Chapter 56-The Fossil Pterodactyl that shocked the audience as soon as he appeared

“Thank you both for bringing us such a wonderful battle! Please take a break from both of you.” The commentator stood up and said.

After Liu Feng left the field, he unexpectedly saw Xiaozhi and his party. As soon as Xiaozhi saw him, he ran over to say hello: “Liu Feng, it’s been a long time since I saw you. I watched your game just now and it was amazing.”

“Thank you, is your game over?” Liu Feng asked.

“Yeah, I also won, maybe we will become opponents.” Xiaozhi said.

“You’d better not have such thoughts.” Xiaoxia said aloud next to her.

“Why?” Xiaozhi said.

“Because you will definitely lose when you meet Liu Feng.” Xiaoxia told the truth.

“That’s not the case. Even if I fight Liu Feng, I will definitely win.” Xiaozhi immediately retorted. But let alone Xiao Xia, even Xiao Gang was not optimistic about him, making Xiao Zhi crazy.

“Okay, there is still a lot of time now, how about I go and do some special training for you first?” Liu Feng smiled.

“Really? Of course it’s okay, let’s go.” Xiaozhi said in surprise, holding Liu Feng and running to the outside battlefield. Liu Feng had no choice but to follow.

The next day, Liu Feng checked the information of this competition. The game is an ice field. The opponent is a girl named Xi from Rainbow City. The style of play belongs to that kind of very stable type.

“Okay, the third round of the ice field will be played next. First of all, the player on the left is a girl from Rainbow City, Xi, let us welcome her.”

“Papa…” There was thunderous applause.

“And our player on the right, Yu-kun from the Carlos area, let us welcome him!”

Fuck off! Liu Feng was speechless, wishing to grab the narrator’s hair and put it on the ground for a while.

“This time our violent-kun’s opponent is a petite and charming girl, and hope that violent-kun will not do anything to bully the little girl.” The commentator suddenly jumped out a paragraph.

Liu Feng couldn’t help but want to spray a mouthful of blood on his face. There are some things that will kill you when you say it. As expected, the audience followed the narrator’s words and looked at him with strange eyes, making Liu Feng want to hit people extraordinarily.

“This time the battle field is an ice field, and there are three Pokémon used, and the result will be announced when all Pokémon on one side loses the ability to fight. Then, the game begins.” The referee said.

“Mr. Bao-kun, please be merciful.” Xi said with a smile on the other side.

“Girl, I’m really not a violent-kun! I have a name, my name is Liu Feng, I am not a violent-kun!” Liu Feng almost cried.

“Okay, Mr. -kun Liu Feng, please be merciful.” The opposite Xiu said with a sneer.

“I… Forget it, let’s start the fight.” Liu Feng waved weakly and said.

“Okay, this is my first one, Sister Milip, go.” Xi released Sister Milip.

“Go, King Nido.”

“Oh? In the face of Milip Sister, our violent-kun actually took out King Nido, who has a disadvantageous attribute, did our violent-kun conscience decide to let Xi players?” The commentator opened his mouth again.

“Huh…” Liu Feng took a deep breath and repeated this several times before finally suppressing the urge to hit someone in his heart. “King Nido, use the horn to hit.”

King Nido quickly rushed towards Sister Milip.

“Sister Milip, use psychic thoughts.”

Sister Milip used strong thoughts, controlled King Nido, and threw it into the sky, and then slammed King Nido onto the ice.

“Broken.” Liu Feng scolded himself secretly, making the commentator feel dizzy.

“Sister Milip, use freezing light.”

“King Nido, use jet flames.”

Sister Milip fired an icy blue freezing light, and King Nido used a fiery jet of flame. Two diametrically opposed forces collided and caused an explosion. King Nido and Milipu both backed away.

“King Nido, use a poison blow.”

King Nido rushed up before the smoke cleared, and sent Milipu out with a poisonous blow.

“Sister Milip, stand up! Use meditation.”

