Practicing business and practicing medicine

Chapter 706: Feeling depressed

The old saying goes so well, "If you are rich in the mountains, you have distant relatives, but if you are poor in the city, no one cares about you!".

The precious eldest grandson of the Qian family usually interacts with a lot of people, including medical experts, elders, ordinary people, Western medicine, and Chinese medicine. Among them, the expert who is experienced in clinical medicine has warned him many times, saying that his grandfather might not be able to survive until March 2024 if he continues like this.

The two aunts in the family are social elites who are good at everything, and the parents are not weak either. Anyway, they are much better than ordinary people. No matter how anxious I am, the precious grandson of the Qian family will naturally not dare to mess around. What to say.

After Bian Mu's action, within three hours, grandpa's stomach qi gradually recovered and his condition improved greatly. Surprised, the eldest grandson of the Qian family was naturally overjoyed. In addition to admiration, he also had a good impression of Bian Mu.

However, while driving Bian Mu back to the clinic as a gift, the eldest grandson of the Qian family learned that the real root cause of his grandfather's disease had not yet been found. His brain was racing for a long time, and he remembered a troublesome matter, but it was related to his grandfather's face. , for a moment, he was a little undecided, not knowing whether he should speak or not.

Observing the words and colors, Bian Mu roughly guessed about 30% to 40%.

"What?! Isn't it convenient to say it?" Bian Mu asked with a smile.

"How should I put it...I'm not's not a big deal, but it did make my grandfather very angry. Although he didn't mention it in front of others, he already scolded me a lot in front of me. It’s been so many times, but it seems like I can’t get over it... After you reminded me just now, after thinking about it, maybe it can only be that way."

"It's okay not to say it. In fact, the specific details of the matter have nothing to do with me. It doesn't matter whether I understand it or not. Then... can you, grandson and grandson, completely settle the matter?"

"That's disgusting! Forget it, you are a famous doctor, I can trust you! I returned to China the year before last, and my grandfather arranged for me to join a public institution, which is somewhat similar to a scientific research institute. However, that unit also has companies, factories and mines under its name, and it is somewhat integrated with scientific research and production. Culturalization means that according to the regulations, I had to go to the countryside for a year of internship in my first year of work. My grandfather didn’t say anything. He said that since it was a rule, he would let me go down and experience life at the grassroots level. At that time, he seemed quite happy. , and from time to time they ask me to bring back some local specialties.”

"What happened next?" Bian Mu asked.

"After my internship ended, I was waiting for the higher-ups to call me back to my original unit. Who would have thought that to this day, there has been no news. At first, I hid it from my grandfather and thought about finding the relevant supervisor myself. After talking about it, maybe they missed me, but it turned out that was not the case. They had no intention of transferring me back to the city. After learning the details, my grandfather exploded in front of my dad. I dropped a valuable antique at home. What you said just now makes me understand the old man's mood to a certain extent. He has a rather conservative outlook and has a very strong sense of boundaries between his family and grandchildren. He has been special since he was a child. You love me, and you may have regarded me as the hope of your family a long time ago, but" While driving, the eldest grandson of the Qian family briefly introduced the relevant facts.

"Just because of this?! No way...Is there another secret?" Bian Mu asked.

"Our family is actually quite simple, with nothing hidden, but... there is a detail here. The father of the leader of the unit where I worked was my grandfather's direct subordinate. Speaking of which, the relationship between our two families is actually quite close. What's more, the leader's father was transferred from Nanjin by my grandfather. According to folklore, my grandfather was actually kind to him... so... emotionally, it was very difficult for my grandfather to accept it. "

"I understand! This may be the root cause of your grandfather's illness. do you plan to resolve this matter?" Bian Mu asked with a smile.

"What can I do? Just keep putting it off! Let's see another chance next year! Listen to what you mean... If this matter cannot be settled completely, my grandfather may relapse sooner or later?"

After hearing this, Bian Mu nodded gently with a solemn expression.

"This kind of disease must be more serious than the last time, and so on. Anyway, the old man is already over eighty years old, and every year is getting worse..." After saying this, Bian Mu couldn't stop talking again. said.

"I parents can't do anything to help. The two aunts are all focused on overseas. You must have thought about it. To this day, the two uncles don't even show their faces. My cousins ​​and cousins ​​use their careers as excuses. I can't escape because I don't care about grandpa at all, so... I can only stay at the grassroots level for a few more years." Having said this, the eldest grandson of the Qian family let out a long sigh.

"Such a situation...then...we can't talk about this kind of thing in the car. Why don't we find a place where we can chat more?"

"Okay! Although you look bigger and I am a little smaller, I feel that you are much more mature than me. You should be more capable than me. Two blocks away, there is a 'Guanyu Coffee' shop, which is better in every aspect. Not bad, how about... let’s go there and sit for a while?”

"Okay! Then you can drive with peace of mind!" After saying that, he leaned back on the cushion and closed his eyes to recuperate his energy.

The large floor-to-ceiling display window facing the street has very thick glass, and Chinese-style hook-and-loop curtains are hung in diagonal triangles. The decoration style is quite satisfactory and traditional, but the coffee shop looks a bit like a Chinese tea house.

When we entered, we saw that the first floor was quite quiet. Without going upstairs, we found a seat by the window facing the street and sat down.

European traditional coffee, one cup per person, and two plates of nuts and nuts. The light nutty aroma smells very refreshing.

"You have also seen, why did I borrow a stethoscope? To verify my judgment, Mr. Qian's liver qi is extremely strong, and it conducts upward along the liver area on the back. When it encounters an obstruction at the seam between the shoulder blades, some of the qi is diverted. As a result, part of the liver qi When it encounters obstacles in its downward movement, it directly conflicts with stomach qi. Stomach qi is difficult to ascend, and liver qi does not go down. If it does not go up or down, it will directly reach that point. As time goes by, Mr. Qian will naturally not think about food and drink, and will become thinner and heavier. As I get older, I fall down all of a sudden. Acupuncture can only temporarily guide the stomach qi that should be ascending upwards, while the liver qi that should not be sinking will also move along the Dazhui point, Fengchi point, and Fengfu point. The route of the acupoint continues upward, and is finally discharged from the body through the Baihui acupoint. On the surface, the problem of eating has been temporarily solved, but... the heart disease is difficult to eliminate, the stomach qi still lacks the power to conduct upward, and the liver qi may change its path and sink again at any time. , if something goes wrong, liver stagnation will condense, and the condition may suddenly worsen at any time. If you get sick again next time, acupuncture may not be very effective..." After explaining, Bian Mu made a few strokes on the tablecloth with the handle of a small spoon. Down.

The eldest grandson of the Qian family belongs to a group of people with high IQ, and he understood immediately upon hearing this. In view of the threat that his grandfather's condition may worsen at any time, sweat started to form on the eldest grandson of the Qian family's head.

Seeing this scene, he felt quite unbearable. Just as he was about to comfort him with a few words, Bian Mu accidentally noticed through the window glass that there was a sudden argument on the sidewalk outside the window.

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