Sudo Ken was annoyed and shut up.

In front of him, Ikekuji and Haruki Yamauchi shivered, but didn't dare to say anything.

At this point, they just feel that it is going to be bad.

Later, after he finished targeting Sudo, it was their turn.

Sae felt that the atmosphere of the class was very wrong, but he still had a good lesson.

When I got out of class, I also watched the movie night real.

In fact, she also wanted to call the other party to talk.

But now in this situation, if there is no good reason to convince him.

It is expected to cause a greater conflict between the two sides.

After thinking about it, she still chose to give up and called another classmate.

I learned about the situation of the class, and also looked at the monitoring of class D.

Look at the wave of declarations that Shadow Night is really in the class.

“。。。。 "

Tea pillar Saeda's fists are hard.

We are constantly considering the possibilities of various situations.

I brainstormed in my head, but in the end I didn't bet.

Such news, after all, may still be a good thing.

If the impurities of Class D are removed, the rest of the people cooperate with those who are capable.

This is the case that Shadow Night really intends to lead.

And if it's Hirata victory.

That's how he led the people and defeated the great demon king of Kageya.

Then she took the opportunity to give some benefits, teacher convenience and the like, to increase his reputation in the class.

It's enough for the class to become united.

At least until something big happens.

Sae thought about it and accepted the situation.

Then, stay tuned.

I also found a way to pick an eye for myself.

There wasn't much class time in the day, and it passed in the blink of an eye.

Hirata-san and others began to organize a study meeting, but he soon found out.

Students,It's really starting to have a little concern.,If the movie night is real.,It's still a little powerful.,Maybe it's also because Sudo Ken is not likable in the first place.。

Some people even asked for leave to leave the study meeting directly.,Said that there was no time.,It's mostly students who study well.,They were originally looking at Hirata's face to help other students tutor.,But now this situation.,The class is like this.,Even the class points will continue to be played next month.,And be threatened to drop out.,Tutoring a fart.,Who plays so big.。。

Although it would be tempting to keep them.

However, Hirata was also embarrassed, he didn't want to hurt people, so he could only send people away with a smile.

Looking at Horikita Suzune left not far away, there was still a bit of surprise.

I didn't expect that she was really not afraid.

Go directly to Suzune Horikita to explain the situation, and if she wants to go, then let's go.

Originally, I was thinking of finding an opportunity to talk to Shadow Night and persuade her.

But, there is no such opportunity.

Shadow Night actually went to class and received a message from someone.

After class, he chose to leave the classroom, and there was already someone who could help him deliver the message anyway.

Went straight to the student union office.

Knocking on the door, there is only Horikita Manabu inside.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or if there's something important, so, let the others go.

"What's wrong?

Kageya really looks at Horikita Gaku.

"You're still jealous, are you?"

At the same time, he thought that the other party might be coming to hit him.

Of course, it's just a matter of thinking, if you really want to beat him, you won't choose the office of the student union.

"Hmph. "

Originally, Horikita Gakuto was already in a good mood, but his face was even colder when he heard this.

"I've got you some good stuff. "

"This is an archaeology question for the first-grade exam. "

Horikita took out a pile of photocopied test papers and put them in front of him.

It took him a little time to find these things.

"Archaeology, are you worried that I'm going to have to revise for the exam?"

"Don't underestimate me, even if it's the third year of high school, I've mastered it now, just memorize it from time to time. "

Shadow Night really complained in his mouth, but he still took the archaeological question in his hand and looked at it.

"You can take a closer look at the first paper... "

Horikita Gakubu didn't say it explicitly.

"Is it the same?

Shadow Night really swept it once, and the other subjects also swept it once.

This exam paper is the same as the monthly exam paper they took the exam the other day.

He still has this memory, and he remembers the same topics.

"Did you get it wrong? Or is that it? Second grade?"

After looking at it a little more, Kageya really understood what the other party meant.

"It's all like this, every freshman's midterm exam is like this, and by the final exam it will change a little, and by the second year it has changed a lot. "

"In the third grade, I was basically on my own. "

"It's actually also giving new students some opportunities, after all, not everyone who enters this school has a good academic record. "

Horikita explained.

As a third-grader, he naturally knows more about the rules.

It's not useful in general, but it can still be of great value when it's important.

"Oh~ I think this school is very humane when you say that. Shadow Night muttered really.

