At this time, Officer Cui whispered to Ling Fei: "

The leader of this group, Ji Ji, his real name is Zhang Qiang.

After hearing the movement outside the house, three men and three women walked out of the house.

Among them, a middle-aged man and woman are Liu's mother's brother and sister-in-law, and the rest are villagers who came to help.

"Auntie, we want to open the coffin and take a look at the body.

After hearing Ling Fei's words, Mother Liu was a little hesitant.

In rural areas, opening the coffin for an autopsy is a great disrespect to the deceased.

Officer Cui immediately persuaded: "We think that your husband's death is strange, and only after the autopsy can we know whether it is suicide."

Liu Xiaojuan also looked at her mother expectantly, hoping that the other party would agree, so that she could give her father justice.


After speaking, Liu Mu nodded heavily and agreed.

After Ling Fei and the four of them opened the coffin.

The middle-aged male corpse inside was dumbfounded, staring at a pair of blood-red eyes.

The mouth opened slightly, and the tip of the tongue was exposed.

On the other party's neck, there is a very obvious strangulation mark.

"It's not suicide, the deceased should have been strangled to death first!" Ling

Fei judged that the other party was strangled to death first based on the bruise-purple marks on the lower part of the deceased's neck.

The murderer then disguised himself as a hanger.

After hearing Ling Fei's words, Liu Xiaojuan, who was already dead, had hope in her heart again.

And Liu's mother was weak in her legs and sat on the ground with her buttocks.

She could imagine how desperate her husband was at that time.

Immediately afterwards, Officer Cui contacted Gao Yanan and the technical department and asked the other party to come over quickly.

"Xiaojuan, tell us about the situation at that time. "

My grandfather is not in good health and lives alone in his hometown.

"So my dad brought my grandfather some rice, noodles and so on every once in a while. "

That night, my dad didn't come back and called my mom and said he was going to stay at home for the night.

"This morning, my mom got a call from my aunt saying that my dad had hanged himself.

At this time, Liu's mother added: "Comrade policeman, my husband hanged himself in the west house. After

Ling Fei and the four of them put on shoe covers and gloves, they walked into the west room and found that it had been cleaned cleanly.

The rope that hanged was also put away.

"Well, the house has been cleaned, and some of the evidence must have been destroyed.

Ling Fei carefully checked every place and found no clues.

Soon, Forensic Doctor Gao rushed over with his assistant Xiao Wang and two police officers from the technical department.

"Xiao Wang, go and get the black cloth on the car and cover the mourning hall!" Gao Yanan found that there were many villagers watching the excitement outside the mourning hall, so he instructed Xiao Wang.

"Howler!" After speaking, Xiao Wang trotted out.

Two officers from the Technical Section cordoned off the western house with a cordon and then surveyed it.

Gao Yanan quickly completed the preliminary autopsy, took off his mask and gloves, and said to Ling Fei and the others:

"The deceased has fractured laryngeal cartilage on both sides, and there are two strangulation marks on his neck, and the time of death is about one to two o'clock in the morning.

"The strangulation marks of the hanged were about forty-five degrees inclined upward.

"During this period, people will struggle violently because of the discomfort caused by suffocation, as well as in the survival instinct.

"So the marks that cause the rope to rub against the neck are messy and different in depth.

"There is no trace of the rope rubbing against the neck of the deceased, plus the deceased's throat cartilage is fractured.

"So, the dead were strangled first. "

Officer Cui, since it has been established that the deceased was homicide, not suicide, we need a second autopsy.

Officer Cui nodded, walked out of the mourning hall, and asked for Liu's mother's permission.

After knowing that her husband was indeed killed by others, Liu's mother immediately agreed without saying a word.

Officer Choi contacted the local funeral home to pull the body.

At this time, one of the officers of the technical section found more than a dozen fingerprints in the western room.

Immediately afterwards, the police officer collected the fingerprints of everyone at the scene to rule them out, so as to find out the fingerprints of the murderer.

Another police officer found several pairs of shoe prints and a row of car prints outside the courtyard wall.

One of the pair of shoe prints is very clear, and it is obvious that the other person stepped on it when he jumped off the wall.

"Brother Cui, the owner of this pair of shoe prints should be about one meter seventy-five tall and weigh fat. (PS. How to deduce, as mentioned earlier, will not be nonsense here.)

"As for this row of car prints...",

Ling Fei didn't see what kind of car prints were pressed out.

"It should be an electric car, and this murder case cannot be ruled out as a crime committed in the same village. Officer Cui analyzed.

Xiao Wang was suddenly a little confused, and asked suspiciously: "Lao Cui, isn't it superfluous for people from the same village

to ride an electric car?" "Besides, how conspicuous it is to ride an electric car!"

"Xiao Wang, have you ever thought that the murderer knows that there is only an old man and the dead left in this house."

"The killer could have parked the electric car under the fence and then stepped on the electric car and turned over.

"As for motorcycles, they are too noisy and not as convenient as electric cars.

Xiao Wang suddenly patted his head: 'Why didn't I think of it?' It's

a pity that the crime scene has been cleaned, and there are too few clues left.

In fact, Ling Fei felt that it was Zhang Qiang's gang that was very likely to commit the crime.


After a while, the staff of the funeral home rushed over.

carried the body of the deceased into the car and brought it back to the funeral home, while Gao Yanan followed behind the other party, preparing to go to the second autopsy.

After the officers of the technical section finished collecting evidence, the group returned to the detachment.

Zhou Xun called everyone for a short meeting.

"Mi Ji's real name is Zhang Qiang, and he was Qi Weidong's subordinate before.

"After Qi Weidong was imprisoned, Zhang Qiang pulled a group of younger brothers in the town and engaged in illegal activities of loan sharking.

"This Zhang Qiang has always been behind the scenes and has never been involved in these illegal activities.

Zhou Xun introduced while releasing PPT.

The PPT has Zhang Qiang's photos and social relations, as well as Qi Weidong's introduction.

Guan Hongfeng then added:

"We don't have any evidence of Zhang Qiang's substantive crime now, and this Zhang Qiang is also an old fritter.

"Since he came out to mix in society, it has been common for him to go to the police station. "

By the way, Lao Cui, did you find anything?"

Officer Cui then told Liu Xiaojuan's family about it, causing unanimous indignation among everyone.

"This kind of social cancer must be eradicated!" Zhou Xun said indignantly.

"If the murderer is Zhang Qiang's subordinate, as long as he catches the other party, it will be the breakthrough point of this case.

After speaking, Guan Hongfeng lowered his head thoughtfully, not knowing what he was thinking.


After the meeting.

Guan Hongfeng took Ling Fei and Zhou Shutong to the funeral home.

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