Practicing business and practicing medicine

Chapter 732 The soil at the bottom of the well

Locke Jiaming and Bian Mu have always been somewhat distant from each other. Perhaps it is really difficult for people with different views to get along harmoniously.

Bian Mu suddenly injected a "stimulant" into "Dalson". Luo Shiming suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Naturally, he was grateful to Bian Mu and became more polite in his words. Luo Jiaming insisted on giving Bian Mu a gift and went out. Along the way, Bian Mu said to him Locke Jiaming asked a few questions about the director named Shi.

"I'm not familiar with him. When it comes to assets, I'm far away from him! On the surface, he seems to be polite to everyone, but in fact... he's usually quite cold. Maybe he's not on the same level. He's like that level, maybe I can be more friendly." Locke responded with a smile.

"Oh... that's it! Then... Dong Shi is usually very close to his friends in Chuanwu circle?" Bian Mu asked with a smile.

"I don't know...what do you mean..."

"Mr. Shi may have been practicing Kung Fu for many years, and the hair on his head is from practicing Kung Fu..." Bian Mu guessed in a low voice. It is not good for others to discuss other people's privacy, but since it is given to others, If the number crosses the pulse, you have to try your best to explain it to others clearly.

"Hahaha... No wonder! We usually find it strange! Why is his bald head so shiny! Compared with other bald people, he looks quite special. When you remind me like this, I feel like I can understand now... It's just Ping'an Pulse, I can just say a few perfunctory words. Sometimes, you can't take people and things too seriously! Right?" Locke Jiaming said with a smile.

"Well! What you're saying is... I'm too rigid! The car is here, see you another day!"

"Goodbye! Be careful on the road!"

"It's easy to talk!" After saying this, he opened the door and got into the taxi.

Back at his residence, Bian Mu felt a little tired, so he bought some noodles on the street, fried a large portion of shredded pork, onions, and radish, and had a hearty meal. Bian Mu took a walk in the master bedroom for a while, which was enough to dissipate the gas. .

His mind was not idle at all. Bian Mu went over the main and auxiliary prescriptions in his mind for a long time. He felt that there was no problem anymore, so he felt relieved.

"Do you want to inform Huang Boxi? Generally speaking, his character is okay. Although he is a bit stingy and cares about money, that is normal. In the era of commodity economy, aren't we all the same? If there are any mistakes in the details of the prescription, he Maybe we can help correct it, do we calculate the money?" Bian Mu couldn't help but think to himself.

After thinking for a long time, Bian Mu thought that Huang Boxi had been serving as the special technical consultant of the "Dalson" company. He handed over the prescription himself and followed the normal process. In the end, he had to get through Huang Boxi's hands. Rather than doing that, it would be better to be generous and know. Say hello to the old man.

Huang Boxi may be taking a lunch break at the moment. If you don't want to disturb him, let's talk about it in the evening.

Just then, the phone rang.

Jiao Yueyun’s phone number.

"Today isn't Sunday! If you have nothing to do, come with me to see my aunt? She's in a bad state of mind, and they said her life may be in danger in special circumstances! Do me a favor!"

"Okay! I've moved to a new place. I'll send you my location. You can drive over and pick me up. Let's go and take a look."

"Interesting! I knew...see you later!" After saying that, Jiao Yueyun hung up the phone happily.

Jiao Yueyun changed her car to a Grizzly off-road vehicle, which was high-end and elegant.

As soon as she got in the car, Jiao Yueyun turned around and handed over a large, beautifully wrapped gift box.

"It's for my aunt, cistanche deserticola and red ginseng. My mother specially picked it. Go back to your hometown and take it back to your uncle and parents!"

"Haha...thank you!" Bian Mu was not polite to her, so he stopped being generous.

"Will your aunt's condition affect your work?" Bian Mu asked casually, sitting in the back seat.

"It's quite influential. Some people have even suggested surgery, but we don't agree. If you are less than fifty, why should you do minimally invasive surgery?"

"Let's see and then talk!" After saying that, Bian Mu said nothing.

"You've been doing well lately!" Jiao Yueyun said politely.

"Let's just make it happen! Time is tight."

"You are already the spokesman for the largest shareholder of 'Dalson', why are you still guarding that small clinic?"

"Outpatient clinics and pharmaceuticals have always complemented each other. The experience that others have worked so hard to gain will never be opened to you. You can only verify it one by one through arduous clinical practice. Sometimes, running too fast is easy. It hurts your waist and even hurts your muscles and bones." Bian Mu replied with a smile.

"Really? Then I wish you success as soon as possible!"

The two of them didn't have any common topics that they were interested in. They felt a bit quiet. Jiao Yueyun said nothing more and concentrated on driving...

Aunt Jiao Yueyun looked a little thin and mentally depressed. As soon as she entered the door, Bian Mu observed her in the living room.

Jiao Yueyun's mother was also present and smiled politely at Bian Mu without saying much.

Jiao Yueyun's uncle looked a little older and looked at Bian Mu cautiously. Seeing that Bian Mu was so young, he really didn't believe that Bian Mu could really cure his wife's illness.

Jiao Yueyun's cousin is not present at the moment. They live in a duplex building. The two children are probably doing homework in the study at the moment.

"Watch, hear and ask questions"... Bian Mu went through the standard procedure.

"It looks serious, but it's actually not a big deal. Let's do this. There is a kind of Chinese medicine called 'well bottom soil'. Tomorrow you go to the Ningguo Temple medicinal material market and ask about it. Pay a high price and ask them to get some for you. Then soak it in rice vinegar for 24 After a few hours, fry them until they are dry. After that, you can find a way to find a smart seamstress to make a few pairs of insoles. If the middle is empty, fill it with this 'soil at the bottom of the well' and insert a few small holes in it. The merchants all know how big the holes are. Let’s make 11 pairs first, change them once a day, and then throw them away. On the 12th day, I will come over and give her some decoction to activate blood circulation and drink it for 7 days. Let’s take a look!” Bian Mu patiently explained for a long time.

"Is it that simple?!" Jiao Yueyun's mother quickly asked, more or less, she was a little worried that Bian Mu might not do his best.

"The condition is relatively simple. The stomach fire is too strong. You have to step on the 'soil at the bottom of the well' to get rid of the stomach heat fire. Otherwise, the power of transporting water and grain will be almost completely lost. On the surface, she should be suffering from bulbar paralysis, but , her situation is a bit special, so... it is not too late to treat the bulbar paralysis at the end. She must chew carefully and slowly when eating recently. It is best for someone to accompany her when she eats. If she can find someone who has recently retired, It would be better to have a professional female nurse. Once serious choking and coughing occurs, a female nurse should deal with it nearby. Under normal circumstances, as long as you adjust your mentality, this kind of accident can be avoided." Bian Mu patiently explained for a long time.

"Are you sure?!" Maybe the diagnosis was a bit too simple, so Jiao Yueyun's uncle specially corrected it beside him.

"Definitely! In fact... Teacher Qi Shangqi from the Provincial Hospital is the best at treating this kind of disease. If you are worried, you can go to the Provincial Hospital to register tomorrow and listen to Teacher Qi's opinion."

As soon as these words came out, the conversation ended, and there was nothing more to talk about between the two parties, so Bian Mu took his leave.

Jiao Yueyun drove Bian Mu back to his residence, exchanged a few polite words with each other and then went their separate ways.

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