Practicing business and practicing medicine

Chapter 741: Treating each other with difficulty

Before leaving, Bian Mu deliberately took the gold-inlaid jade waistband with him. When he came out of Pan's house, if time allowed and the way was right, he planned to go to the "Huatian Ghost Market" to find Uncle Yang and let him watch. I am just curious about how much the waistband I have is worth for no other reason than that!

The man who registered on my behalf drove an imported luxury car. The logo on the car looked unfamiliar to Bian Mu. He vaguely remembered that it was a European and French car. It was 90% new. I thought it was worth at least more than 300,000 yuan.

"If an ordinary employee drives such a good car, he can't really be the richest man in Lijin, right?" Bian Mu thought to himself.

"What's your surname?" Bian Mu asked with a smile.

"No need to pay! My surname is Wang."

"What disease does Mr. Pan have? You should have a rough idea, right?" Bian Mu asked casually.

"I heard it's liver cancer!"

"Ah?! Why didn't you tell me earlier! How can I cure that kind of disease? This is nonsense! Come on! Please stop by nearby! I can't take orders for outpatient clinics like yours." He lowered his face. , Bian Mu regretted it at that time.

"Don't worry! I'll pull over and park the car first." As he spoke, the man drove forward for a while.

There is an open space at the entrance of a certain community, with parking spaces painted on it. It is free. The man parked his car there. In terms of driving skills, the man is definitely top-notch. Bian Mu guessed that the middle-aged man in front of him might be the so-called Mr. Pan’s dedicated driver.

"By the way, have you had lunch?" Bian Mu said suddenly.

"I don't dare to eat. The situation at Mr. Pan's place is really bad. He is very kind to my family, so... we are all worried. As soon as Mr. Kuang said something, I volunteered to come over and make this trip... They said You are not easy to deal with...but...can you listen to what I have to say?"

"Let's not talk about that first. It's not good for your stomach if you are so hungry. By the way, I have some food here." As he spoke, Bian Mu rummaged through his backpack and found the three "chili pancakes" sitting across the seat. The chair was handed to the man.

"Ouch! Thank you, thank you!" After saying that, the man opened the plastic bag and took a polite taste.

"Oh... what kind of cake is this? Is it so delicious?!" the man asked in surprise.

"The specialty snacks in Nanjin have been famous for more than a thousand years. Of course they are delicious! Don't be anxious, eat slowly. If Mr. Pan's time is approaching, there is no point in being anxious; he is a good person and has his own destiny. , sooner or later we will find out the corresponding treatment plan, I am really tired, just lie here for a while, you eat, we have a few words, and you can report it truthfully when you get back."

"I've finished eating. You can rest and listen to my brief introduction. It's our blessing, Mr. Pan, if you are willing to go through the trouble. If you insist on refusing the diagnosis, I will try my best and you can have a solid sleep when you return to the dormitory at night. ”

"Why are you so anxious! It's true! Eating like this is not good for your stomach. Tell me, I'm listening!" As he spoke, Bian Mu reclined on the back seat to listen to what the man said.

"There is someone in our company who understands traditional Chinese medicine, at an amateur level. She said that Mr. Pan may have been misdiagnosed, so..."

"Oh! Misdiagnosis?! Looking at the car you drive, your Mr. Pan must be very capable. By the way, he can't be the 'Lightning Rich Man', right?"

"That's right...that's a nickname given to us, Mr. Pan, by some people in the business world. It's a bit insulting!"

"He is really an old man! In the past two years, he has become famous on both sides of the river! The cancer diagnosis system is quite rigorous, and there are usually no mistakes. Have you seen the biopsy report? The surgical pathology report will also do."

"Seen it!"

"Aren't you Mr. Pan's driver?"

"No, I am the head of the market prospect department."

"Amazing! Chief Supervisor! Disrespectful, disrespectful! Is that... vicious?"

"Yes." The man replied with a solemn expression.

"Have you done the staging and characterization?"

"First issue...WG type." The man frowned and replied softly.

"Drink some water first, don't choke your trachea again." Hearing that the man's voice was a little strange, Bian Mu told him to drink some water.

The man really cooperated. He unscrewed a bottle of bottled water and took a few sips.

"Then...the genetic test should have results as well!" Bian Mu asked calmly.

"It's true, but there are some differences in the reports issued by the three agencies. That is, on that day, our boss Kuang suspected that something went wrong, so..."

"The staging is very rigorous and the basic testing is just an important reference. Moreover... this is the first time I have heard that the three reports have different opinions, unless... in any case, a big tree attracts wind, and this kind of suddenly rich people... Their life and business framework are often relatively frivolous, know a lot more about this than me! Then...since it has been determined, let's face it calmly! Their family conditions are so good, please contact major overseas hospitals. Phew! Maybe there is still a glimmer of hope."

"Mr. Pan is under too much psychological pressure, and blood spots have appeared on both sides of his neck... So... even if we contact him urgently, it will be difficult to make the trip immediately. I invite you to come over today, and some of you can solve the problem of blood spots on your neck first. Meaning." The man explained solemnly, and Bian Mu couldn't see anything from him across the seats.

"Wow! Mr. Pan still has symptoms of arteriosclerosis! Coronary heart disease is 80% impossible to cure! Why is he so sick!"

"Sigh... It's hard to make big money! I'm under too much pressure. My legs are so weak that I can't even stand when I touch the ground. So... they said you might have some special methods."

"No wonder... Alas! Those are all rumors, I'm not even thirty yet! How can I be so powerful! The liver becomes depressed... Qi and blood are gradually coagulating... Kidney essence is definitely not in a hurry... Qi is solidified... Daluo Jinxian came down to earth and didn’t do anything! It won’t help if I go there! Do you understand?”

The man didn't reply.

"You have feelings for him, I understand! However, even if we find Mr. Nie, that is, Nie Yixiong, there may be some way to do this, but it will be in vain for me to go! Let's not waste your rich time, I have almost rested , let’s say goodbye! By the way, Nurse Ye will refund your registration fee!” As he spoke, Bian Mu stood up and glanced towards the driver’s cab.

"It's already this still mentioned that...retired! You really can't go over and take a look? Even if you pity our Mr. Pan...can you?"

"It's not that I'm not happy to go on a trip in vain, it's meaningless! It just adds a layer of unnecessary troubles, why bother?!"

" must know Fan Sanqiao?" The man suddenly changed the subject and mentioned Fan Sanqiao.

"My friend, what's wrong?"

"As long as you go over and take a look at Mr. Pan, even if you turn around and leave without saying anything, I will reveal to you something important to Mr. Fan."

"Hahaha... threaten me?"

"Don't dare, don't dare! It's just for the business community to inform each other... However, it may be of some use to Mr. Fan's recent personal development." The man said very implicitly.

"How about bargaining with me?"

"I don't dare, I really don't dare... Actually... we carried Mr. Pan to Mr. Nie's place to have a look. The old man waved his hands and said nothing. In the end, his eldest apprentice sent us away."

"It's over now! I'll give you more for free!"

"An expert has given us some insight and said that you might have some ideas."

"I'm really convinced by you. You can hide three things in one sentence. Let's go! I'll go over and have a look! Let's not talk about anything else. Even if Mr. Pan dies of illness tomorrow morning, I can't let him be frightened to death by the serious illness in his body. Die!" Bian Mu responded impatiently, a little bit angry.

Suddenly, the man got out of the car, walked quickly around the front of the car to the door where Bian Mu was sitting, and lay down on the ground, bang... bang... bang... and kowtowed several times in succession.

Bian Mu was shocked at that time.

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