Chapter 50

“Nazi!” Liu Feng and Karuna rushed back to the room in a hurry, seeing Nazi coming out of the bathroom with the help of Xiaoxue, they hurried up to help.

Sitting down with Na Zi, Liu Feng asked, “What’s the matter?”

“I don’t know, Nazi vomited again just now.” Xiaoxue replied.

“You vomited again? It was also on the plane, Nazi, are you airsick?” Liu Feng asked

Hearing this, Karuna and Koyuki couldn’t help but flip over Byakugan. Your airsickness can’t be relieved after getting off the plane for more than an hour. Karuna stepped forward and asked with concern: “Nazi, how are you feeling now?”

Na Zi shook her head and said with a wry smile: “It’s not very good, it’s uncomfortable.”

“Xiaoxue, you are here to take care of Nazi now. Xiaofeng, you… forget it, I’ll go by myself.” Kalunai stopped talking.

“What? What do you want me to do?” Liu Feng said.

“Hehe, I’ll go to the hospital to call a doctor, you go, I’m afraid you won’t even be able to return home.” Karunai smiled contemptuously.

“I’m Lu Chi, but I’m not that Lu Chi.” Liu Feng retorted unwillingly.

“Haha!” Karunai did not speak, but looked at Liu Feng with a smile.

“Um, okay, you go.” Liu Feng was stunned.

After about half an hour, Karuna returned with the doctor.

“Doctor, what’s going on?” Liu Feng asked.

“It’s fine, it’s a good thing,” the doctor replied.

“Good thing? What good thing will keep vomiting?” Liu Feng was even more puzzled.

“You should be this young lady’s boyfriend? Congratulations, Mrs. Gui is pregnant.” The doctor stood up and patted Liu Feng on the shoulder, and said with a smile.

With a word from the doctor, everyone present was shocked to enter the Spartan state, with the exception of a certain idiot.

“Oh, it turned out to be pregnant. Good thing, it is a good thing.” The silly guy didn’t react, took a sip of water, and then his eyes widened. The water that he hadn’t swallowed spurted out and sprayed the doctor. A face.

“Pregnant?!!!” The idiot reacted, grabbing the doctor’s shoulder, and shaking him violently.

The doctor was directly stunned by Liu Feng’s sip of water, and now subconsciously replied: “Yes, the child in this lady’s belly has been almost three months, so the symptoms of vomiting will appear.”

Liu Feng let go of the doctor absent-mindedly, and the whole person was in a daze. What a pity, Laozi’s marksmanship was also correct.

After sending the doctor away, Liu Feng sat next to Na Zi, holding Na Zi’s hand but didn’t know what to say, Na Zi was no less shocked than Liu Feng, her little hand touched her belly, her face filled with sweetness. Smile.

Liu Feng sat there and didn’t know what to say, and now he was in all sorts of bewilderment. The point is that he is only eleven years old, and he has no consciousness of being a father at all.

Karuna felt the atmosphere a little dignified, and took Xiaoxue and Nazi to her room. Liu Feng came to the balcony and just stood there from noon to evening.

Liu Feng left the balcony and came to the door of Karunai’s room, knocking gently on the door. Karuna opened the door, nodded to Liu Feng, and let Xiaoxue go out, leaving the room for them.

Liu Feng took the door, sat down opposite Na Zi, and asked softly: “How is it, is it still uncomfortable?”

“It’s okay.” Na Zi said softly.

Liu Feng got up, sat next to Na Zi, gently hugged her into his arms, and said, “Although I have not yet the consciousness of being a father, since I have a child, then I will definitely take this responsibility. ”

Na Zi hummed softly. Liu Feng continued: “Hee hee, but I didn’t expect my marksmanship to be so accurate at the time, I actually hit it in one shot.”

Na Ziqiao flushed, she beat Liu Feng lightly, and said in embarrassment: “It wasn’t because of you. I was almost killed by you at that time.”

“Okay, okay, my fault.” Liu Feng patted Na Zi on the back and continued: “Is there anything you want to eat at night? I’ll make it for you.”

“Nothing to eat,” Nazi said.

“That won’t work, otherwise the child won’t have nutrition either.” Liu Feng said.

At the mention of the child, Na Ziqiao blushed and said, “Listen to you.”

“Okay. By the way, let’s go out and buy some things for the future kids after we have eaten, how about?” Liu Feng asked.

“Okay, do you know what the child has to use?” Nazi asked.

“Um, I really don’t know about this. Let’s buy it while walking. I’ll go cook first. You take a rest and call you when you are done.” Liu Feng scratched his head, turned and walked out of the room.

Liu Feng went out of the room. Karunai and Xiaoxue were in the living room. Seeing Liu Feng came out, Karunai asked hurriedly, “How’s it going? Are you okay?”

“Don’t worry, she was only shocked that she had a child for a while. It made sense.” Liu Feng said.

Karuna and Xiaoxue breathed a sigh of relief, and Xiaoxue said: “Shock must be shocked. We were all taken aback. We didn’t expect Na Zi to be pregnant.”

“Yeah, Xiaofeng, you have to treat them well, they even have children.” Kalunai said.

“Understood sister. By the way, we are going to buy something for the children after eating, but we don’t know what to buy, sister, do you know?” Liu Feng asked.

“Don’t worry, I know, I’ll write you a list later, and you can buy as I write.” Karuna said.

After a dinner, Liu Feng took Nazi to the department store, but the two were dumbfounded. Karunai did write very clearly, but the two of them are completely Xiaobai in this respect, and they are really not clear at all. .

“Liu Feng, how do you think this should be used?” Na Zi asked Liu Feng while holding a milk bottle.

“This should be stuffed into the baby’s mouth, right?” Liu Feng didn’t know.

“Oh. Then Liu Feng, this one.”


After some purchases, the two felt that they had almost bought them. Back home, Karuna could not help rubbing her eyes when she saw what they had bought, then rubbed her eyes again, and asked, “You bought a bunch of magical things.”

“Aren’t they the things on your list?” Liu Feng asked questioningly, after looking at the list, that’s right.

“This is the stroller you bought?” Karuna said, pointing to a toy car.

“That’s right, isn’t this the baby’s car?” Liu Feng asked suspiciously.

······Kalunai’s mouth twitched. It was the baby’s car, but the car I asked you to buy was a stroller, not a toy car driven by a baby. Are you going to train your child to become a racing driver?

“Forget it, I’ll go buy it.” Karuna said, feeling a little headache.

“Uh, isn’t this the right one?” Liu Feng asked.

“Yes, yes, that’s right. You’re awesome, you’re amazing.” Kalunai left without looking back.

Haha, actually my brother originally wrote that Nazi was uncomfortable because of her super powers because of the giant golden monsters that pushed her super powers to become stronger. As a result, I saw someone in the comment section thought that Nazi was pregnant yesterday, so I changed it for my brother. He is back to school now. I don’t know about this. Let’s see how my brother writes later. Ha ha! I am really happy to trouble my brother, even if I will be beaten up later, it’s worth it!

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