"The weather, the characteristics, the behavioral characteristics, the modus operandi are so similar. "

It's not easy to finally find a match!" Ling Fei sighed.

With the assistance of officers from the Technical Section, it was determined that the case was similar on the basis of a sufficient cross-reference in the record book.

After finding a similar case, everyone was a little surprised.

At the very least, everyone's efforts have been rewarded.

After receiving Xiao Wang's prestige, Zhou Xun walked over and looked at the file.

"There's still a third of it, let's do it harder. "

Okay, Team Zhou!"

After boosting morale, Zhou Xun led everyone to continue rummaging.

Until seven o'clock in the morning, except for the one that Ling Fei found before, nothing else was found.

Although everyone was a little disappointed, they were fortunate to be sure.

Everyone can accept it.

At this time, Zhou Xun's phone rang, and it was from the Yungang detachment.

The Yungang detachment is under the jurisdiction of Yungang District.

Yungang District is adjacent to Changfeng District.

Zhao Xincheng, deputy head of the Yungang detachment, has a good relationship with Zhou Xun.

After hanging up the phone, although Zhou Xun's face was a little tired, he still said to everyone with some excitement:

"The Yungang detachment next door found two, plus the one we found, it is three." When

they heard the good news, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

After that, Zhou Xun reported to the Municipal Bureau, and with the approval of the Municipal Bureau, a task force was established.


An hour and a half later, reinforcements from the Yungang detachment also arrived.

There are not many people, only six, but they are all the elite of the elite.

It was Zhao Xincheng who led the team, after all, he was burly, and he spoke like Zhou Xun, with a loud voice.

Due to long-term travel, staying up late, and irregular work and rest, he looks older than Zhou Xun.

In fact, the real age of the two, Zhou Xun is half a year older than Zhao Xincheng.

"Captain Guan, we haven't seen each other for a long time.

"After the case is solved, I must treat you to a drink.

"I'm just a consultant!"

"No, even if you're not on the team, you're still the number one."

Guan Hongfeng smiled and shook hands with the other party, and turned his gaze to the thin man next to Zhao Xincheng.

Although he had never seen each other, he had a very familiar feeling when he looked at each other's faces.

At this time, Zhou Xun trotted over and hugged Zhao Xincheng.

"Lao Zhao, brother, I have become the captain of the detachment, and your kid is still the second-in-command. "


!" "Hahaha!"

Zhao Xincheng pretended to be disgusted and pushed Zhou Xun away, and joked with a smile:

"Old Zhou, I fled to Yungang City, but I didn't expect that I still couldn't get rid of you." "

You guy just followed the Guan team to get into his current position.

"If I follow the Guan team, you will probably have to call me Director Zhao by now."

Zhou Xun was immediately happy when he heard it, and joked: "Okay, next time I go to the city bureau for a meeting."

"I will definitely call you Director Zhao, and I will see how the Care Bureau will clean you up when the time comes."

"Don't don't, brother is wrong. Several

people exchanged pleasantries for a while, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Suddenly, Zhao Xincheng seemed to remember something, slapped his head, and said to Zhou Xun and Guan Hongfeng:

"Those four are all old criminal policemen of our detachment, Lao Ma and you have worked together before, so I won't introduce them much." As he

spoke, Zhao Xincheng pointed to the thin man on the side and explained, "This is the advisor of our detachment, Han Bin.

"Hello, hello!" Zhou Xun shook

the other party's hand very warmly, Guan Hongfeng only then remembered that the other party's father was Han Songge, a very famous criminal psychology expert in all China, and he had taught him before.

Han Bin has an elegant temperament and speaks more culturedly.

After a brief chat for a while, Zhou Xun returned to the detachment with the group.

Zhou Xun first informed the people of the Yungang detachment of the general situation and some details of the case.

After the general situation, Zhao Xincheng took out the two case files they found and recounted:

"The first case happened a year and a half ago, and the two husbands and wives were both university teachers, and they had no enemies.

Both of them sat in the front row, and the murderer first smashed the glass in the back row, opened the car door, and brutally killed the two of them.

"After killing the two people, the murderer cleaned up the scene very cleanly, leaving no fingerprints, clothes, or hair.

"And it's a rainy day, too. "

There was another one that happened a year ago, at a scrapped scrap yard, on a rainy day.

"The two deceased were lovers, a man and a woman, and the man was an executive of a hotel. "

And the woman was the waitress of the hotel, and the two of them were also sitting in the front row.

"The murderer's modus operandi is highly similar to the previous case.

After Zhao Xincheng finished speaking, Ling Fei also recounted the case he found.

"The case file we found was next to Xinyang Bridge, and the deceased was also a man and a woman.

"The difference is that the two deceased were killed in the back seats.

"After the murderer killed the victim, he also cleaned up the scene cleanly, leaving no clues. Immediately

afterwards, Wang Yu turned on the mobile phone video.

After watching the video, Han Bin asked the doubts in his heart.

In all four cases, the murderer chose to break in through the rear window.

"I wonder if it's the same as a rainy day, it's also a deliberate choice made by the murderer. The

crowd fell into deep thought.

At this time, Ling Fei suddenly thought of a possibility and said

, "These four victims are all driving mid-to-high-end cars, and this type of car. "

The rear windows are shaded.

"This means that after the shading treatment, the owner will not put film on the window. "

The rear window is also more likely to be broken, did the murderer realize this and choose to smash the rear window?"

Guan Hongfeng nodded, agreeing with Ling Fei's point of view.

"I also agree, judging by the modus operandi of this murderer.

"The other side's anti-reconnaissance consciousness and psychological quality are beyond ordinary people, and it is not surprising to think of this.

Han Bin also agreed.

Zhou Shutong whispered to Ling Fei and asked, "How do you know so much?" "

Read more books, read more newspapers!"

Zhou Shutong was stunned for a moment, how could this sentence be so familiar!

Guan Hongfeng kept looking through the file in his hand, and he was still holding a pen, constantly writing something on the paper.

When everyone was discussing the case, Guan Hongfeng seemed to think of something and said:

"In the first case, the murderer spent about an hour sorting out the crime scene.

"And in the latest case, the murderer only took about ten minutes.

"Moreover, the cooling-off period for the murderer to commit the crime is as long as half a year. "

This cool-off period is a bit long!" Han

Bin interjected:

"The murderer walked in and out of the crime scene, but the radiation area was too wide, and the murderer probably had a substitute driver." "

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