Thinking about what you can do about it?

When Horikita heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched a little.

This school, humane?

It makes sense.

"Any ideas?"

Horihoku Gabu watched the movie night and read the exam paper for real, and opened his mouth when he put down the exam paper.

It's not as simple as bringing it to him.

"Thoughts, one thing, you are taking this to remind me?"

"Sister Control President, you should have an idea. "

Shadow Night really also knows, this is this sister control worried that he will mess around and his sister.

So now let's sell some favors and let him not mess around.

It's a little unkind to speak.

People come and go, there are back and forth, and the relationship will get better in the future.

If it is only a one-sided effort, there will soon be no incentive to continue to help each other.

This is what Kageya really believes, and it is also the reason why he resists many people in Class D, and it is also the reason why he admires Hirata, not everyone is the same as Hirata.

It's hard to make.

"Ahem, ahem. "

Horikita felt like he had been seen through.

Fake cough.

But it's also convenient to talk to smart people, and he understands it all at once.

"It's up to you, so that the people in your class don't know about these things, or prepare fake things for them, and then you should be able to deal with some people you hate. "

Horikita Gabu is clear about Kageya's true thoughts.

I've been here for three years.,I'm still leading a class.,And the president of the student council.,Horikita is not a soft-hearted person.。

A lot of things are just a matter of whether there's no need to do them.

"That's right. "

Kageya really paused, clasping his hands on his chest and thinking.

"Well, is it possible to change the exam paper suddenly? "

"Your idea is a bit perfunctory. "

Horikita's idea is purely to take the people in Class D for fools.

Although he did ask Megumi Karuizawa or Suzune Horikita to buy them and get a batch of fake rolls back.

But, what about the back?

It's sure to cause some conflict.

That's not bad, but it's still going to cause trouble for Hirata.

But there's still no need for that.

You have to let people know that they are afraid.

Let people know how dangerous it can be just to stand next to Hirata and them.

"What do you mean?, temporarily changing the exam papers?" Horikita probably thought of something as well.

"If necessary, it is indeed possible, as long as someone reports it, if the matter is big enough, I will accept it. "

"I almost thought so, first give them the real exam papers, those stinky fish and rotten shrimp in our class will become very lax even if they don't give up studying, and then put hope on this test paper and study this thing first. "

Shadow Night said directly and directly, the people in the class, he still knows the character of those guys.

"Yes... Horikita nodded.

"When the time comes, I will sue for a replacement of the exam papers, indicating that the exam questions have been leaked? Kageya looked at him with a smile on her face.

It will take a while to give the test paper, and it is also necessary to change the test paper.

I'm going to make it a little harder for them.

It's best not good or bad, people with good academic performance will get high scores, and those with poor academic performance won't get points.

"The change of questions in the exam papers is the responsibility of the Academic Affairs Office, and it is impossible for me to interfere. "

"However, it is okay to put forward a little opinion, this test paper has actually been used for many years, and I believe that the school also has ideas to change it. "

"You can give it a try. "

Horikita thought about it.

It feels like you can try it.

As the student president, I still know a lot about the school's attitudes.

There was even a proposal in the classroom before that the freshmen of the first class would test their coping skills and so on.

This school just loves this kind of bells and whistles, as long as it's not too excessive.

After confirming this matter, Shadow Night Real did not stay in this student union office for long.

For fear of being pulled by Horikita to work as a coolie, such a thing is not unprecedented.

After all, he didn't just hang his name here, but he still went on a few business trips and helped solve some troubles.

It is worth mentioning that although his reputation in the second grade is almost everyone's shouting, it is still very convenient and smooth to deal with the affairs of the second grade in the past.

It is said that it is because of the existence of a certain vice president that they do not conflict with him.

Time passes slowly.

On the night, Shadow Night really hasn't forgotten the things of the day.

"I'm so nervous in the morning, I'll do what you want, you won't be angry, right?"

"No, it won't. "

"And how am I doing?"

"It's okay, it's very good, you can be confident. "

Megumi Karuizawa has been sending messages since he went for a run, and Kageya can only find time to reply to her.

Let this beautiful girl, who is a little unconfident, become a little more confident.

When I received a reply in the dormitory, two beautiful straight and flawless legs kept kicking, lying on the bed as if I was pedaling a bicycle.

It is a pity that people sigh that such beautiful legs do not pedal bicycles.

