After a while, Zhou Shutong couldn't hold on again, trotted out, and threw up.

Ling Fei asked: "Guan team, there is no trace of damage to the lock of the gate, which means that the murderer knows the deceased." In

this way, Xie Jing's boyfriend's suspicion is a little bigger.

At this time, Zhou Shutong also interjected:

"Mr. Guan, where do you say the other party will flee?" "

This is the era of big data, as long as a wanted warrant is issued, it won't be long before the other party can be caught." "

There are two conditions for the issuance of a wanted warrant:

one is the substantive condition, that is, the arrest is carried out in accordance with the law in accordance with the crime committed by

the criminal suspect, and the second is the criminal condition, that is, there is substantial evidence to prove that the criminal suspect is seriously suspected.

After Guan Hongfeng finished speaking, he walked straight downstairs.

At this time, after Zhou Xun saw Zhou Shutong walking out, he shouted:

"Xiao Zhou, the landlord is downstairs, you go and ask him about Xie Jing's situation."

Zhou Shutong agreed and ran downstairs.

Ling Fei saw a window at the innermost end of the hallway, so he walked over and looked downstairs.

However, there was a ginkgo tree directly in front of the window, which just blocked the view.

Finding nothing unusual, Ling Fei returned to Xie Jing's door.

At this time, Zhou Xun and Guan Hongfeng were muttering not far away, not knowing what they were discussing.

Five minutes later, Zhou Xun saw that Zhou Shutong hadn't come up yet, so he said to Ling Fei, "

Xiao Ling, go downstairs and see what Xiao Zhou is grinding!"

"Okay, Team Zhou!" After

speaking, Ling Fei walked to the first floor.

When Ling Fei just walked to the second floor, Zhou Shutong's anxious voice came from the pager:

"Team Zhou, Teacher Guan, I saw a young man wearing a black leather coat and holding a bright helmet, walking around the corner. "

The other man saw me, and he ran towards a motorcycle. "

Request for support

!" "Received!" After

Ling Fei heard this, he quickly ran downstairs, and his body quickly turned into an afterimage.

When Ling Fei ran downstairs, he saw the big landlord who was at a loss.

At this time, Zhou Shutong's voice came from the pager again:

"The suspect ran in the direction of the

gate of the community!" "Received!"

"Xiao Liang, Xiao Wang, block the gate of the community, don't let this grandson run away." "

Okay, Team Zhou.

At this time, Ling Fei had already caught up with Zhou Shutong, and according to the direction pointed by the other party, Ling Fei continued to chase after him.

When the young man rode to the gate of the community, he found that several police cars were blocked at the door, and he was immediately frightened.

Hurriedly turned the head of the car and drove towards the back door of the community.

When Ling Fei saw it, he sighed secretly: Oh no

! There is a very narrow alley behind the community.

The other party was riding a motorcycle, and it was easy to escape.

So, Ling Fei hurriedly shouted in the pager:

"Team Zhou, the suspect fled in the direction of the back door of the community. "

Okay, Lao Guan and I will each lead a team and copy from the back. The

young man turned right all the way to get rid of Ling Fei, but he found that Ling Fei was like a dog skin plaster.

You can't shake it off

!"Damn!" The young man scolded angrily, and suddenly accelerated violently, opening up a large distance from Ling Fei.

Due to the lack of police officers, the back door was not blocked in time.

The young man accelerated again and rushed into the alley.

"Chase Lao Tzu again!" the

young man slowed down and looked back, and when he found that Ling Fei was not chasing, he was overjoyed.

But before he could be happy, he saw Ling Fei chasing after him again, and his speed was faster than before.

"Is this guy a robot or a zombie?" the young man couldn't help but complain.

Ling Fei has been chasing from the main entrance of the community to the present, at least two or three kilometers.

And he was still riding a motorcycle, even if the throttle was full, he didn't throw off the other party.

One person and one car continued to chase for another kilometer.

The young man also knew that if he continued to stalemate like this, he would sooner or later fall into the hands of the police.

Rather than being caught by the police, it is better to fight with the other party.

The young man's heart turned around and accelerated towards Ling Fei.

The moment Ling Fei rushed towards the other party, he rushed to the side.

You know, the weight of a motorcycle is about 200 kilograms.

The young man turned around and accelerated, and because the distance was too short, the maximum speed only reached 60km/h, which is about 16.7m/s.

According to the kinetic energy EK=0.5*m*v^2, it is about 60,000 joules.

60,000 joules is equivalent to a half-ton object hitting it at a speed of 12.5 m/s.

If Ling Fei was bumped into by the other party, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Fortunately, Ling Fei's reaction speed was very fast, and he was just rubbed by the motorcycle.

However, even if Ling Fei was only rubbed, he fell heavily to the ground, and there was a long blood mark on his elbow.

Seeing that it didn't work, the other party wanted to do it again.

At this time, Zhou Xun drove a jeep towards the young man.

Of course, Zhou Xun is also very measured.

It only knocked the other person to the ground and broke an arm.

Ling Fei looked at the broken parts of the motorcycle on the ground, and couldn't help but admire Zhou Xun.

is worthy of being the captain of the detachment, that is, he is violent.

Guan Hongfeng and Zhou Shutong, who were belated, couldn't help but look at each other when they saw this scene.

Guan Hongfeng smiled and said to the two: "Your Zhou team is the martial champion of their investigation department.

"And he also defeated Zhao Xincheng from the Department of Public Security Management in the graduation sanda competition

!" "Teacher Guan, who is this Zhao Xincheng?"

"The captain of the Xinhai detachment!"

Zhou Xun said to the pager:

"Brothers, I have caught this turtle grandson." "

Hurry up and clean up the battlefield!"

Guan Hongfeng walked over, picked up a black wallet, flipped through it, and pulled out a group photo from it.

The girl in the photo looks relatively quiet, and the boy is naturally this young man.

The back of the photo is written in black marker.

Wu Hao LOVE Xie Jing.

"Finally see what Xie Jing looks like!" After

speaking, Guan Hongfeng put the photo into the evidence bag.

Soon, Officer Cui brought someone to deal with the scene and gave a simple treatment to Wu Hao's broken arm.

"Collect the team!"

"It's really hard to find a place to break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it, and this grandson has sent it to the door by himself."

Zhou Xun had a smile on his face.

After the crowd returned to the detachment.

Ling Fei disinfected it with hydrogen peroxide and bandaged it simply.

The abrasion didn't feel at all at first, but now it's a little painful.

Ling Fei had seen it on the Internet before: when abrasions, the capillaries under the skin were damaged, and the blood penetrated into the surrounding tissues and under the skin.

In addition, the nerves under the skin are relatively dense, so it will be very painful after abrasion.

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