Practicing business and practicing medicine

Chapter 736 Magical Green Ointment

Bian Mu's performance surprised everyone. He was mature, steady, and sophisticated... His talkative appearance was completely different from that of a rookie who had just debuted.

At the same time, all the questions raised by the judges also confused many viewers present. It was not so much embarrassing, but rather... objectively made Bian Mu extraordinary. For a while, there were a lot of discussions in the audience. Voice.

Some people even speculated that the reason why Bian Mu always does amazing things must have a certain background, otherwise... how could a charlatan from a small county town come up with so many unconventional and unique ways?

Under the questioning gaze of everyone, Bian Mu had already put on goggles, a disposable medical surgical mask, and surgical latex gloves. At the same time, he also symbolically wore a blue paper isolation gown, for no other reason than to appear formal. Just a few.

Of course, for Bian Mu, this is also a kind of self-respect. As a person who opens a small clinic, it is your first time in such an elegant place. Whether others take you seriously or not is irrelevant. Bian Mu has to learn to take himself as an individual.

To put it politely, this is called respecting one’s own identity.

The quail eggs are placed in paper egg trays, arranged very neatly one by one. Next to the egg tray is a very neatly cut egg tray fragment, with a white lining placed on it. The main body of the quail eggs is yellow and black. The color was set off by the white lining, so the judges and the surrounding audience could see it more clearly.

Bian Mu took out a brown cloth bag from under the operating table. He saw that it was the kind of cloth bag that is often sterilized, so he opened it. Bian Mu selected several exquisite traditional Chinese medicine surgery-related instruments and displayed them one by one under the physical projector. one time.

Large and small acupuncture knives, various needles, bone awls... most of the instruments were unfamiliar to most of the people present.

"Teachers! I will first demonstrate the teaching process of peeling off egg shells. If the egg membrane is damaged and the egg liquid spills out during the operation, it will be considered a failure. Everyone, please watch!" After that, Bian Mu held up a copper with his left hand. The fork hand has two sharp points, and the front end is slightly curved. It is somewhat like the big screwdriver used by railway employees to remove road spikes. Bian Mu picked up a three-edged heavy needle in his right hand, put his hands together, and saw that he was pulling out the spike from the egg tray. I picked out a quail egg and placed it on the white lining.

The egg tray is sunken, and the quail eggs stay securely inside.

Many of the people present were experts in major surgeries, minimally invasive surgeries, and cardiac surgery experts... If nothing else, they had already seen some clues in Bian Mu's extremely simple movement of picking up quail eggs.

"He looks to be at most twenty-five or six years old, or even older, twenty-seven or eighty-years-old! Even if he does a clinical internship as soon as he graduates, how can he develop such concentration?"

"Looking at how young he is, there is a sense of calmness and vitality all over his body. Where did he practice?! Who would believe that he has no background?!"

"The left side is fine. The fork is firmly lined and won't slip off easily. This is easy to understand. He is clearly holding a three-edged heavy needle in his right hand, which looks quite smooth. Why does his technique look so stable? How old is he? How old is he? No wonder people keep saying that his origins are unknown. It seems really..."

For a time, everyone thought whatever they wanted.

Bian Mu used the combined force of the fork tip of his left hand and the tip of the three-edged needle in his right hand to gently and deftly make a small opening in the quail egg. He held it in place with his left hand and operated it with his right hand. Bian Mu sometimes used a needle and sometimes a small needle knife. Sometimes he used unknown Chinese medicine instruments... His fingers were flying, and he came up with all kinds of tricks. In just five minutes, the onlookers were dumbfounded...

Lu Yisi has always been a master in this way. To be honest, just in terms of the dexterity and versatility of his fingers, at this moment, he feels a little beyond his reach.

Lu Yisi never dreamed that so-called traditional Chinese medicine surgery and bone-setting surgery could have so many unpredictable changes...

For a moment, the scene was extremely silent.

At the end, the shell of the quail egg was peeled off cleanly, and the thin egg membrane inside was not damaged at all.

The judges were silent one by one, and people outside the venue were already applauding.

Bian Mu took out a small copper scraper with his right hand, and gently pushed the quail egg that had lost its shell out of the white lining and rolled it along the operating plate. The egg liquid did not seep out at all.

"Next, I'll peel off another one. This time, I mainly use a needle. If everything goes well, the eggshell should be relatively complete." After explaining a few words in a loud voice, Bian Mu picked another quail egg again.

The playback effect of the physical projector was so clear that everyone present could not help but hold their breath...

A complete eggshell was peeled off by Bian Mu. From beginning to end, Bian Mu used almost all ordinary acupuncture needles. The onlookers were all shocked...

Lu Yisi was also a little dumbfounded!

Growing up, he has only done this kind of wonderful and delicate operations on advanced medical robots overseas a few times...

Using a pair of medical tweezers, Bian Mu picked up the opening of the eggshell, raised it slightly, and constantly changed angles to demonstrate to the judges and onlookers.

The scene suddenly became deathly silent...

"Next, I will break one of the egg bodies, and then use traditional Chinese medicine surgical techniques and traditional Chinese medicine catgut to sew up the broken egg membrane. If nothing goes wrong, the egg liquid should not leak out. Immediately afterwards, I will Use traditional Chinese medicine healing ointment to seal the surgical suture wound, and then put the egg body into the sink next to it. If nothing happens, even if soaked for a long time, the egg liquid will still not spill out." Bian Mu explained loudly.

No one responded, everyone just stood there stunned, not knowing where to start if they wanted to ask.

Bian Mu picked up a small needle knife and used a large tweezers in his left hand to hold one of the quail eggs that had lost its shell upright, with the big head facing up and the small head downward. The small needle knife crossed over and the egg membrane ruptured. , the egg liquid slightly overflowed downwards, Bian Mu moved as fast as lightning, and used an unknown stainless steel instrument to quickly scrape all the overflowing egg liquid into a small black container.

What shocked everyone was how fast Bian Mu shaved and pulled back, and how clean and tidy the egg membrane was. It was simply unbelievable.

What a speed!

God's strength!

Amazing fingertip flexibility!

All in all...amazing!

Suddenly, the scene was enveloped with a sense of a blockbuster movie...

Bian Mu explained that it was catgut, and everyone found that the thread was very regular and did not look like it was handmade at all. They believed in Bian Mu's medical products and felt that he would not use sutures or machine-made threads commonly used in Western surgical operating rooms. .

So here comes the question, who made that so-called catgut? manual? ! Unlikely, mechanism? Who has ever heard that there are people on the market who produce such rare surgical suture threads?

While everyone was shocked, Bian Mu had already begun to sew...

The strength of the wrist, the flexibility of the fingers, eyesight, self-control, and urgent and precise judgment... Bian Mu's performance was impeccable.

It was finally sewn up and turned upside down without even a drop of egg liquid spilling out.

Applying the medicine was a very transparent green ointment. Bian Mu's procedure for applying the medicine seemed quite strange. Anyway, it was the first time for everyone in the audience to see it. After the process, everyone saw Bian Mu taking off his right glove. With the help of the heat from the palm of my right hand, I melted away the remaining corners of the green ointment, allowing it to blend perfectly into the various gaps in the catgut.

After about a minute, he felt that the medicine had taken effect. In full view of everyone, Bian Mu used tweezers to gently place the "surgical recovery quail egg" into a small transparent sink not far away.

Three minutes have passed...

Five minutes have passed...

Seven minutes have passed...

There was no sign of the egg liquid spilling out at all.

Suddenly, there was thunderous applause.

Bian Mu couldn't care less. The first person to applaud turned out to be Dr. Yue. His palms hurt from the clapping...

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