Chapter 41

Liu Feng has been training for several days due to burns. During this period, Liu Feng said that he could slowly recuperate on the road, but was strictly rejected by the four women. Liu Feng could only give up and honestly take care of the injury.

“Hey, it’s been a lot of time now.” Liu Feng sighed. I took out the map and looked at the location of Red Lotus Island, and couldn’t help sighing again.

“Okay, Xiaofeng, don’t be depressed, I know there is a shortcut.” Kona said.

“But there is no shortcut on the map?” Liu Feng looked and looked, but still didn’t see any way.

“Don’t worry, Red Lotus Island is at this location. This area is all seas. We can use Pokémon to cross the sea from here, so the journey will be greatly shortened.” Kona said, pointing to the map.

“It’s OK, but I don’t have a Pokémon that can cross the sea.” Liu Feng said.

“Idiot, you don’t have me. Although I am an ice Uranus, I am not a Pokémon without a water system. Come out, Chenglong, white sea lion.” Kona gave Liu Feng a glance and released Chenglong and white sea lions. .

“Then I can make it in time now,” Liu Feng said.

“Well, I, Liu Feng, Na Zi sit on Chenglong, Sundae and Xiaoxue sit on the white sea lion.” Kona took the lead on Chenglong and said.

Several people had no objections. During the next period of time, Liu Feng and several people used the Pokémon to sail to the Red Lotus Island in the sea. When it’s time for dinner and evening, go to the safe uninhabited island. During the period, Liu Feng also conquered a Uranus potential tyrannosaurus, and the strength also reached the early stage of Uranus, so he almost let the tyrannosaurus group eat it.

After having the tyrannosaurus, Liu Feng sat on the tyrannosaurus and drove to Red Lotus Island with his four females.

With more than a month before the start of the competition, Liu Feng and his team finally arrived on Red Lotus Island.

“Xiaofeng, the hot springs here are very good, let’s find a good hotel, bubble hot springs, and then go to the challenge the next day, how about it.” Kona said.

“Since I’m here, it’s a pity not to take a dip, okay.” After such a long journey, Liu Feng also planned to relax.

A few people found the hotel, and this time Liu Feng was a little upset.

“What’s the matter, Liu Feng?” Kona said with a smile.

“I obviously packaged this hot spring, why do I have to soak separately?” Liu Feng said unwillingly.

“Bah, do you still want to have fun with us?” Kona said with a “bah”. Several other people were also firmly opposed to soaking up with Liu Feng, which was too shameful.

Liu Feng had to compromise and honestly waited for them to finish soaking before going in.

The next day, Liu Feng found Xia Bo under the leadership of Kona.

“Yeah, why, why did the famous Kona Uranus come to me?” Xia Bo said.

“Master Xia Bo, I am here to bring my friends to you to challenge the gym.” Kona said.

“Huh, gym? I have become a tourist attraction here. Where is the gym?” Xia Bo curled his lips and said, “Forget it, who is the challenger? I have to see, who invited it. Dynamics?”

“Hello, Master Xia Bo, I’m Liu Feng, from the Carlos area.” Liu Feng slightly saluted Xia Bo.

“Come with me, first say yes, you only have one chance to challenge, if you lose, don’t bother me again, even if you are Kona’s boyfriend, it’s useless.” Xia Bo said.

Kona’s face blushed slightly, he glanced at Liu Feng, and then quickly moved his gaze away to suppress the rosiness on his face.

A few people came to the battle field, this battle field is also very strange, built on molten smelt, only fixed with a few chains.

“The rules of the game are three-to-three. Even if all Pokémon on one side loses, do you understand?” Xia Bo said.

“No problem, Master Xia Bo, but I want to challenge your real main Pokémon.” Liu Feng said.

Xia Bo was stunned and asked: “Why?”

“If I just want to get a badge, then I can find a gym to challenge. But I heard Sister Kona say that you are a well-known fire Pokémon trainer in Kanto, and you are quite powerful, so I am not far away. Come to challenge.” Liu Feng said.

Xia Bo laughed and said: “Okay! Your boy’s temper to me. Boy, just rush to your temper to me. Even if you lose, I will give you the badge. This is my first one. Pokémon, Nine Tails.” Xia Bo released Nine Tails.

“Nine Tails? Go on, Big Needle Bee.” Liu Feng released the Big Needle Bee.

“It’s actually Big Needle Bee, kid, you didn’t tease me?” Xia Bo staggered and said.

“Well, go on, Big Needle Bee, take preemptive strikes, use double needles.”

The Big Needle Bee rushed to Nine Tails like a yellow lightning, and a double needle hit its face.

“Nine Tails, use jet flames.”

Nine Tails shook his head and used a jet of flame to hit the needle bee, but was easily passed by the needle bee.

“The speed is good, Nine Tails uses a stored energy flame attack.”

The body of Nine Tails was enveloped in flames, and it slammed into the Big Needle Bee. After the Big Needle Bee escaped, Nine Tails became faster and continued to hit the Big Needle Bee.

“Big Needle Bee, use fierce toxin to poison it.”

The Big Needle Bee spit out a venom, but it couldn’t be sprayed because the speed of Nine Tails was too fast.

“In that case, Big Needle Bee, use Poison Ling.”

The big needle bee dropped poisonous diamonds on the battlefield, and Nine Tails suddenly slowed down and fell into a poisoned state.

“Good boy, I thought that toxins were your purpose, but I didn’t expect to use the toxins to let my Nine Tails escape and relax my vigilance, and then give you a chance to use the poisonous diamonds. Nine Tails, don’t delay, use magical powers. .”

“Big Needle Bee, use high-speed movement, and then use a poisonous blow.”

There was a wave of superpowers in Nine Tails’s eyes, but after using supernatural powers, he missed the big needle bee. Then the Big Needle Bee appeared on top of Nine Tails like a yellow lightning, and a poisonous blow hit Nine Tails’ waist.

“Nine Tails, use iron tails.” Xia Bo finally shouted.

The nine tails of Nine Tails lit up with white light, and the big needle bee flew away. But Nine Tails also fell due to the poisoned state.

Liu Feng frowned. The iron tail used by Nine Tails was very powerful, and the power of the nine tails was even more terrifying. If the Big Needle Bee was only at the Uranus level, it would probably be killed directly. Even so, the big needle bee was seriously injured.

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