Practicing business and practicing medicine

Chapter 663 We need to hire a pharmacist

The first male police officer asked what happened, and another young male police officer also checked the surveillance video in the clinic. Needless to say, the man deliberately caused trouble, and he must bear all the responsibility for disturbing social order.

As for the little tricks of the ranger Lao Liangtou, the surveillance cameras basically didn't capture them. In the video, the old man only flashed behind the man who made the trouble. What's more, the old man is so old, except for Bian Muzhi Besides, no one aroused any suspicion.

Bian Mu repeatedly explained to the police officer for a long time, making it clear that it was just a misunderstanding between the doctor and the patient. As long as he explained to the patient clearly what was going on, the misunderstanding would naturally be resolved.

Seeing that Bian Mu had no intention of holding the man responsible for the trouble, the leading male police officer gave the man a few words of reprimand. A young male policeman made relevant notes and asked Bian Mu and the man to sign their names before leaving the police. A group of policemen also left.

The farce he carefully planned had almost no effect, and the man who caused the trouble had become much more lethargic now. What's more, when he heard something was not right downstairs, Luo Zhanqi ran downstairs immediately. At first glance, he was not someone to be trifled with. Besides, there was an old man sitting on the other side of the screen whose behavior was somewhat suspicious. For a moment, without knowing the details, the man who caused the trouble really didn't dare to act recklessly again.

"Sir, you have also seen that I have never sold medicine here. Nothing else. Isn't it because I haven't hired a suitable pharmacist? What's going on with your wife? We have to check it in front of everyone. What is the quality of the herbal medicines you buy? Are they fake? Don't worry! If I really prescribe the wrong prescription, there is no need to complain or report it. I will close the door immediately and go directly to the relevant departments such as the Health Planning Commission. Surrender yourself, by the way, surrender is the wrong word, that’s what it means, you just need to understand." With a smile, Bian Mu explained.

The man was quite angry. The boss was not convinced at the moment and couldn't catch his breath. The guy was so angry that he didn't know how to reply to Bian Mu for a long time.

At this moment, I saw two middle-aged ladies rushing outside the door.

"I said I won't let you do this, but you didn't listen. I'm sorry! Doctor Bian! I'm his sister, and this is his wife. We just got a call from my neighbor. She happened to be here waiting to see a doctor. , seeing that the momentum was not right, I gave us a letter. I'm really sorry! But... my mother took the medicine you prescribed, and the effect is indeed average. Look... can you explain what's going on!" Someone is here! She claims to be the sister of the man who caused the trouble, and although she talks towards Bian Mu, the whole family still has a lot of doubts about the medicine prescribed by Bian Mu.

"You should have several unused medicines left at home, right?" Bian Mu asked with a smile.

"That's right! There are still several pairs left untouched in the kitchen." The wife of the man causing trouble interjected from the side.

"That's good! Is your father's residence far away from us?" Bian Mu asked with a smile.

"It's not that far away. It's just across a street. What's wrong?" the wife of the man who caused the trouble asked.

"When your elderly take medicine, who usually arranges the decoction?" Bian Mu continued to ask.

"Oh my! My mother has a very bad headache. It must be us, the younger generation, who did it for us!" the wife of the man who caused the trouble responded.

"Well, please go home and bring back two pairs of uncooked medicine. Let's go to the relevant departments together and let the professionals be the referee. I will start a business lawsuit with you and see what the outcome is. Whose responsibility is it?" Bian Mu put forward his own suggestion.

Upon hearing this, the three members of the family looked at each other in shock and fell silent for a while.

"Forget it! You are so famous, I can trust you, Xiaojuan, maybe we got the wrong medicine. Go back and get two sets of medicine, and let Dr. Bian identify the authenticity. By the way, remember to take pictures and keep them. To get a basic idea, it's best to check the receipt. If it's really the pharmacy's fault, we'll have to settle the bill with them later!" The sister of the man who caused the trouble warned her sister-in-law.

"Okay! Why don't you come home with me? It's really embarrassing. I won't let you come. You just won't listen. You just mess around without clearing up the matter. It's true!" As she spoke, the woman pulled her. My husband has gone out.

Bian Mu continued to treat the next patient...

The medicine was brought. In front of everyone, Bian Mu was polite and apologized to the delayed patients. After that, Bian Mu opened a pack of herbs and carefully identified them for a long time.

The forest ranger Lao Liangtou did not join in the fun at all. He sat there calmly and drank tea, as if nothing had happened, he was leisurely and contented, so comfortable!

"Two eldest sisters! Please look here. This is Ligusticum chuanxiong. A good quality Ligusticum chuanxiong should be yellow in color, oily, shade-dried, thin, strong in medicinal smell, natural in color and clean on the surface. Look at the medicine you picked up. It has a dull color. It's white, the flakes are thick, and there's dust on them. It looks like it was dried in the sun. You two don't know. The best Ligusticum chuanxiong is usually dried in the shade, so... our curative effect is naturally compromised. , look at this Asarum, it is withered and tastes weak, and the quality is quite low, as well as the Angelica dahurica and Qiang Huo, the quality is very poor, so... you must have understood what is going on, right?" Bian Mu patiently explained for a long time.

Bian Mu didn't say anything. In his opinion, it was really time for his clinic to hire a pharmacist. He had to fill the medicine cabinet and sell medicines. I usually procrastinate, which delayed this serious matter.

Thinking of this, Bian Mu somewhat blamed himself.

"It means...we bought a fake one?" the sister of the man who caused the trouble said.

"It's true that it's fake, but the quality is too poor. Seven doses of medicine are supposed to take care of things. With the medicines you've got, you can't take at least 30 doses in a row?! Or even more? By the way, I remembered something. Your old man goes back Didn't I tell you? When taking medicine, you have to take it with tea. In layman's terms, you drink the medicine with tea. "

"Ah?! There are so many details! My mother-in-law didn't even mention it when she went back! Really! If this happened, then... this medicine is not cheap! Doctor Bian, can the pharmacy refund money for this kind of thing? ?" The wife of the man who caused the trouble was very worried about money and asked quickly.

Upon hearing this, Bian Mu could only show a somewhat troubled look on his face.

"This... then I have to trouble you to negotiate with them with the receipt. It's not convenient for me to come forward for you, but... maybe I didn't emphasize it repeatedly enough, and I also have a certain responsibility. Otherwise, it has been fried. The cost of the medicine is mine, and the have to deal with it yourself." Bian Mu was kind-hearted after all, and he acknowledged the cost of several doses of medicine.

The sister of the man who caused the trouble seemed to be a reasonable person. Seeing Bian Mu's sincere attitude, she smiled and took over the conversation.

"Forget it! Ignorance kills people, so bad luck for us! Doctor Bian, thank you for your magnanimity and not arguing with my brother. Let's just leave the matter as it is. We will find a way to withdraw the rest of the medicine and give my mother another medicine. Okay, this time, we have to go to a big pharmacy. Alas... Let’s get a bargain, and we were so fooled. It’s a shame we didn’t get fake medicine. Sorry for the trouble! Let’s go!” said After that, the sister of the man who caused the trouble called her sister-in-law out and walked away.

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