"What's wrong, isn't it comfortable?" Ling Fei asked in a low voice when he saw that Zhou Shutong's face was a little wrong.

Zhou Shutong shook his head and looked out the window.

Seeing that the other party didn't say anything, Ling Fei didn't say much.

Soon, everyone rushed to the Yinghui construction site.

[Ding, trigger task: Assist Guan Hongfeng to capture the real murderer, reward 4000 points of justice]

Seeing the task panel, Ling Fei immediately understood.

The core of this case is Guan Hongfeng, and he only needs to play an assisting role.

And the kidnapping case last time proved that Guan Hongfeng's strength was very powerful.

As soon as possible, Xiao Wang and Officer Li pulled up the eye-catching yellow cordon.

"Lao Guan, I'll go with Xiao Cui to ask the informant. After saying that, Zhou Xun took Officer Cui and walked towards a group of workers.

One of the workers craned his neck and looked at the scene curiously.

After seeing Zhou Xun and the two coming, the worker immediately stood straight.

Guan Hongfeng nodded when he heard this, did not raise his head, and continued to look at the scene.

The site is a foundation, and the concrete structure in the pit is complex and obstructed a lot, and only a few black packages can be faintly seen.

Two of the packages were also halfway open, revealing a mass of white flesh.

Only the half of the finger under the meat block is particularly eye-catching.

Judging by the shape, it seems to be a thumb.

At this time, Zhou Shutong walked over, still holding a mask and disposable rubber gloves in his hand.

"Teacher Guan, Ling Fei!" After speaking, Zhou Shutong handed the mask and gloves to the two of them.

"Let's go down and have a look!" Guan Hongfeng put on his mask and gloves and went down the slope to the foundation pit.

Ling Fei followed, Zhou Shutong hesitated, gritted his teeth, and followed behind the two.

Ling Fei spread a layer of white body bags on the ground and placed the packages on top of them in turn.

When I put the first five, it was quite smooth, but the last package was a little heavy.

When Ling Fei put it down, the bottom of the bag broke, and the torso and organs inside slipped out.

Suddenly, a foul smell permeated.

Zhou Shutong only felt a sour throat, a churn in his stomach, and quickly ran to a mound of dirt outside the pit, pulled down his mask, and vomited.

"Teacher Guan, Zhou Shutong, she..."

Ling Fei was halfway through his words, and when he saw Guan Hongfeng examining the corpse very carefully, he closed his mouth in amusement.

After a while, Zhou Xun, Gao Yanan and the staff of the technical department came over.

"Lao Guan, I didn't ask anything, and there was no monitoring nearby.

"Xiao Wang took people to investigate the neighborhood to see if they could find eyewitnesses!" Zhou

Xun said to Guan Hongfeng.

After Guan Hongfeng and Ling Fei saw the people from the forensic and technical departments coming, they walked straight to Zhou Xun's side.

"Old Guan, do you see anything?" Guan

Hongfeng didn't answer, but looked at Ling Fei.

Ling Fei's criminal inquest at this time had reached an advanced level, and he organized his words slightly, saying

, "Although there were several sets of footprints at the scene, the murderer was carrying six packages, each weighing at least ten kilograms.

"So the murderer's footprints are darker than the others.

"Based on the footprints on the surface outside the pit, it is inferred that the murderer is about 1.7 meters tall and his shoe size is 41 yards.

"But the body parts were so badly damaged that it could only be seen that the wounds on the pelvis and thigh bones were caused by blunt objects, and they should have been axes or other heavy tools.

Guan Hongfeng nodded, expressing his approval of Ling Fei's statement, and added:

"When normal people walk, most of them land on the soles of their feet first, so their footprints are deep first and then shallow.

"In the process of throwing the corpse, the center of gravity of the murderer's body will change, and the heel will land first.

"So, nine times out of ten, this set of footprints was left by the murderer.

At this time, Zhou Shutong walked over, looked at the stump and severed arm in the body bag, and resisted the desire to vomit again.

But fortunately, my stomach was emptied just now, and I couldn't spit out anything!

Xiao Wang looked at Zhou Shutong's embarrassment, and laughed and teased: "Xiao Zhou, have you vomited clean?"

After hearing Xiao Wang's ridicule, Zhou Shutong's

face turned slightly red, and she also felt that her behavior was too embarrassing.

After seeing the scene of the crime, he vomited it directly.

Zhou Xun glared at Xiao Wang fiercely and said,

"Xiao Wang, you are actually embarrassed to ridicule others.

"Xiao Zhou, let me tell you, when Xiao Wang went to the police for the first time, when he saw the scene of the murder, he vomited and collapsed.

"After being taken to the hospital, it took me half a day to get my strength down.

Zhou Shutong laughed out loud, but what she didn't expect was that the other party was not even as good as herself.

Ling Fei and Guan Hongfeng's attention was on the case, and they didn't pay attention to the communication between the three of them at all.

Xiao Wang also scratched his head embarrassedly.

"Team Zhou, how many years have this been, why can't you not mention it?"

Guan Hongfeng looked at the corpse in front of him, thoughtful.

Gao Yanan on the side stared at Guan Hongfeng curiously, ready to listen to the other party's opinions.

At this time, Guan Hongfeng beckoned to the four of them, and the four of them hurriedly squatted next to Guan Hongfeng.

Guan Hongfeng picked up an arm, separated the fingers and middle fingers of the arm, and showed it to everyone.

And while displaying, he analyzed:

"Between the index finger and middle finger of the left hand, there is a nicotine smell, which is commonly known as the smell of smoke. "

There is a thick calloon on the third joint of the middle finger, which should be the marks left by the deceased when he hit the steering wheel many times over time. "

It shows that the deceased was not short in driving before his death.

After speaking, Guan Hongfeng put down his arm, picked up a broken foot and analyzed:

"The deceased also has a cocoon on the outside of the sole of his left foot, and most of the formation of cocoons like this is caused by opening the manual gear and frequently stepping on the clutch.

"The above two points are special characteristics.

At this moment, Ling Fei had already written down Guan Hongfeng's analysis in a small notebook.

Before he came, he bought a palm-sized notebook at a convenience store and put it in his pocket.

In this way, you can write down the knowledge points at any time.

After Zhou Shutong saw Ling Fei's actions, he also reminded himself that he had to buy a book and take it with him at any time.

Xiao Wang looked at Guan Hongfeng with admiration, the other party's observation was too strong.

Zhou Xun looked at Xiao Wang's eyes, and he was also helpless.

Gao Yanan continued:

"After a preliminary autopsy, the deceased was a male, weighing about 90 kilograms, and aged between 26 and 29 years old.

"The wounds of the severed limbs are relatively smooth and should have been divided by sharp objects, while the cervical vertebrae, trunk bones, pelvic bones, ulna, radius and thigh bones were all chopped with blunt objects.

"But more information needs to be brought back to the autopsy room for a second autopsy." "

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