Sister Milip stood up, using meditation to strengthen her special attack and special defense.

“King Nido, use the power of the earth.”

King Nido stomped his foot abruptly, and a crack spreading to Sister Milip appeared on the ice, and Sister Milip was accidentally swallowed by the crack.

“Sister Milip, use your thought power to make yourself fly out.”

Sister Milip used her mind force to escape from the crack and slowly landed on the ground.

“King Nido, use fierce toxin.”

King Nido spit out a violent toxin and was about to hit Sister Milip.

“Sister Milip, use the freezing light to put the fierce toxin on ice.”

Sister Milip spit out the freezing light and froze the toxin into icicles.

“King Nido, use the iron tail.”

King Nido’s tail gleamed white, and he ran to Sister Milip. He flicked the iron tail and hit Sister Milip. Sister Milip slammed into the ice stone behind to stabilize her body.

“King Nido, use the cast on the earth.”

King Nido grabbed Sister Milip’s arm and used the earth cast to throw Sister Milip on the ice. Sister Milip was hit by Iron Tail and suffered a lot, but she was thrown straight on the earth by this blow. Sister Milip couldn’t hold it either, and she lost the ability to fight.

“Come back, Sister Milip. It’s a violent-kun, it’s really powerful! This is my second one, go, Bi Diao.” Xi released Bi Diao.

“Oh, be careful of King Nido, this guy has a speed of Mach two, it’s a tough one.”

“Go and compare, use your wings to attack.”

Bi Diao flew in front of King Nido like a bolt of lightning, and a pair of wings slapped on King Nido’s face. King Nido waved his hands continuously, but he just couldn’t beat him.

“Bi Diao, use Gang Wing to end it!”

Bi Diao’s wings flashed white light and hit King Nido. King Nido was overturned and lost his fighting ability.

“King Nido loses the ability to fight, please violent-kun player send out the next Pokémon.” Unknowingly, the referee also infected the bastard commentator.

“Our Yu-kun player was finally defeated by someone else with a Pokémon. This is also the first time since the start of the tournament that the Yu-kun player’s Pokémon has been beaten and lost combat ability. This also proves the power of Yu player.” The members struggled to arouse the emotions of the audience in the commentary.

Sure enough, the audience’s emotions were mobilized, and there were shouts.

Liu Feng was also very helpless, not inferior to King Nido in strength compared to the Eagle, coupled with its two Mach speed and the damage it suffered when fighting with Milip Sister, it was strange that King Nido did not lose.

“Hey, I wanted to keep one hand, but it seems I can’t keep it. Go, fossil pterodactyl.” Liu Feng released the fossil pterodactyl.

“Bao-kun player actually took out the fossil pterosaur! This is a Pokémon that has been extinct, and its rareness is not worse than that of the quasi god. Moreover, the fossil pterosaur is also known as the overlord of the ancient sky!” the commentator shouted vigorously .

“I’ll go!” Du suddenly stood up and said in surprise: “How many hole cards does this kid hide? He even has fossil pterosaurs! It took a lot of effort to understand my fossil pterosaur. Is it true that he was resurrected from a fossil state?”

“No, I remember that Liu Feng’s fossil pterosaur was obtained from Dasha Valley. At that time, the fossil pterosaur was in a deep sleep state. After being awakened, it was violently destroyed. Liu Feng conquered it at that time.” Explained.

“The fossil pterosaur that has existed since ancient times, this kid is so lucky!” Du opened his mouth wide, expressing my envy.

“This fossil pterodactyl knows its strength at a glance, especially the looming ferocious aura on its body, which is not available in Pokémon today.” Xiba said solemnly.

“Yes! The outcome of this battle is already obvious.” Granny Juzi sighed. This fossil pterosaur even if they are not sure enough to defeat it, let alone these young trainers.

The fossil pterodactyl shocked the audience as soon as it appeared, and the statues in front of it seemed to have become a foil in front of the fossil pterodactyl.

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