Teng Daili's daily schedule is quite regular. At this hour, she should be at home helping her son with his homework. After waiting for a long time, her husband got a little anxious and made a safe call.

"I have something to do here. I'll go back later. You can just check Xiaolei's homework. No need to answer it! I'll drive back by myself." On the phone, Teng Daili spoke with a certain tone that could not be questioned. It seemed that in her eyes, In her own home, she should have the final say on how to live her life.

After chatting for a few words, Teng Daili hung up the phone.

"Everyone has been tired for a day. It's getting late. There are some things that we can't understand in just a few words. Let's talk about it another day!" Bian Mu said with a smile.

"I'm so sorry! What a bother! Then... if you have any questions in the future, can you ask me?" Teng Daili said with a smile.

"Don't take it seriously! Let's discuss it together!" Bian Mu responded with a smile.

"Then... in my spare time, can I watch how Dr. Bian conducts a consultation? Is it convenient?" Teng Daili asked with a smile.

As soon as this statement came out, Bian Mu immediately contacted his former colleague, a female doctor named Wu.

After Bian Mu resigned, a female doctor named Wu took over her original position. Now, it is not known whether she can maintain the appearance of an independent department.

"It's nothing inconvenient, but... our work pace here is relatively busy. I'm afraid we won't be able to greet you after entering the door. Isn't it a little embarrassing?" Bian Mu is an honest person, so he naturally tells the truth.

"It doesn't matter! As long as it doesn't affect your normal outpatient clinic."

"Then... it's up to you! It's best to bring a white coat with you when you come, so as not to make the patient guess and embarrass everyone." Bian Mu warned.

"Okay, okay! I'll thank you in advance! Do you want to add each other's contact information?"

"OK!" As he spoke, Bian Mu took out his phone, and the two added each other's contact information.

Bian Mu sent Teng Daili out of the house. Seeing her walking away towards the open-air parking lot of the community, Bian Mu turned around and returned to the clinic.

At this time, Fan Sanqiao came back from get off work.

"Who was that woman just now? She looks pretty good."

"A fellow traveler came to learn from us."

"What's going on? Are you ready to accept a disciple?" Fan Sanqiao asked with a smile.

"How is that possible? She treated the same patient as me one after another. There was nothing she could do, but I have achieved initial results. She may be a little unconvinced and has doubts. Come over and see who I am!"

"What's the result?" Fan Sanqiao asked, rolling his eyelids and smiling mischievously.

"It's a complete failure! What else can we do! Seriously, she is already over thirty, and her children are so old! What do you think about all day long!" After saying this, Bian Mu was also happy.

"Hahaha... Look at her temperament, it doesn't look like a rusty flower pillow!"

"The basic skills are not strong enough. These shortcomings and some shortcomings, when combined, the technical strength will be reduced. When encountering patients with more complicated conditions, she will be stretched."

"Which hospital is it from?"

"She is said to be from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the Third Provincial Hospital. Judging from her age and temperament, her professional title should not be much lower."

"Maybe I'll get stuck with you in the future!" Fan Sanqiao said with a smile.

"That's not true. Looking at her face, one day in the future, when she realizes that she has learned everything she needs to learn, she will definitely not show up again."

"Then you still talk to her?! You can just drive her away!"

"Don't think her medical skills are bad, in fact... she represents the mainstream of young and middle-aged doctors in the traditional Chinese medicine community in Lijin. She is neither good nor bad. This is not good!"

"Why?! Didn't their low level just show you up? Being famous is the second best thing. At the very least, our clinic will prosper immediately. In one year, we should have a monthly income of 100,000+, right?"

Upon hearing this, Bian Mu couldn't help but shake his head gently.

"That's wrong! There are so many different industries. IT and artificial intelligence industries like yours should probably take the lead. I'm afraid we can't do it. Think about it! Traditional Chinese medicine is a bit slow to treat diseases, at least on the surface. It seems like this. People usually encounter Chinese medicine doctors like her. Over time, will people still trust Chinese medicine? Then why not bring Chinese medicine into the desert of the industry?! The general environment is bad, how can we survive alone? None!" Bian Mu frowned and explained another view.

"It's my short-sightedness, haha... You have always had high aspirations, so naturally you see deeper than us. Li Yunhu hasn't come back yet? What should we eat today?"

"That's right! He would have been back early at this time, so let's call and ask." After that, Bian Mu took out his cell phone and dialed Li Yunhu's cell phone.

"Oh...I'm sorry, I was busy shopping with her. I forgot, I forgot! I'm sorry! You guys can eat first, I can just eat some outside." On the phone, Li Yunhu's surroundings sounded very nervous. It was lively, and to Bian Mu’s ears, it sounded like “Huaidong Night Market”.

"Who are you accompanying? Is it a woman? Haha... are you dating someone?" Bian Mu asked with a smile on the other end of the phone.

"I haven't even written my horoscope yet...hehe..."

"Then we won't disturb you. Don't go shopping too late!" After that, Bian Mu hung up the phone.

"I'm shopping with my girlfriend! Let's go! Let's eat what we have."

"Then just have some porridge." Fan Sanqiao responded with a smile.

"Okay! Have you resolved the dispute with Chen Yueqing?" he asked with a smile as he walked out.

"No! He... thinks too much about money. I'm afraid you have to talk to him about this matter and seek long profits and a big fortune!"

"How can he listen to me! He's across the street!"

"That's different. All the principles in the world are the same. Medical principles, business methods, technical bottlenecks... If you know everything, you must be better than me. Let's talk to him some other time. Otherwise, with such a good qualification as 'Ren Geng', If they are really determined to take the path of quick success and quick gain, it will be of no benefit to everyone in the future."

"Are you sure it works?"

"Of course! You must be much better than me, try it!"

"Okay! I'll go see him another day."

Talking and laughing, the two went to Liu's porridge shack. While eating, Fan Sanqiao revealed that the military general introduced him to a girlfriend recently. She was in her mid-twenties, about the same age as Bian Mu, and was unmarried. .

"If you don't mention me, you won't be able to ask more questions. The past is like smoke, and old friends are gone! My sister-in-law has found peace under the spring. It's time for you to try to say goodbye to that gloomy time completely, right?"

"I'm much better, but the one she introduced was too outrageous. That girl and I don't get along."

"Oh! Isn't Mr. Wu's motivation a bit complicated?"

"Maybe... the girl's surname is Lu, and her family background is said to be quite good."

"The Lu family?!"

"What? Have you been in contact with it before?"

"So be it!" As he spoke, Bian Mu briefly introduced the household disputes between the Lu family and the Fang family. However, he naturally did not mention a word about the important matter of Ms. Fang holding key evidence of the Lu family.

"Like this...then we can't even talk about it, haha..."

"Probably...but if you meet the right one, don't refuse!"

"Well! Thanks to your great kindness, I finally got out of the emotional swamp. Alas..." At this point, Fan Sanqiao couldn't help but sigh.

The Liu family's preserved egg and lean meat porridge is famous far and wide, and the Xiao Chao cooking is also excellent. The two chatted while eating, and Bian Mu felt that Fan Sanqiao was much better than before...

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