from the chaos, under the Xuanhuang Indestructible Body, he can wave his hands and become a fan.

However, it is completely impossible for Lin Yang to fully cultivation into the Xuanhuang Indestructible Body. It seems that the merits he has obtained seem to be many. However, if you compare the monstrous merits of opening up the Hongmeng Universe, it is not at the same level. .

However, even so, it is enough for Lin Yang to initially condense the indestructible Xuanhuang Gongde.

(ps: Third, please ask for flowers and give a reward!)*

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