Chapter 99-Conquering the Frozen Bird

“Hey, did you ask me to catch the frozen bird for you or let me cook for you?” Liu Feng felt the brain hurt when he saw the big and small packages of ingredients in Ke Nao’s hand.

“Well, I don’t know how to cook, so I can only rely on you. There is a snow cave over there, and I usually rest there.” Kona led Liu Feng to the snow cave where she was hiding.

“I remember there should be a Pokémon Center under the snow mountain, why do you have to rest here?” Liu Feng asked.

“You have to go down the mountain to go back to the Pokémon Center. It’s too much trouble. If you lose the Frozen Bird, it’s over.” Kona said. Then Liu Feng saw all kinds of things in the snow cave, tents, sleeping bags, kitchen utensils, and a pot for hot pot.

“You…you really have everything you prepared.” Liu Feng said with a twitching corner of his mouth.

“Hey, since you are here today, let’s cook as soon as possible. I think about it, I will cook the hot pot today.” Kona smiled.

“What? I should be a guest, right? You should entertain me.” Liu Feng said angrily.

“Oh, Xiaofeng doesn’t love me anymore, 嘤嘤嘤…”

“Okay, you silly stranger, I’m going to cook.” Liu Feng completely defeated. Knowing she was a fake cry, but there was no way, alas, it was really enough.

“Xiaofeng, you really underestimate Uranus and the champion sometimes.” Kona said suddenly while eating.

Liu Feng was taken aback for a moment, and asked, “What do you mean?”

“Xiaofeng, you have to know that the four Uranus and the champion represent the strongest combat power in a region. For example, the Uranus-level Pokémon, in the hands of the four Uranus, even has the strength to compete with the champion level. In fact, Tiandu still underestimated the enemy. , You who don’t use the beast are not the opponent of Du and me.” Kona said.

“I’m not that weak, am I?” Liu Feng said wryly.

“Of course it’s not that weak, but there is still a gap between us.” Konar paused and continued: “The champion is even more terrifying. For example, your sister is very powerful even in the champion. Her Shanaido After super-evolution, there is the strength of the third-level god, coupled with Karuna’s combat experience, even if the second-level god cannot be defeated, there is absolutely no problem in contending. There is also the god’s champion Sirona, the former champion of Fangyuan Dago and others. They even have the strength to fight against second-level gods.”

“Is my sister so strong?” Liu Feng asked in surprise.

“Yeah, I never beat her once anyway.” Kona spread his hands.

“Sister Kona, can you compete with the second-level god if you do your best?” Liu Feng said curiously.

“No, I’m not that strong. I hope this frozen bird is still within my range.” Kona said.

“I let Rogia look for it. Rogia, can you find it?” Liu Feng asked telepathically.

“Don’t worry, Master, the frozen bird is on a cliff on the top of the mountain.” Rogia said.

“Okay. Sister Kona, let’s go, I know where the Frozen Bird is.” Liu Feng pulled Kona and let Rogia teleport directly to the top of the mountain using teleportation.

“That should be the frozen bird.” Liu Feng looked at the big ice blue bird on the cliff.

“Yeah, I’ll deal with it. Go ahead, Water Arrow Turtle.” Kona took out the Water Arrow Turtle.

“Water arrow turtle, super-evolution.” Kona directly let the water arrow turtle super-evolve. Liu Feng view the properties of Super Water Arrow Turtle:

Pokémon: Super Water Arrow Turtle

Property: Water

Potential: Champion

Strength: Early stage of the third-level god

Features: Super Launcher

Origin: the origin of the water system

“Unexpectedly, Sister Kona has a water arrow turtle, and can also super-evolve. The strength of the freezing bird is…” Liu Feng looked at the attributes of the freezing bird again:

Pokémon: Frozen Bird

Attributes: ice, flying

Potential: Level 3 God

Strength: Mid-term of the third-level god

Features: a sense of oppression

Hidden feature: Snow hidden

Origin: ice origin, flight origin

“Fortunately, it’s only in the middle stage of the third-level god. Sister Kona should be able to deal with it.” Liu Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

“Water Arrow Turtle, use a water cannon.”

