Practicing business and practicing medicine

Chapter 748 The digital medicine project has started

The gallery built by Su Linwen's distant cousin is located in the south of the city, on Xinglin Erdao Street, more than 300 meters away from the viaduct. It is a quiet place in the middle of the hustle and bustle. It has a two-story structure, and her father split the first floor into three large rooms. They were rented to drugstore chains, bookstore chains, and fashion clothing stores. They were quite popular, and they were well-organized inside and out. It was quiet and quiet all day long.

The second floor is entirely an art gallery. From north to south, it is set up as a carpentry activity room, a ceramics studio, a tea bar, a studio 001, a studio 002, and a gallery exhibition hall. There is also a large empty room in the south, where several solid wood paintings are displayed. The tables, chairs, windows are clear and clean, and there are no other clutter.

There were many rooms, and the colorful artistic curtains of different lengths were drawn at the end. It looked quite laborious to clean. Bian Mu spent money to temporarily buy a mid-range washing machine and a high-end vacuum cleaner, which would save the cleaning lady some trouble.

Su Linwen had long regarded Bian Mu as a family member and gave him a set of keys after the visit.

That night, Li Yunhu was called, and Bian Mu accompanied Fan Sanqiao on another trip. Li Yunhu saw the vacuum cleaner lying there, and without saying a word, he brought the folding ladder and started cleaning the difficult-to-clean areas on the roof thoroughly.

Fan Sanqiao and Bian Mu measured the southernmost room for a long time, and he had almost figured out what computer equipment should be purchased.

Three days later, the gallery had been cleaned. During this period, Li Yunhu went over to help the two cleaning ladies with some work whenever he had time, so as to save them from risking another fall while working at heights.

Fan Sanqiao was already well-known in their industry, but now that he is backed by a high-end company like "Ren Geng", his relationships in the industry have naturally been straightened out a long time ago, and he has also met many new people in the industry.

In order to avoid being noticed, he rented several professional computers and other related equipment from third-party companies in the same industry by paying rent. He and Bian Mu paid half of the rent.

The female stall owner's surname is Ji, from a local county in Nanjin. Her husband is a Phoenix boy from Xiqi. Ms. Ji has a daughter who is in the second grade of elementary school in Lijin. The family of three likes Lijin very much. I am fascinated by the living atmosphere in Tianjin and am planning to buy a house there and settle down.

After Fan Sanqiao came forward to coordinate, Bian Mu and Ms. Ji signed a formal contract. Fan Sanqiao was also considered a party to the contract. The three were purely individuals in a labor cooperation relationship, and the relevant software patents were jointly owned by Fan Sanqiao and Bian Mu.

Fan Sanqiao is a kind man. Considering that things are unpredictable, and in order to avoid unexpected hidden dangers for Bian Mu's further development and growth in the future, he insists on reducing his patent ownership to 19%. In this way, if someone comes out in the future, Bian Mu also had a way to deal with the trouble.

As for Ms. Ji, she just does coding and programming. She occasionally goes out to contact manufacturers and hires people to process some high-precision hardware equipment. How does Fan Sanqiao arrange it? She can just finish the work on a piece-by-piece basis and pay a Try to make some money.

Ms. Ji was very satisfied with the new working environment and started working on the draft that night...

A few days later, Qi Yuewei learned about this and complained that Bian Mu treated her as an outsider. Out of good intentions, she specially arranged for two young girls to reopen the tea bar. She paid all the expenses. According to her She said that the two girls were unlucky. They had recently lost their jobs and were worried about having nothing to do. She did this to do a good deed and was worried about others' difficulties.

Mr. Cao came over for a visit and mentioned it to his sister when he went home. Unexpectedly, the eldest lady of the Cao family was quite sensitive and specially transferred two more mature male security guards from a subordinate company to come on duty. All the expenses were paid by her. The two old security guards are both locals of Lijin. They work faithfully. One works the day shift and the other works the night shift. They come and go. The second floor is becoming more and more popular. It looks like an entertainment company no matter how you look at it.

Qi Yuewei is very good at running a business, and the tea bar quickly became popular. The two old security guards were also very dedicated and kept everything organized.

