Chapter 59

“I didn’t expect your fire-breathing dragon to hold on. It’s a miscalculation.” Barr shook his head and said back to Rumble Rock.

“I said I don’t know when my fire-breathing dragon learned to hold, believe it or not?” Liu Feng shrugged at him and said with a wry smile.

“I believe it.” Yes, who would have thought that the fire-breathing dragon learned to hold it and used it at critical times.

“This is my second one, go, Raichu.” Barr released Raichu.

“Fire-breathing dragon, you can go on.” Liu Feng thought for a while. The fire-breathing dragon was basically unharmed before, so he decided to let the fire-breathing dragon continue to fight.

“Raiciu, use one hundred thousand volts.”

Leiqiu used a hundred thousand volts of yellow lightning to rush straight towards the fire-breathing dragon.

“Fire-breathing dragon, use jet flame to block it.”

The fire-breathing dragon ejected a fiery jet of flame and collided with one hundred thousand volts and exploded. The fire-breathing dragon was affected by the explosion, but luckily it was not injured.

“Raichu, use high-speed stars.”

Leiqiu shook his long tail and threw out several yellow stars with unparalleled speed.

“Fire-breathing dragon, use dragon claws to smash it.” Liu Feng did not give an order to dodge. The skill of high-speed stars is basically unavoidable and can only be resisted. (High-speed stars seem to be a must in the game, but this is not a game after all, so I changed it a bit, and I will explain it here.)

The fire-breathing dragon waved its claws, destroying all the flying high-speed stars, and then rushed towards Leiqiu.

“Lei Qiu, use the digging hole to escape.”

Leiqiu resorted to digging a hole and fled to the ground, avoiding the claws of the fire-breathing dragon.

“Raichu, use iron tail.”

Leiqiu came out of the ground suddenly, just behind the fire-breathing dragon, with a white light shining on its tail. One Tail drew on the fire-breathing dragon who was caught off guard, and the fire-breathing dragon staggered forward for two steps before standing still. When I looked back at Leiqiu, I saw Leiqiu got into the ground again.

“Haha, don’t you have any trouble now. Leiqiu, use this method to kill the fire-breathing dragon and use the Thunder Palm.” Barr gave an order with a smile.

Leiqiu suddenly got out of the ground behind the fire-breathing dragon, and his fist entwined with electric light blasted towards the fire-breathing dragon.

“Fire-breathing dragon, use the wing to block it.”

The wings of the fire-breathing dragon turned into rigid wings, blocking Leiqiu’s thunder palm.

“What? You figured out how I attacked.” Barr said, startled.

“There is nothing that can’t be figured out clearly. Sometimes the same method is enough to use once. The second time may not only be ineffective, but will put yourself in.” Liu Feng spread his hands.

“Fire-breathing dragon, use the iron tail to fly it.”

The fire-breathing dragon shook the remaining tail and used the iron tail to knock Thunder Qiu back into the hole.

“Fire-breathing dragon, use jet flames against the hole in the ground.”

The fire-breathing dragon used jet flames against the ground hole. The ground around the ground hole was burnt and cracks appeared. One after another flames drilled out of the crack, and then Leiqiu also drilled out of another hole. The scene was spectacular. .

“Raichu, use Crazy Volt.”

Leiqiu was surrounded by crackling lightning, and rushed towards the fire-breathing dragon.

“Fire-breathing dragon, use the flame fist to greet you.”

The fire-breathing dragon’s fist was wrapped around the flames, and it blasted out with a punch, colliding with Leiqiu’s crazy volt. Leiqiu was beaten back for about eight meters before stopping, and the fire-breathing dragon only staggered back two steps, but the face of the fire-breathing dragon was not quite right, and a small electric current was entangled in his body.

“Huh? Is this static?” Liu Feng said in surprise. Leiqiu’s characteristic static electricity can make people who touch it have a certain chance to become paralyzed.

“Raichu, it is in a paralyzed state, even if it can move, it will reduce its speed and take this opportunity to defeat it. Use Thunder.”

Lei Qiu’s body was shining with dazzling electric light, and a sword-like thunder blasted at the fire-breathing dragon like lightning.

“Fire-breathing dragon, use dragon claws to smash it!”

“What?!” Barr was taken aback. Originally, he thought that Liu Feng should let the fire-breathing dragon block the thunder with defensive or flame attacks, but he didn’t expect him to come up so recklessly.

