After the lunch break, Haruki Yamauchi saw Ken Sudo coming over sullenly from the direction of the classroom office, and suddenly understood something.

Sae has already spoken to Ken Sudo about the consequences of the violence he sparked, and how the school will decide how to handle the matter based on what he said.

"Next, before the uninhabited island exam, Class C has tested and shot Class D!"

Haruki Yamauchi had been waiting for this moment for a long time, and even hoped in his heart that they would make a big fuss so that he could get enough benefits from it.

The next morning, Sae Teapillar confided everything.

"I have something to report to you today. There was a little bit of a dispute at school the other day. Sudo, who was sitting there, seemed to have a quarrel with the students in Class C, and in short, they had a fight. "

The classroom suddenly became noisy.

Mr. Chazhu's argument between Sudo and Class C, as well as Sudo's suspension depending on the degree of responsibility, and the fact that class points will be deducted are all nakedly announced.

The content of her words is in no way biased, and it is always explained from the neutral position of the university.

"That's... Why hasn't the matter been concluded? "

Hirata threw out a very reasonable question.

"The appeal was filed by Class C. The other party seems to say that he was beaten unilaterally, but when the school confirmed the truth, Sudo said that it was not true. According to him, it was not that he took the initiative to trouble the other party, but that the students in Class C called him out and asked him to fight. "

"I didn't do anything wrong. This is justified defense, justified defense. "

The classmates cast a cold gaze at Sudo, who was not ashamed and asserted so.

"You don't have proof, though. Isn't it? "

"What proof, how could I possibly have such a thing?"

In other words, it is not clear what the truth is at this stage, so the conclusion will be put on hold for the time being. Depending on which party is wrong, there will be great changes in both treatment and countermeasures. "

"I will not accept a verdict other than not guilty. I even want to get a condolence payment. "

"Although you yourself say so, the credibility is not very high at the moment. If Sudo had felt that there were witnesses, things might have changed a little. How about a student who witnesses them fighting, can they please raise their hand? "

Teacher Chazhu lightly carried out the topic. None of the students answered the question.

"Sudo, it's a pity, but it doesn't seem like there are any witnesses in this class."

“...... It seems so. "

Sudo lowered his eyes as if he were bored with the suspicious look from Mr. Chazhu.

"In order to find witnesses, the school should now give detailed explanations to each class guide."

"Anyway, that's all I have to say. With or without witnesses and evidence, the final verdict should be handed down next Tuesday. Then this is the end of the pilgrimage. "

Mr. Chazhu walked out of the classroom, and Sudo immediately walked out.

Maybe it was because he knew that if he stayed here, he would probably be annoyed by someone's statement.

Haruki Yamauchi looked at their backs indifferently, knowing that things had begun to expand.

It won't be long before the news spreads throughout the school, and the whole school will know about it.

The possibility of wanting to solve it privately has also become very small at this time.

Rather, there is no possibility of solving it privately.

Not enough, at least after they have not compromised with each other in front of the school, the power of the evidence I have can really show! ’

Haruki Yamauchi is in Class D, so it can be said that he is at the center of this incident.

It is precisely because of this that Haruki Yamauchi was able to grasp the development of things and throw out the right things at the right time.

And after Sudo Ken left, there was a lot of discussion in the class.

Usually Sudo Ken is too vicious, and the people in the class dare not speak out in the face of his actions.

But now, Ken Sudo has affected the class points, and it has also affected the distribution of individual points, which makes them unbearable.

"Hey, Sudo's thing, isn't it too bad?"

The first to speak was Kanji Chi, who is also Ken Sudo's best friend, and was the first to jump out at this time.

"If the points are lost because of Sudo's fault, won't we be able to live at zero this month?"

The classroom was immediately enveloped in a commotion, and it began to get out of control.

This kind of dissatisfaction with points that won't be distributed and few points is being collected on Sudo alone, who is not present.

Kushida then stood up and spoke, and only then did he turn the situation back, so that everyone could temporarily believe in Sudo Ken and also go to find evidence.

At the end of school, Kushida Kikyo came to Haruki Yamauchi and bowed his head in please.

"Yamauchi-san, can you go with us to find witnesses? Just a little help, please. "

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