Bian Mu and Fan Sanqiao went over to discuss the matching of software and hardware after get off work every day. If anything was inappropriate, they would point it out in a timely manner and Ms. Ji would correct it...

Classmate Xiao He was about to graduate. I heard that Bian Mu and the others had established an interesting entity in the south of the city. When I had free time, I went over there to discuss it with Ms. Ji. Fan Sanqiao saw that he was very enthusiastic, so he even provided him with equipment. After buying a computer, Xiao He virtually acted as a voluntary assistant to Ms. Ji, and the progress of related work was naturally accelerated a lot...

Everything is going well, and Bian Mu is very happy all day long...

That night, at 20:39, the clinic returned to calm. Bian Mu drank some boiled water, kept the good medicine recently prepared by Huang Boxi in her body, locked the door, hailed a taxi on the street and went straight to the "Xiande" nursing home. .

Bian Mu had already found out in advance that Ouyang Ziye would be on night shift tonight.

As agreed, Professor Shen was already in the ward with her daughter, Ms. Fang, at around eight o'clock.

Bian Mu has always acted upright, and Ouyang Ziye will have to pass the test sooner or later. In his opinion, it is better to pass it sooner rather than later.

Ouyang Ziye is very dedicated. Bian Mu went to the duty room twice, but the duty room was empty. He thought that Ouyang Ziye should be doing ward rounds. High income is not so easy to earn, and accordingly, different forms of high-quality efforts are required. Easy to understand.

"Teacher Ouyang! Stay safe!" Seeing Ouyang Ziye walking back with his head down, Bian Mu stopped him halfway.

Without any mental preparation, Ouyang Ziye looked a little stunned.

"Come here to get an acupuncture again? I'm not going to hinder you if you get acupuncture." For a moment, Ouyang Ziye didn't know what to say, so he responded casually.

"I should have come to visit you a long time ago. I'm not busy with all the chores! I recently learned how to prepare medicine with Teacher Huang and got some 'Three Breaths of Nourishing Pill'. I sent you some along the way. I hope you can always correct me." He said. As he spoke, Bian Mu handed Ouyang Ziye a small bag, which contained two boxes of "Three Breaths Nourishing Pills".

"Ouch! You're so polite! Invite me here!" Ouyang Ziye is an expert. When he heard the name of the medicine, he knew that Bian Mu had come prepared. He was not polite, collected the medicine, and politely let Bian Mu go on duty. room.

Normal breathing is called "normal breathing" in Chinese medicine. Keeping the meridians and mobilizing the subconscious mind to stimulate inner deep breathing is called "internal breathing". If the internal energy is cultivated to a certain extent, it can reach the "eight extremes of mental thinking", The state of "controlling thoughts and driving the mind", "forgetting both things and myself"... is called "spiritual breath" in traditional Chinese medicine.

Normal breath, inner breath, and divine breath are interdependent and mutually beneficial. However, for ordinary people, there are also problems of mutual restraint and internal and external interference. Ouyang Ziye is a child of a noble family and has been practicing Danxi since he was a child. Techniques, such as Yi Jin Jing, Thirteen Shapes of Mind, Crane Xiang Zhuan... He has long been practiced as proficiently as usual.

However, Ouyang's disciples had an impure heart and were greedy for fame and fortune. Over time, they always stayed at the shallow level of inner breath. He was unwilling to do so and practiced hard every day. As a result, the two breaths sometimes coincided and sometimes contradicted each other. In winter, his breath was surging and his stomach was disordered, making him somewhat uneasy.

Bian Mu had seen him several times in Xiaobailou. He just heard about "visiting a doctor" and he immediately looked at him. The so-called "Three Breaths Nourishing Pill" was just right for the disease. We were all experts, so there was no need to explain it.

After chatting and laughing for a while, Bian Mu didn't say if he needed Ouyang Ziye's help with anything, he just talked about old times. Seeing that it was almost time, Bian Mu said goodbye and went back to the ward.

Ouyang Ziye's medical skills are mediocre, but he is very shrewd. He opened the medicine box and smelled it. It was definitely the best medicine. Looking at the door, Ouyang Ziye felt a little confused...

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