The cannon on the back of the Super Water Arrow Turtle fired a very powerful water cannon, and the freezing bird couldn’t dodge and was hit directly.

“Water arrow turtle, use high-speed rotation.”

The water arrow tortoise used a high-speed rotation to directly rush up, but the freezing bird moved at a high speed and easily avoided it.

“Water Arrow Turtle, use a rocket head mallet.”

The water arrow tortoise jumped to the cliff with a high-speed gyration and rushed out with a rocket head mallet. The rotational force of the high-speed rotation increased the attack and impact of the rocket head hammer, slamming the frozen bird against the cliff, and even the cliff almost collapsed.

The Frozen Bird was completely angry, and used the air slasher to fly the water arrow turtle out. Frozen Bird seized the opportunity and used a method of freeze-drying that caused considerable damage to the water arrow turtle. Freeze-drying is a great effect on Pokémon in the water system.

“Water Arrow Turtle, use freezing light.”

The water arrow tortoise ejected an icy blue beam and froze the wings of the frozen bird. Although the frozen bird broke free quickly, it still affected its speed somewhat.

“Water Arrow Turtle, use water waves.”

The water arrow tortoise sent out a wave of ripples to attack the freezing bird. The freezing bird used the storm to resist, but was directly defeated.

“The characteristics of the Super Water Arrow Turtle Super Launcher is really easy to use, and the power of the Wave Technique can be increased so much.” Liu Feng was startled. It stands to reason that the strength of the frozen bird is higher than that of the water arrow turtle, but when the trick is matched, it can’t be beaten. The power and achievement of this characteristic is a bit scary.

“Water Arrow Turtle, use the freezing wind.”

The water arrow turtle raised an icy wind and attacked the freezing bird. The Frozen Bird can control the Ice Bird Pokémon. This attack does not cause much damage to it, but the Frozen Wind can effectively reduce the opponent’s speed, and as long as it hits, it will definitely decrease.

“Water Arrow Turtle, use the Cannon Light Cannon.”

Two cannons extended from the arms of the water arrow tortoise and the large fort on the back fired the cannon together. The Frozen Bird’s speed was reduced, and it didn’t avoid the Cannon Light, and was directly punched through the cliff and flew out.

“Let’s go out too.” Liu Feng teleported Kona to the place where the frozen bird was shot. The Frozen Bird couldn’t fight and didn’t love the battle. With the help of the Cannon Light Cannon, it was almost flying out of Baixue Mountain.

“Well, that guy still has a lot of physical strength, and now we definitely can’t catch up.” Kona regretted. I knew I wouldn’t need this kind of overpowering skill, now it’s all right, the frozen bird flying to the mouth.

“Don’t worry, you can’t run. Karakura, leave it to you.” Liu Feng directly released Karakura.

Crack Karakura activated the air valve feature, but did not clear the weather effect, but increased the air pressure, directly letting the frozen bird fall on the snow mountain, and then a dragon’s tail pulled over.

“Wait Karakura, something will happen if you pull it off this time.” Liu Feng said hurriedly. But it was too late, Karakura couldn’t take it anymore, and could only try to change direction and strength. But even so, One Tail went down, Baixue Mountain seemed to be slashed by a sharp axe, and Karakura collapsed in half.

“Sorry master, I can’t take it anymore.” Karakura apologized.

“Forget it, Frozen Bird is okay?” Liu Feng asked.

“It should be okay…” Karakura was not sure, but seeing Liu Feng’s face gradually darkening, she hurriedly said, “I changed my direction at the last minute and didn’t draw it.”

“Xiaofeng, the Frozen Bird seems to be fine, it seems that it has just lost the ability to fight.” Kona pointed to the Frozen Bird buried by the snow.

Ko took out a master ball to subdue the Frozen Bird, and said to Liu Feng, “Isn’t it the one who defeated it? Will it be unwilling to follow me?”

“It’s okay. In this case, just a fight is fine.” Liu Feng thought for a while, and then added: “If a fight is not honest, then fight a few more times. when.”

“This…you really deserve to be violent-kun, you are right.” Kona couldn’t help but said.

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