The name of a person, the shadow of a tree. Their eyes met, and after a moment, a look of enlightenment suddenly appeared on her face. The woman recognized the doctor standing in front of her, who turned out to be a famous doctor on the internet.

"So it's you..." There was a bit of surprise in her eyes, and the woman finally spoke.

I was riding an electric scooter alone on the road, and suddenly two men appeared one after another. The first man made a small trick to plot against me, and the second man claimed that he would do it. Help yourself, there have been too many strange things in the past two years, and no one would dare to believe them in such a hurry.

Bian Mu's medical ethics was very good, and the woman's ears were full of good words. Based on this, she naturally chose to trust him completely.

Smiling, Bian Mu neither denied nor admitted directly. He winked at the woman, indicating to her that he would find a way to help her get out of the current predicament.

Turning around, Bian Mu raised his voice and deliberately warned the eldest grandson of the Qian family: "Take a short video for me to prove that I didn't hit the gentleman lying on the ground! He was already lying there before we came out. Oh! I'm a doctor. I went here just to check what's going on. You can't use excuses to blackmail me afterwards!" At first, Bian Mu was going to say "check the injury," but then he thought about it and decided that he really wanted to say that. , wouldn’t that play into the hands of those two bad guys? Thoughts flashed in his mind, and when the words came to his lips, Bian Mu quickly changed his words.

"Okay!" He agreed, and the eldest grandson of the Qian family took out his mobile phone and started recording a short video.

Perhaps because the evidence was not sufficient, Bian Mu took a deep breath and shouted to the surrounding audience: "Everyone! Everyone saw it for real! When I came out, he was already lying there. It's me! A professional doctor, in line with the humanitarian principle of acting bravely and rescuing the wounded, I have to go over and see what's going on with him. Please bear witness! So that no one with ulterior motives will try to trick me later!"

After turning in circles and saying it three times, and seeing that no one had any objections, Bian Mu walked over to the man lying on the ground and played with the dog to death, and leaned down to take a brief look.

The other two accomplices felt that something was not good and wanted to stop them, but they felt that they could not find any suitable reason. They looked at each other and decided to stand and watch from a distance for the time being. Let’s see what kind of evil moth Bian Mu can pull off.

"Hey! Wake up! The ground is cold, why bother! If this guy gets old disease, he will stay with you for half his life! Is it worth it?" Bian Mu scoffed loudly in the ear of the man playing dog on the ground. A few words.

The man on the ground remained silent and motionless.

Bian Mu changed his squatting position, stretched out his left hand and lightly patted the man's shoulders and right calf a few times. No one, including the eldest grandson of the Qian family, thought there was anything special about what he did.

In fact, Bian Mu used dark energy in his palm. With a few gentle strokes, part of the Qi and blood of the man lying on the ground had been quietly "activated".

Bian Mu reached out and took the man's pulse. This time, it didn't take him long.

"Ouch! The temperature on the ground is too low. How can this be possible! Big brother! I'll help you move to a place and stay there for a while. No matter what you say, we can't block the road for others, can we?" As he spoke, Bian Mu stood up and stretched out his hands to rub the "Quchi points" near the man's elbows a few times. The onlookers were all laymen. Little did they know that Bian Mu's technique looked light on the surface, but in reality Go up, Bian Mu has already exerted a lot of secret power on his hands.

"Let's go!" As he spoke, Bian Mu stood up and stretched out his hands to poke and rub the two "Yuanxillary Points" under the man's armpits a few times with the help of his thumbs. Such small movements allowed him to No one noticed it. While "taking the acupuncture points", Bian Mu hooked his hands back, "hooking" the man's armpits like two iron hooks, and slowly and quickly stepped back more than ten steps to the side.

In this way, the sidewalk will be cleared.

"Ouch! It's really heavy. I don't exercise too much, so my hands are so weak and weak!" Bian Mushun said a few train words, pretending to be strong, and threw the man to the ground as soon as he let go. .

Including the two accomplices, the onlookers were wondering when suddenly, the man who was lying on the ground and playing the dog game bent his legs, put his palms on the floor tiles, and suddenly "jumped" up.

"Hey! There's no toilet nearby!" Before he finished speaking, the man rushed towards the coffee shop with his hands protecting his lower abdomen. It seemed that he was suddenly anxious.

"Wrong, wrong! Keep running south along the sidewalk. After passing that intersection, there is a public toilet on the west side of the road!" In the crowd, a kind-hearted old lady reminded her loudly. After hearing her words, the old lady They should be old residents living nearby.

As soon as the man who was playing tricks on the dog heard this, he quickly turned around and rushed straight towards the intersection.

"Remember to buy toilet paper before entering! There is no one on duty there, and the toilet paper in the toilet has long been used up!" Okay! Another big man gave some kind words in a loud voice.


Seeing that the man didn't seem to be in any serious trouble, the onlookers seemed to realize something and couldn't help laughing.

"Is this person just faking it?"

"In the past two years... who knows! Maybe it will all come to an end!"

"I think it looks like it!"

"Okay! It's okay! Let's disperse!"

"Let's go! It's so boring!" Okay! This guy still thinks the matter is not serious, so what’s wrong with him?

This scene immediately stunned the two accomplices standing not far away. They didn't realize it for a long time. The victim had already disappeared without a trace. It would be terrible for them to stay any longer! After looking at each other awkwardly, the two guys walked away slowly and southward along the sidewalk.

"I'm afraid this matter won't be settled. To avoid further trouble, would you like to come in with us for a cup of coffee? We were in a hurry just now, and we haven't even bothered to pay the bill yet!" Bian Mu smiled and asked the woman to come into the coffee shop for a while. .

"What do you mean... we still have to wait for those three bastards to come back?" After a slight hesitation, the woman asked.

"Otherwise? Will you fight with them again when you are on the road alone?!" Bian Mu asked with a smile.

"Are you sure they will come back?" the woman asked.

"Nine times out of ten! Anyone who does such disgusting things follows a certain routine, dog! You can't change the habit of eating shit!" Bian Mu responded with a smile.

"Then... okay! I've caused trouble to you two, so thank you for your help!"

"We are men after all! It happened right in front of you. If you turn a blind eye, what will happen? Please!" As he spoke, Bian Mu gestured politely.

"Doctor Bian! You guys go in and sit for a while! I have to find a suitable place to store her car." As he spoke, the eldest grandson of the Qian family smiled at the woman and pushed her electric car towards the north. went.

Looking at the back of the eldest grandson of the Qian family, Bian Mu felt quite surprised.

"I really didn't realize that a young master of his could be so attentive. It's rare, it's really rare!" Bian Mu thought to himself.

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