Practicing business and practicing medicine

Chapter 739 Gold and Jade Waist Card

Tao Wenjie had a big-money brain and a decisive and ruthless personality. She never liked to leave any options behind when doing things, and would get things done without paying attention. It was several years later that Bian Mu truly understood her skills.

Originally, we were just discussing how to save the slightly shaky tooth. It was a piece of cake! Unexpectedly, while chatting, they even came up with a promising business opportunity. As far as Tao Wenjie knew, so far, in this regard, at least in the surrounding areas of Lijin, there is definitely a medical blank.

Without making a move, Tao Wenjie already had something on her mind.

Bian Muguang was busy cooking and didn't answer Tao Wenjie's words for a while.

"It's choking here! Go to the living room and have a rest! This kind of topic can't be discussed in a short while. Everyone is very busy, let's eat first!" He said with a smile while stirring the stir-fry.

"Don't make it so complicated, just make something to eat. Thank you for your hard work!" After that, Tao Wenjie turned back to the living room and turned on the TV to watch the real-time news.

From the beginning to the end, Tao Wenjie showed no intention of helping the cook. Compared with the time when she lived in the single dormitory in "Liu Shunrong", Tao Wenjie now seemed more genuine. Bian Mu was slow and subtle about this. The changes are not noticeable at all.

The meat dish was just a hand-caught lamb chop, which was quite fresh and tender. Tao Wenjie praised it so much that she had long forgotten about her dental disease. The rest are all vegetarian.

"Let's move on! You can only eat a few bites of this mutton dish. Most of the time, you have to rearrange your life based on the dishes on the table."

"Why don't you come work as a health consultant in our family, and I'll give you an annual salary!" Tao Wenjie joked casually after eating happily.

"Hahaha... How dare you! Your family's threshold is high, and I can't reach it."

"Haha... let's get down to business, what's the specific effect of that 'chicken plaster' you made?"

"It should be okay. In the early years, the medical industry was not as developed as it is now, and the traditional old pharmacists were conservative and behaved quite conservatively in changing prescriptions. Therefore... the two went their separate ways, almost completely separated, and the curative effects were not very visible. , it is different now. The daily cough is quite large. Many people are eager to have a complete cure. Even if the treatment lasts for a year, they will believe that we are following the path of "treating summer diseases in winter and treating winter diseases in summer". By then, The ointment will continue to differentiate, and if there are no surprises in the cooperation, the effect should be quite significant."

"Well... your actions will definitely be different... but... next time you encounter such an opportunity, I suggest you let me know in advance. I can't guarantee anything else. The specific income I will give is definitely higher than that of all competitors in the market. , Of course, there is also a certain degree of respect for your genius medical skills, but it is only reflected in cash benefits." Tao Wenjie is very good at talking.

Anyway, Bian Mu felt very comfortable after hearing this.

"It's just a temporary decision, and... everyone has the attitude of testing the waters. It's really uncertain whether it can be industrialized afterwards. Anyway, I am actually the biggest beneficiary, but... the way everyone settles accounts , targets,’s just different.”

"I don't care! Take a step back. If there is a similar motion in the future, try to inform me in advance. As long as you keep the key recipes and specific production processes, what other aspects can be kept confidential?! Right? I definitely can't let you do it. That kind of thing goes against medical ethics and friendship.”

"Then...Okay!" Although he said this perfunctorily, Bian Mu knew very well that if he encountered such a thing in the future, he would definitely not contact Tao Wenjie immediately.

Most people can't afford to offend this kind of aunt. Bian Mu has always considered herself ordinary, so of course she is no exception.

Tao Wenjie enjoyed her meal very happily, and even helped clean up the kitchen afterward. In her own home, she had never washed a single dish since she was a child!

During the lunch break, the "Bian's Clinic" seemed quiet inside and outside.

Bian Mu said he had to prepare some ointment and sent Tao Wenjie upstairs to rest for a while.

All the auxiliary facilities were set up, and the potions and ointments were prepared one by one. Bian Mu called Tao Wenjie to come down and clean the periodontal period, clean the surgical environment, apply the potions, and clean was repeated many times before it was complete.

Tao Wenjie is an expert, but she can't speak. She feels like a mirror in her heart: "I didn't expect him to be so expert in dentistry! This F.D.D. is a real general practitioner of Chinese medicine. Meng Shulan and the others pretend to be pretentious all day long. How dare they talk to this master?" Do you want to compare? Judging from his attitude... maybe he also has amazing performance in ophthalmology... How about... carefully selecting a few patients with eye diseases to try him? "

Okay! Bian Mu treated her teeth carefully, but she began to have other ideas to make a fortune from Bian Mu...

Injecting acupuncture, expanding the base, setting the shape, applying ointment... Bian Mu seemed quite expert, not like an ordinary doctor who had just opened a clinic.

"We can only deal with this step today. We have a day off tomorrow. The day after tomorrow can be any morning or afternoon. Come over and I will wash the ointment for you. During this period, you'd better eat some simple liquid food. That way, the treatment effect will be more effective. ensure."

"I will pay attention. What I tell you is all business. Don't take it to heart. Even if a small clinic is the best in the country, how much do you earn in a year?! Cooperate with me and I will make you hundreds of millions in minutes. Wan…no…multi-millionaire!”

"I know! This is mouthwash. It has the properties of traditional Chinese medicine and has almost no side effects. I will make more for you later. By the way, you can only use it yourself and cannot lend it to others. Although the potions here have self-dispensing procedures, I don't want to It’s troublesome, remember it!” As he spoke, Bian Mu handed Tao Wenjie a bottle of mouthwash.

"Don't worry! I'm better at this than you! Here you go! I took it unintentionally, it's worthless! I've worked hard for a long time, but I have to think about it, okay! It's time for your colleagues to come over, and I have to go back to the company to do some work. See you the day after tomorrow!" Then, Bian Mu stuffed a small object into his hand, and without any explanation, Tao Wenjie walked away.

The small bag made of exquisite sheepskin seems to have some weight in it.

Tao Wenjie walked so fast that Bian Mu had no time to give Tao Wenjie a gift. Out of curiosity, Bian Mu opened the sheepskin bag and found a navy blue lining inside. When he opened it again, it turned out to be a waist badge.

It is made of gold inlaid with jade and is rectangular. The main body should be a piece of blue field jade. The upper two corners are polished into a "water flow shoulder arch" style. At first glance, it is the traditional handiwork of "Qifengju".

A custom-made model from a century-old store, obtained by accident? ! Only a ghost can believe it!

On the front of the waistband, a 16-character mantra of traditional Chinese medicine is engraved in a micro-carving technique: "Human life is of the utmost importance, and a thousand pieces of gold are valuable. One person can help it, and virtue exceeds this." The cursive script is a famous aphorism by Sun Simiao of the Tang Dynasty. The calligraphy is exquisite, and the seal cutting technique is even more exquisite. It's definitely not the work of ordinary people.

Turning to the back and looking again, the water lines are clear, no patterns are carved on it, it is pure and white.

The top of the card is inlaid with gold, the bottom of the card is inlaid with gold, and the middle waist of the card is made of gold with an S-shaped running water pattern, which is natural and elegant.

What a jade! What a gold art! Great writing! Of course, the metaphor is better!

This is the only valuable gift Bian Mu has received since he opened his own clinic.

For a moment, Bian Mu felt warm in his heart.

"She is really bold in her actions! Just this waist card, even jade and gold, costs at least 60,000 yuan, right?! Although the metaphor is very good, I can't just keep it in my hand, right?" Thinking of this, Bian Mu quickly put the jade waist tag into a leather bag and put it away carefully on his body.

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