Practicing business and practicing medicine

Chapter 529 Suddenly I can’t feel my pulse

Mr. Jiang didn't do well on the street. Occasionally, he was short of money, and even seemed a little precarious. This was very clear from his unruly long hair, his disheveled face, and the look of profligacy that flashed step by step in his expression... .

However, looking at the bright and clear look in his eyes, Bian Mu basically concluded that the person in front of him was indeed a relatively pure musician. No matter how good he was, he should have some talent.

During the consultation process, Mr. Jiang had already stated that he was a serious graduate of the 811 Conservatory of Music and had the most basic scientific literacy. Before calling Bian Mu, he had already sought treatment in many tertiary hospitals. At this moment, Bian Mu's desk is already filled with his past medical records and physical examination reports.

"Mr. Jiang! You are a little worried. I also bought the casserole noodles from the little boss named Sang. At that time, I smelled a bit evil, so I threw it away. However, my colleague is That Mr. Fan not far away, yes! That's him. He has eaten many meals. So far, no unusual symptoms have appeared. According to preliminary judgment, you should have almost metabolized." Bian Mu explained patiently. one time.

"I came here to seek medical advice. People in my circle of friends are saying that your pulse can help me. So... with my condition, can I tell something from the pulse?" Mr. Jiang is still a little unwilling to give up. .

"Judging from the pulse, your liver has indeed suffered some damage. However, the main reason is not because of the so-called poisoning incident at the "Floating Yu" Casserole Noodle Restaurant. You have been drinking, staying up late, and using substances for a long time, which has made your life difficult... This is the main reason on the material level. , on this basis, haven’t you been engaged in music creation for a long time? According to my guess, you should not be the kind of musician who blindly pursues commercial profits. You have your soul pursuit, which is the kind of pure music. Therefore, Your mood is easily excited, or you are depressed, or you are sad, or you are on the verge of crying...Such bad emotions spread freely, and you just let it go. In your opinion, it is a collision with the soul of music and is a sign of creation. The cornerstone of inspiration, from our point of view, living that kind of life for a long time will only lead to stagnation of liver qi and long-term illness. This kind of damage is different from that caused by toxins. In addition, kidney, stomach qi, etc. It's very similar, so... what the young boss named Sang did was not the main cause of your illness." Bian Mu explained patiently.

"What do you mean, all my discomforts are from occupational diseases?! It has nothing to do with long-term consumption of problematic pasta?" Mr. Jiang was a little unhappy.

"I can't say that it has nothing to do with it, but one thing I can tell is that it is definitely not the main cause. If you put it in order, Sang Ju's ulterior motives are ranked second to last among the many causes of your poor health."

"So specific? Are you trying to trick me?! Or is there really any medical basis for this?!" Mr. Jiang's mind was quite good, so he naturally thought of other things.

"This is what happened..." As he spoke, Bian Mu picked up a black gel pen, pulled out two blank medical records and spliced ​​them together, weaving all the keywords he could think of into a logical connection diagram. One by one, one by one, one by one, I explained it in detail for a long time.

After all, Mr. Jiang is engaged in art, but he is still not comfortable with purely rational concepts and logical deductions.

"Go... stop it, stop it! I finally understand. You are really not an ordinary doctor. Although I don't even understand half of it, but based on my intuition, what you said should be right. I believe you! Then... ...What should I pay attention to in the future?" Mr. Jiang is quite knowledgeable, and his attitude toward medical treatment has become much gentler.

"This...if you don't want to go further and further down the road of hepatitis, cirrhosis, hepatic ascites... and at the same time, you have to pay attention to avoiding serious illnesses such as chronic nephritis, uremia..., you'd better step back from the cliff and find a way to change your career. Go! Or, marginalize yourself and don’t get too close to the authentic music. Sometimes, the sect’s energy hurts people and can directly kill people! After you go back, when you have nothing to do, you might as well go to the beautiful places with mountains and clear waters to see more. By then , it is really possible that you will become more and more thorough about some things. The so-called supreme music that directly touches the depths of the human soul is not suitable for you at all. Between hobbies and life-saving, it is not difficult to make the right choice, right?" Bian Mu showed great patience. It took me a long time to explain in detail.

"Is it that serious? Are you an alarmist?" Mr. Jiang immediately retorted.

"For men, I mean for some men, the age of 39 is a threshold. If you have doubts, you might as well search online. Throughout the ages, how many heroes and heroes, including those in overseas countries, and their national elites have to face 39 from time to time. You might as well use the incomplete induction method a few times to understand the curse of the year. At that time, you can look back and think about the conversation between us today. I believe you will understand something. That kind of What do things mean to your future?! Is it self-evident?!" Bian Mu patiently and carefully explained for a long time.

"I know that the lives of many historical celebrities are directly fixed around their 39th birthday, Doctor Bian! I believe what you say, but... I have to make preparations to change my career, otherwise, I will have to sleep on the street, then... …Can you prescribe me some Chinese medicine to treat me in the near future?”

"It's not necessary. You just need to stick to a normal schedule. Don't think about becoming famous all day long. Just be your commercial musician and regard it as a tool to make money to support your family. Slowly, the situation will only get worse. The better it comes, the more the medicine is poisonous, the metabolic load on the liver and kidneys will suddenly increase. Is that really good for you?" Bian Mu continued to explain.

After a moment of silence, Mr. Jiang was convinced.

"Okay! I listen to you. You are so knowledgeable. It seems that we have a lot to learn from you in the future!" Mr. Jiang complimented Bian Mu.

"Thank you! In addition, I have to remind you that a single diet can easily cause cancer. From now on, you'd better eat a more varied diet, especially the intake of whole grains. Otherwise, the consequences will be a bit..." Bian Mu told the truth. .

"Okay! I will pay attention to it. Thank you, Doctor Bian. I will think about it carefully later." After that, the musician Mr. Jiang got up and left his seat, went out and walked away.

Immediately afterwards, Nurse Ye sat down with Patient No. 012, an old man in his early 70s, medium height, about 1.75 meters, with black hair, with almost no white hair visible, and two eyes. Bright, straight back, very energetic.

After exchanging a few words, Bian Mu began to take the old man's pulse. After three to five minutes, Bian Mu suddenly became a little nervous.

"What's going on? I can't find the old gentleman's pulse for a long time? The old man looks so energetic! What's going on!" Bian Mu felt a little flustered for a while.

Switching to the left hand, almost the same result.

Look at the old man's eyes again, is there no big problem? !

What a hell!

After another two or three minutes, Bian Mu suddenly realized something and quickly stood up and bowed deeply to the old gentleman in front of him.

"The seniors are here, and I'm going to learn from the juniors' tricks. Please return the tip of your tongue to its original position!"

"Haha... I really have two brushes. I won't tell lies in front of real people. I am here for a follow-up consultation on behalf of my grandson. Alas! The child is pitiful. His parents are divorced. No one wants to meddle in his business. Being sick is a big deal, right? ! Those two 250 people just treat it as a no-no. They have no choice but to do it reluctantly. I have to come over and explain it. It was just a joke, don’t mind it!" Patient No. 012 said clearly with a smile.

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