After the break, Zhou Xun gave a task in the work group:

take the construction site as the center, with a radius of four kilometers from Fangyuan, to find residents in the community who can see the construction site.

And check them one by one.

There are a total of four communities around the construction site, and there are many households who can see the construction site, including more than 90 households.

Zhou Xun and Guan Hongfeng each brought a group, and Officer Li and Xiao Wang took a group.

Ling Fei and Officer Cui were in a group, and the area they were responsible for was the Beiyuan community directly south of the construction site, among which there were only 17 households that could see the construction site.

At this time, due to the cold weather.

When the two arrived at the community, they didn't meet many residents along the road.

Officer Cui took Ling Fei to find the property in the community first, and under the leadership of the property, the seventeen households were investigated one by one.

After the two checked for two hours, there were still three left.

There is no elevator in the complex, and five of the households live on the sixth or seventh floor.

The property staff was tired and panting, sitting on the ground gasping for air.

"Comrade policeman, allow me to rest for a while.

"You two are really good in physical strength, you have climbed the building for so long, and your face is not red or breathless. "

We exercise regularly, and our physical strength is naturally good!" Officer Cui said with a smile, and handed the staff a bottle of mineral water after speaking.

After resting for a while, the three of them came to the next house.

"Hello, I'm a community property!"

After speaking, the staff knocked on the door.

There was no response from inside.

After the staff knocked on the door again, the three waited for a while, but there was still no response from inside the house.

"It's strange, I remember that there was a resident of this house who was an otaku and stayed in the house all day playing games.

"Could it be that he is asleep?" The

staff's words aroused Ling Fei's vigilance, and he remembered what Guan Hongfeng had said before.

The first male corpse found was obese, with a slight deformation of the palm of his right hand, which was caused by holding a mouse for many years.

"Do you still know about this family?" Ling Fei asked.

"The tenant is two men, one of whom plays games at home all year round and earns money by selling game currency.

"This guy is very good at playing games, we all know about it.

"There is also a tenant who delivers takeaways, and this person leaves early and returns late, and he doesn't have much contact.

After the staff finished speaking, he took out the tenant's contact number and dialed it.

However, after dialing the phone numbers of the two separately, the phone reported that the other party had turned off the phone.

Ling Fei whispered to Officer Cui and said, "Brother Cui, it's normal for this otaku phone to be turned off.

"But the delivery man's phone is turned off, which is a little suspicious. "

You must know that this point is the peak period of takeaway, if the delivery person turns off the mobile phone or turns on the airplane mode, how to take the order?

Of course, it is also possible that the other party's mobile phone is out of battery.

However, this possibility is also very small, and the delivery person will generally prepare a power bank.

Officer Cui nodded, expressing his approval of Ling Fei's idea.

So, Officer Cui immediately contacted a lockpick.

After all, the police can't let go of the slightest possibility when handling a case.

Twenty minutes later, the locksmith arrived and quickly opened the lock.

The layout of two bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom, and the bedroom near the living room is hidden.

Ling Fei pushed the door in, and the house was very messy, a typical otaku residence.

All kinds of convenient and puffed foods were scattered all over the ground, and the boxes of instant noodles that were eaten were piled up as high as knees.

The soup inside has been fermented for a long time, giving off a strong sour smell.

On the wall near the bed, there was a window.

However, the window is just blocked by another wall, which makes the whole room not very well lit.

Ling Fei found an ID card in the garbage pile on the ground, picked it up and looked at it.

"Gao Hongbo, the guy is quite handsome.

Ling Fei saw the boy in the photo on his ID photo, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a high nose.

If it weren't for the thick bangs minus points, this Gao Hongbo would definitely be a handsome guy.

Officer Choi entered the bedroom opposite.

This bedroom is the complete opposite of Gao Hongbo's bedroom, the interior of the house is neat and clean.

There are not many things in the house, except for the bed, wardrobe, desk, and chair, there are only two relatively large suitcases left.

Officer Choi walked to the window and found that he could just see the Yinghui construction site.

At this time, Ling Fei also walked in and asked

, "Brother Cui, have you found anything?" "

Not yet, it's just that there are no books, computers, TVs, or even decorations in the house, and this delivery man gives me a feeling of being out of place with society." "

Okay, then I'll go to the kitchen first.

After Ling Fei finished speaking, he walked towards the kitchen.

In the kitchen there is a device made of kitchenware and some transparent pipes.

There was also a still, some powder, and some saline in the corner.

"What are these things for?"

"It looks like some kind of device!" Ling Fei muttered as he pondered.

Suddenly, he remembered a news item he had seen on the Internet earlier.

It's about a rural uncle who has uremia, but because his family is poor, he can't afford dialysis.

So I made a simple dialysis unit at home with kitchen utensils and some plastic pipes and other things.

Thinking of this, Ling Fei looked at the thing in front of him, and the more he looked at it, the more it looked like it.

The still is used to make distilled water, and the powder is used to mix with distilled water to make a rinse liquid.

As for saline, it should be used to flush the pipes.

"Is this Gao Hongbo suffering from uremia, or is this delivery man?"

However, Ling Fei still felt that the latter was more likely.

After all, this Gao Hongbo stays up late, orders takeout, and eats junk food every day.

Immediately after, Ling Fei opened the refrigerator.

In the cold room, there is a head and a right arm.

The skull's eyes glared at Ling Fei angrily, looking dead.

"Brother Cui, I found out that this delivery man was the murderer and didn't run away.

When Officer Cui heard the sound, he hurriedly ran over, and after seeing the head and right arm in the refrigerator, he immediately contacted Zhou Xun.

Soon, Zhou Xun and Guan Hongfeng led the team over.

After they came, comrades from the technical department and Gao Yanan also arrived at the scene.

Gao Yanan saw a black tattoo on his arm and said

, "The tattoo is a little blurry, and the pattern should be a scorpion or something."

Zhou Xun scolded: "This grandson should be afraid that his face and tattoos will reveal the identity of the deceased."

"This girl is definitely a murderer.

At this time, Zhou Shutong trotted over and reported: "Team Zhou, Teacher Guan, I just contacted the landlord.

"This delivery man's name is Li Li, and this is a picture of him, you can take a look.

After speaking, Zhou Shutong hurriedly handed the mobile phone to Guan Hongfeng.

The man in the photo is a little thin and has small eyes, but he is extremely attentive.

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