"Sex name

!", "Li Li!",

"Gender!", "



"Why did you kill three people?"

"People?" "It's the Xie Jing brothers and sisters, and your roommate!" Li Li's

face changed suddenly, his expression became crazy, and he smiled fiercely:

"They also deserve to be called people

?" "What is the difference between these cockroaches who stay at home all day long, entrenched in a dark, damp place, and disgusting


I am suffering from uremia, I have not given up my life, I am still trying to earn money and try to live!"

"These people are able-bodied, but they don't go out to work, what do you say is the meaning of their lives?" "

I'm not killing them, I'm redeeming and cleaning up this garbage for society."

"What about Xie Jing?"

"A person who feeds garbage is conniving at them to waste their lives, and this kind of person is not worthy of living in the world."

Hearing this, Ling Fei took a deep breath.

He was shocked by Li Li's distorted worldview.

The other party may be riddled with illness, coupled with the original family factors, which led to the other party having an anti-social thought.

After more than ten minutes, the interrogation ended.

The group began to prepare materials and physical evidence, and then appealed to the court.

With the crimes committed by Li Li, what awaits him will be the death penalty.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task: assist Guan Hongfeng in capturing the real murderer and obtain 4000 justice points]

Ling Fei's current justice value has accumulated to 39400.

After Ling Fei prepares, he slowly raises his elementary anatomy mastery to an advanced level, and then learns to master trace Xi.

The Xi of professional knowledge is a long process, but Ling Fei has a system, and he only needs to consume justice values to learn in seconds.

However, in order not to make the people in the detachment suspicious, Ling Fei could only lay the groundwork first, and then improve his strength step by step.

When it was close to the end of work, everyone was a little anxious.

"After working for so long, I can finally go home and sleep well!" Xiao

Wang stretched his waist and said to everyone with a smile.

Ling Fei found that Xiao Wang belonged to the kind of person who had no heart and lungs, he was reprimanded by Zhou Xun one second, and forgot about it the next second.

"Brother Wang, do you know that Teacher Guan is married?" Zhou Shutong asked curiously.

After hearing Zhou Shutong's question, everyone in the office area also put down the work in their hands and stared at Xiao Wang intently.

Xiao Wang was originally a little sleepy, but when the other party mentioned Guan Hongfeng's emotional history, the sleepiness immediately dissipated.

Xiao Wang sat up straight and said to everyone:

"Let me tell you, the emotional history of the Guan team is very mysterious, but Brother Wang, I am well informed!" "

There are two versions of the emotional history of the Guan team, the first is that since the Guan team came to the detachment, they have never been in love.

"You also know that the Guan team is relatively arrogant and cold, so naturally no woman can control the Guan team. "

The second version says that after the Guan team came to the detachment, he got along with a police officer in the detachment.

When he said this, everyone's interest was instantly aroused by Xiao Wang.

"Brother Wang, what about then

?" "Are the two married?" Officer Li asked impatiently.

"And then this police officer died in an operation!"

"Later, the Guan team never looked for a target again. At

this time, Xiao Wang's phone rang, and it was Zhou Xun calling.

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Wang left.

The others sat in their seats, still reminiscing about Xiao Wang's gossip.

And Ling Fei is not interested in these, and he is not a gossip character himself.

When Xiao Wang spoke just now, he was just listening to it by the way.

After getting off work, Ling Fei waited for Xia Jie at the gate.

Snow began to fall in the sky, growing bigger and bigger.

Then goose feathers of snowflakes fell.

At this time, Xia Jie came out and grabbed Ling Fei's arm.

In the summer and autumn before, Xia Jie liked to hold Ling Fei's hand.

But now in the middle of winter, if you stretch your hand out of your sleeve, it will naturally freeze.

"Brother Fei, it's too cold outside, why don't we go to the neighborhood and eat casually.

Ling Fei asked suspiciously:

"Don't you go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables?"

"I have to write a summary of the case when I go back today, and I will cook after buying vegetables, and it will be eight or nine o'clock after eating, it's too late!" "Okay, let's go!"


was nothing to eat near the detachment, and after crossing two or three streets, the two of them saw a haggis soup shop.

"That's it, eat something warm in winter. With that

, the two walked in.

There were still a lot of people in the store, and Ling Fei and Xia Jie casually found a vacant seat.

Ling Fei ordered a haggis soup and some side dishes.

Halfway through the meal, a middle-aged man at the next table suddenly dropped his chopsticks and scolded the waitress

: "Crying, are there dead people at home?"

At this time, the proprietress heard the sound and hurriedly walked over from the back kitchen.

After understanding what happened, the proprietress persuaded with a smile:

"Big brother, something happened to this child's family, you can be considerate

!" "Xiao Wang, hurry up and add two dishes to this big brother

!" "Okay, boss!" The male waiter on the side immediately went back to the back kitchen to make arrangements.

The middle-aged man saw that the proprietress had a good attitude, and he didn't care anymore.

Ling Fei saw that the waitress's hands were covered with scars, and suddenly thought of a possibility, and said to Xia

Jie, "Xiao Jie, I feel that this waitress may have been subjected to domestic violence or violently beaten. "

Then let's go and ask about the situation!" The

two found the proprietress and showed their police ID.

"Hello, we are the criminal police of the Changfeng detachment!"

"Comrade policeman, what's wrong?"

"We mainly want to know about the situation of the waitress.

"Oh, you said Liu Xiaojuan, her bastard brother borrowed a loan and couldn't pay it back, but he was approached by the other party.

Not only did he break his brother's leg, but she and her mother were also beaten lightly when they dissuaded him. Subsequently

, the proprietress called Liu Xiaojuan.

The little girl was a little timid when she came over, but after learning the identities of the two.

Kneeling on the ground and begging, "Comrade policeman, please save my brother."

Xia Jie hurriedly helped the little girl up and asked, "Girl, tell me about your situation first."

"My brother borrowed 50,000 yuan from other people, but a month later, the other party asked my brother to repay 100,000 yuan with interest. "

How can the conditions of our family be repaid!" "

As a result, the other party came to the door and broke my brother's leg, and beat me and my mother too!"

"Do you know the identity

of the other party?" "I heard my brother say that the other party is called a chicken, and there are many people under him. "


After understanding the situation, Ling Fei reported the matter to Zhou Xun.

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