Xiao Wang hurriedly shook Zhou Shutong awake and stood aside tremblingly.

After Zhou Shutong woke up, he was a little confused, and suddenly saw Zhou Xun glaring at him, and he suddenly became a lot more energetic.

"Zhou... Team Zhou, oops, I... It's mine... Head, okay..."

After Zhou Shutong stood up suddenly, he only felt a splitting headache, and sat back awkwardly.

"Zhou Shutong!"

"I asked you to follow Lao Guan, when will he go back?" Zhou Xun couldn't control the anger in his heart and shouted loudly.

The entire office area echoed with the roar of the Circular.

Zhou Shutong was already dizzy, but after being yelled at by Zhou Xun, he became even more dizzy, and replied hesitantly:

"Guan... Mr. Guan, he..."

"I... Ask out, and... After I....

Zhou Xun couldn't bear it anymore, and yelled again:

"Straighten the strip for me!"

At this time, Ling Fei was also woken up.

After hearing Zhou Xun ask when Guan Hongfeng would go back, Ling Fei stood up and said to Zhou Xun:

"Team Zhou, Team Guan, he went back at eleven o'clock last night.

Zhou Xun nodded and said to Zhou Shutong: "Forget it this time, hurry up and get him back for me."

"The next time this happens, where you came from, give me a roll back." "

There's no place for you to sleep.

After speaking, Zhou Xun left directly.

As soon as Zhou Xun walked out, he bumped into Gao Yanan.

"Yanan, why are you here?" Zhou Xun's face was instantly full of smiles, and his face change speed was only inferior to Wang Shouyi.

"You're so loud, it's noisy.

"Besides, you have to give the Guan team time to rest!"

"The Guan team is not a free labor you hired, and it will be on standby for you twenty-four hours a day.

"Besides, a little girl, where the Guan team is going, she can stop it. "

I see you, you dare to bully and bully the newcomer, you have the ability, you go to the Guan team to get angry!"

Gao Yanan said unceremoniously.

Zhou Xun choked suddenly, smiled awkwardly, and walked past Gao Yanan and walked towards his office.

After Zhou arrived at the office, he began to contact Guan Hongfeng, but what made him feel strange was that the other party's phone had not been answered.

So, Zhou Xun hurriedly took Xiao Wang to the technical department and instructed:

"After a while, after answering Lao Guan's phone, immediately locate it." The

technical section nodded.

Xiao Wang felt that something was wrong, and asked, "Team Zhou, will this make Team Guan feel that we don't trust him?"

However, after Xiao Wang finished speaking, he saw Zhou Xun staring at his eyes as big as copper bells.

Xiao Wang closed his mouth in amusement.

It wasn't until 6:50 that Zhou Xun dialed Guan Hongfeng's phone.

"Lao Guan, brother, this is really unbearable, you should come over quickly!"

"Okay, I'll come over right away."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Xun looked at the people in the technical department with an expectant expression.

The person from the technical department said with a surprised face: "The mobile phone of the Guan team is located in Xiong Country.

Zhou Xun covered his forehead helplessly and nodded to indicate that he understood.

Xiao Wang interjected: "Team Zhou, isn't this normal?" "

After all, Team Guan is an old criminal policeman, and it is not strange to do anti-eavesdropping and anti-positioning modifications.

Zhou Xun glanced at Xiao Wang with disdain, and felt that the other party regarded him as a fool.

I still can't see what Guan Hongfeng has done?"

"My focus is not on this, but on why Lao Guan did this!"

Xiao Wang also showed a meaningful expression.


At half past seven in the morning, after Ling Fei saw Guan Hongfeng walk in, he hurriedly handed the autopsy report to the other party.

Guan Hongfeng looked at the autopsy report very carefully this time, for fear of missing a clue.

It took ten minutes for Guan Hongfeng to finish watching.

"Guan team, do you find anything?"

"The second victim, male, unemployed, judging from the severe deformation of the outside of the palm of his right hand, should be caused by a long time on the Internet.

"And judging by the similarity of the features on the auricular side and the features of the mandible, the third victim should be his relative."

"Sister or sister.

"The female deceased had signs of wearing gloves for a long time on her wrists, and there were obvious signs of chemical erosion on her nails and fingertips.

"It means that the deceased is most likely a cleaner or a dishwasher."

"Moreover, the deceased had recently done intimate things with someone else, and he should have made a new boyfriend. "

I have taken prescription drugs, which should be newly prescribed, indicating that the deceased recently went to the hospital for a check-up.

"As long as we find the source of the corpse again, it will be easy to do. Hearing

this, Ling Fei was a little excited.

The case has progressed to this point, and there has finally been a major breakthrough.

"Xiao Ling, Zhou Xun is in the office, right?"


Guan Hongfeng nodded and walked towards Zhou Xun's office.

At this time, Ling Fei saw Zhou Shutong walk in.

"I washed my face and sobered up a lot. "

By the way, Ling Fei, is Teacher Guan here?" Zhou Shutong asked.

"I just left, and I went to find Team Zhou.

"However, the customs team analyzed the direct relationship between the second corpse and the third corpse through the autopsy report, and the next step is to find the source of the corpse. "

I've written it down. Ling Fei continued to write down in his notebook.

Zhou Shutong moved a stool, sat next to Ling Fei, and copied his notes.

Ling Fei explained to Zhou Shutong while writing.

Although his anatomical knowledge is not as good as Guan Hongfeng, it is still much better than Zhou Shutong.

"Ling Fei, your theoretical knowledge is too strong!"

"Although I have also studied anatomy before, most of them have been returned to the teacher.

Zhou Shutong looked at Ling Fei with admiration.

Ling Fei smiled embarrassedly and continued to write.

Halfway through writing, Ling Fei suddenly stopped writing and froze.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Shutong asked curiously.

Just now he was patronizing to listen to Guan Hongfeng's analysis, and at this time, he suddenly remembered something.

Last night's Guan Hongfeng gave people a sense of approachability, and he loved to laugh.

But when he saw Guan Hongfeng just now, the other party still had a straight face and was meticulous.

"It's nothing, it's just that some things have been forgotten.

"But fortunately, I remembered it again. Ling Fei snorted and continued to write.

After about ten minutes, Ling Fei finished writing the note.


At this time, Zhou Xun's office.

"Lao Guan, brother, I really can't stand it, and I ask to solve the case within forty-eight hours. "

Brother, I can only count on you now. "

You can't die without help!"

"I want to see my brother's file."

Zhou Xun was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Guan Hongfeng to use this as a threat.

"Lao Guan, what if I want to say no?"

"This thunder can be hung over my head, and when the time comes, it will be me who will suffer!" Zhou Xun snuffed out the cigarette butt and said indignantly.

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