The claws of the fire-breathing dragon doubled, and a pair of dragon claws caught the thunder abruptly, and then the two claws snapped a point, and the thunder was directly torn in half. But after the fire-breathing dragon tore open the thunder, he was still dissatisfied, and waved a pair of dragon claws to knock Leiqiu out of the playing field. Leiqiu suffered such a heavy blow and immediately lost his fighting ability.

“It’s too powerful! We saw the fire-breathing dragon used the dragon’s claws to tear apart the thunder abruptly and hit the thunder mound. It was too strong!” The commentator couldn’t help himself on the commentary stage.

Yes, the sentence “too strong” perfectly sums up the performance of the fire-breathing dragon in the end.

“Come back, Leiqiu. Next is my third one, go, the duck-billed flame dragon.” Barr released the duck-billed flame dragon.

“Come back to the fire-breathing dragon, go, Bangira.” The fire-breathing dragon is in a state that is not suitable for continuing to fight, so Liu Feng decisively replaced the fire-breathing dragon.

“It’s Bangira, the majestic desert storm-kun! It’s on the stage again, let’s cheer for it!” the commentator said loudly.

“Oh, it’s Bangira. This time it’s hopeless. Even if we lose this time, we have to go all out and use jet flames.” Barr regained his spirits and encouraged the duck-billed flame dragon. Launch an attack.

“Duckbill Flame Dragon, use jet flames,”

The muzzle on the two arms of the duck-billed flame dragon spewed two fiery flames, which shot towards Bangira in a cross spiral.

“Bangira, stop it.”

Bangira put his hands in front of him, blocking the jet of flames.

“What, Duckbill Flame Dragon, increase the intensity of the flame.” Barr froze for a moment, unexpectedly blocking the jet flame so easily.

The duck-billed flame dragon strengthened the flame, and the flame burned more fiercely, but it couldn’t break through Bangira’s defense. Bangira suddenly yelled and waved his arms abruptly, smashing the flames abruptly.

“Bangira, use the evil wave.”

Bangila sprayed a purple-black light beam, hitting the body of the platyrhynchosaurus, and the platyrhynchosaurus took two steps back.

“Duckbill Flame Dragon, use the sunny day.”

The duck-billed flame dragon used a sunny day, some clouds in the sky were dispelled, and the scorching sun irradiated the entire playing field.

“Bangela, fight him in close quarters, use Crush.” ​​Liu Feng realized that this guy wanted to hold back a bad move, so he let Bangila attack so that it couldn’t use the skills.

Bangila rushed forward, opened her big mouth and bit at the duck-billed flame dragon.

“Duckbill Flame Dragon, use Flame Fist.”

The duck-billed flame dragon’s arm was covered by flames, and a punch hit Benjira in the face. Although it was not very hurt, it was extremely insulting, and Benjira was also angry. He shook his fist to block the flame fist of the Yalong, and then bit the shoulder of the Yalong with a crush, the Yalong screamed in pain, and then continued to struggle.

“Duckbill Flame Dragon, find a way to get rid of Benjira.”

“Bangira, don’t need to be shaken, use a burst punch to fly it out.”

Benjra gathered his strength and slammed a punch into the abdomen of the duck-billed flame dragon, knocking the duck-billed flame dragon flying out, hitting a larger rock before stopping.

“The duck-billed flame dragon stands up and uses the sun’s flames.”

The duck-billed flame dragon stood up and began to collect sunlight, because the sunlight was collected very quickly when there was a sunny day, and Bangira had no time to stop it.

“Bangira, use Destructive Death Light.”

Bangira began to condense and destroy the dead light, and the benefits of being strong were revealed at this time. With the help of the sunny day and the early condensing, the duck-billed flame dragon launched a sunny flame in a little over three seconds. And Bangira only took two seconds to use the destructive death light.

The destructive death light collided with the sun flame, and Bangira’s destructive death light was significantly stronger, pushing the sun flame back and bombarding the duck-billed flame dragon. An explosion occurred where the duck-billed flame dragon was standing, and many rocks were blasted into the sky, and after falling, the duck-billed flame dragon was buried underneath.

“Bangira, the last sharp stone attack.”

Bangila hammered the ground with both arms, and huge stone pillars rose and spread towards the duck-billed flame dragon. The duck-billed flame dragon flew out on the top of the stone pillar and lost its fighting ability when it fell to the ground.

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