Chapter 37 King Nido desperately!

Seeing Liu Feng couldn’t believe it, Kona chuckled, “I said I want to travel with you, do you understand?”

“But what about your Uranus job?” Liu Feng asked stupidly.

“Huh, the old treacherous and giant slippery guys in the Alliance will look for trouble. I was on vacation the last time the stinger jellyfish. If it wasn’t for the trouble, I won’t get over. This time I will take up my time. Chenglong ice sealed them.” Kona said angrily.

“Uh, let’s leave early tomorrow morning. Don’t leave me to escape.” Kona waved his hand, leaving Liu Feng with a cool back. Then Liu Feng was stunned, and finally made Na Zi feel good about him. The system hasn’t been turned on yet, so I found another one. There was no way for Xiaoxue, and Nazi recognized it, but it didn’t take long to add another one. Even Nazi’s temperament who didn’t care much had to go crazy on the spot.

“Brother Feng, what did Sister Kona tell you?” Sundae asked curiously.

Liu Feng smiled bitterly and told them that Kona would also travel together. Sure enough, although the Sundae had been mentally prepared, he still left angrily. Na Zi was unexpectedly calm, turned around and left, but Liu Feng still felt an unpleasant feeling and turned to look at Xiaoxue. Xiaoxue also gave Liu Feng a weird look, then turned and left. Since Liu Feng helped her last time, maybe she didn’t even realize that she also had some good feelings for Liu Feng. After all, the score given by the hero to save the United States is quite high.

The three women left, leaving Liu Feng alone, standing alone. At night, Liu Feng coaxed that one in the east, this one in the west, and that one in the south. In the end, the three women even agreed. Liu Feng couldn’t help but admire that he could coax these three women well, one word: strong!

The next day, Kona waited here as scheduled. Liu Feng introduced the three women to Kona. Kona didn’t put on Uranus’s airs. He smiled and greeted the three women. The couple quickly became one. Liu Feng wondered, is the friendship between women so fast?

Several people climbed the mountain and finally arrived at the location of the Qianhong Gymnasium.

“Brother Feng, this kind of house is so special.” Sundae said.

“Yes, but this kind of house is generally not seen now.” Liu Feng said.

“But I really like this style of house, and it feels that an ancient charm is brewing in it.” Xiaoxue said.

“Yes, I also like this style of house. By the way, Liu Feng, the master of the gymnasium here is very strong.” Kona said.

“Well, how do you say?” Liu Feng asked.

“The master of the gymnasium here is called Aju, who is good at using Pokémon of the poison type, and his strength should barely reach the level of Uranus. He is now one of the Uranus preparatory Uranus in Chengdu.” Kona reminded Liu Feng.

“Well, how did the master of the Guandong gymnasium go to Chengdu to prepare for Uranus?” Xiaoxue asked curiously.

“Kanto and Chengdu are the headquarters of the Pokémon League, and because the two regions are closely related, it is not surprising. For example, Dushou has the identity of the Uranus of the Kanto dragon and the champion of the Chengdu region at the same time.” Kona explained.

“Well, I know Uranus is also the champion of the city, but why doesn’t he challenge the champion in the Kanto area?” Sundae asked curiously.

“Puff, it’s because Du is not my opponent. Du’s strength is indeed very strong. In fact, he has reached the championship very early. Even Juzi’s mother-in-law and Shiba are not his opponents. But his dragon Pokémon is my opponent. The ice-type Pokémon is too restrained. Although it’s not as restrained as the fairy-type immune dragon system, it is also uncomfortable enough for him. In fact, there have been many championship challenges over the years, but every time I stopped them all, so our Kanto didn’t have a championship.” Kona couldn’t help laughing.”Uh, Uranus is so pitiful.” Xiaoxue couldn’t help but said. If the transfer knows that he has fallen to the point of being sympathized, I am afraid it will be even more uncomfortable.

“By the way, Nazi, haven’t you thought about challenging Uranus’ position?” Kona asked. In her opinion, Nazi is strong enough to take up the post of Uranus.