After pedaling the bicycle, the whole person twisted up, like a small meat worm, and wrapped himself in a quilt.

But when I receive the news, I will soon smile and continue to recover.

He also took the initiative to say a lot of things.

It's Chi Kanji, Haruki Yamauchi and Sudo, the three of them had a conflict and quarreled, Chi Kanji and they mocked Ken Sudo for making trouble, Ken Sudo said it directly that Chi Kanji and Haruki Yamauchi asked him to trouble you, and then Chi Kanji didn't admit it, and they almost fought.

Almost, it's a lot, Kageya really watched the chat and complained, with Hirata here, how could they fight, and now that wild dog listens to Hirata very much.

It seems that Ayakoji Kiyotaka also has something to do with them, and they also want Ayakoji to testify, but they were interrupted by Hirata, otherwise, I don't know how long they will quarrel.

Because of them, today's study meeting ended not long after, and many people have opinions about them, and some people have already asked them to withdraw from the study meeting, especially after Sudo Ken joined the study meeting, so many people have opinions.

There are already a lot of people who have secretly come to me to say bad things about them, what are you going to do? There are still many people who ask about your situation, and they look really afraid of you, and they ask me if I am afraid of you, what should I do? I didn't answer them.

Karuizawa said a lot of things excitedly, and there was a feeling of wanting to meet in and out of the words, and it would be better if I could make an appointment for dinner.

Some of them made Kageya really not know how to answer, and he probably knew the thoughts of some little girls now, and he wasn't a fool.

Looking for it is definitely possible to find, these are all small things, although there is no idea of being a girlfriend, but there is no idea of really not treating each other as a person.

On the contrary, not accepting the confession is really good for her.

Kageya is truly aware of her personality.

It's better to keep a good distance for the time being, maybe in a few days you will see someone else.

If you have a chance, the school will be together for three years. "

There was no rejection, but it was almost a rejection.

Maybe three years later, it will be Karuizawa Megumi who smacked his face and said, three years, do you know how I spent the past three years?

But this is already very exciting news for Karuizawa Megumi, it's a good thing not to refuse, it's a trouble to be rejected directly like before, at least you shouldn't hate her, Karuizawa Megumi thought nonsense.

Now she can also go undercover to help Shadow Night find real news.,It's very satisfying.,Academic performance has also improved a lot.,The status of the class.,And personal points.,I feel like life is different.,Life is going to be complete.,I feel like if I can be with Shadow Night.,It's complete.。。

All of this made her feel like she was falling deeper and deeper, maybe Ying Ye really didn't expect it, and the way she (Qian Zhao's) kept her distance made people even more trapped.

There is a saying that distance produces beauty.

The goddess always has to keep her distance from licking dogs.

Shadow Night is really self-taught and has learned to recruit itself.

The chat records of the two are lined up, and most of them are still posted by Megumi Karuizawa.

Shadow Night is real, more to answer, and there are some questions to ask.


Another troublesome message.

What's going on with Kushida Kikyo? Why does she keep asking me about you and me? She looks like she already knows everything, and she talks about her relationship with you?

The successive questions are like a deadly chain of buttons, and the girl's inquiry can definitely suffocate the boy.

Maybe I also felt that the news was too scary, and it eased up a little later, but it involved another person.

Today, Horikita Suzune's guy also joined in to help, which was a bit surprising, but the way she said it offended a lot of people, and many people in the class began to hate her, do I need to do something? You said you wanted to have a good relationship with her, right? Do you think she's good?

There are only two options, and there is no option for Megumi Karuizawa.

Not even the rest of the class.

Maybe she feels that her biggest competitor is in these two.

In particular, Kushida Kikyo has been haunted by the reality of the shadow night, and the danger is very exciting.

I have to say that her intuition is really accurate, and even Shadow Night is speechless when she really looks at these news.

It's really a problem to harass Megumi Karuizawa.

But you can't say it's a girlfriend, right?

When the time comes, Karuizawa still doesn't know what will happen?

According to the other party's attitude towards him, it is impossible to turn his face or have an opinion on him.

But the other party is likely to be hostile to Kushida Kikyo, and then go to her PK.

[It's on the shelves, the 3rd is 15,000 words, I hope that if you feel that you can, you can support "asking for subscriptions", "asking for flowers", "asking for rewards", "asking for collections" and "asking for monthly passes"].

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