“I’m not interested in those things, and being Uranus may not be great,” Nazi said.

“Nazi, you are right. Those guys in the league send missions every day. It’s annoying. If the situation is urgent, they will be called away by the league even on vacation.” Kona nodded in sympathy.

“But why is there no one here, ah!” Sundae looked around, and suddenly a few shurikens were emitted from the front door. Na Zi responded quickly and controlled the shuriken with super powers.

“Nazi, use super powers to see if there are any similar traps ahead.” Liu Feng said.

Nazi nodded and used her superpowers to detect the front. After a while, Nazi said, “Okay, I have cleared all the traps, and what should I do with this person?” Nazi waved her hand, a girl in a pink ninja suit Was dragged out of the shadow by Na Zi.

“Who are you?” Liu Feng asked.

“It hurts! Who are you? Why did you attack me suddenly?” the girl in a pink ninja suit shouted.

“My name is Liu Feng, these are my companions. As for why I attacked you, this should be my question. And the person hiding there, come out too.” Liu Feng said to the corner.

A man walked out from the shadow in the corner, dressed in a black ninja suit, and asked, “How did you find me there?”

“My companion is a super-powered person. I naturally found you when I was exploring the gymnasium just now.” Liu Feng smiled and explained.

“That’s it, I’m Aju, the owner of the Light Red Gymnasium, hello.”

“It’s not so good, Master Aju. We found a lot of traps on the way we came just now, some of which can even kill people. If this happens, it may affect your chances of becoming Uranus.” Kona said .

Several people walked on a suspension bridge on the way before, but the suspension bridge suddenly collapsed, and Na Zi used her teleportation to rescue everyone.

Aju frowned and looked at Kona. He felt that he had seen this but he couldn’t remember who it was. Suddenly he widened his eyes and asked cautiously: “You, are you Kona Uranus?”

“I’m Kona. This time I mainly accompany my companions on a trip. Please start the gymnasium competition first.” Kona took off his hat. Kona was wearing a hat and pressed the brim very low, so Aju couldn’t recognize it at first.

“Okay, please follow me to the battlefield.” Aju personally led the way in front.

When he arrived at the battlefield, Aju said: “The rules of the game at the Light Red Gymnasium are two to two. How about who loses if all Pokémon loses the ability to fight?”

“I have no opinion.”

“Okay, let’s get started. My number one is the last moth.”

“Are you going to get a moth? Come on, King Nido.”

“We attacked first, King Nido, using a poisonous needle.”

King Nido sprayed a small poisonous needle and hit the moth.

“At the end of the moth, fly to the sky, use the signal beam.”

The Moth flew to the sky to avoid King Nido’s poisonous needle, and then used the signal beam. King Nido’s speed was not fast, and he did not avoid this trick.

“King Nido, use the freezing light.”

King Nido sprayed out a blue beam, freezing the wings of the moth. The end moth landed on the ground and could not fly.

“Now, King Nido, use earthquakes.”

King Nido stomped his foot abruptly, and the battlefield shook in an instant. The Moth received huge damage and lost the ability to fight.

“Your King Nido is really amazing.” Aju reclaimed the moth and exclaimed.

“Thanks, Aju Pavilion Master, I want to challenge your real main Pokémon.” Liu Feng said suddenly.

Aju was taken aback, and he looked at Kona subconsciously. This was the person Kona had brought. If the game was too ugly, I’m afraid Kona would trouble him. Kona nodded at him, and Aju was relieved.

“Okay, this is the strongest Pokémon in my hand. Go ahead, Crossbat.”

Liu Feng’s face became solemn, and Aju could become a preparation Uranus must have a Uranus-level Pokémon in his hands. According to Liu Feng’s guess, this fork bat should have the strength of Uranus in the mid-term, and King Nido is just a quasi-Uranus, I am afraid it is not an opponent.

Liu Feng from the Nido dynasty roared, and the meaning was self-evident. Liu Feng took a deep breath and said, “Come on, King Nido, use the freezing light.”

King Nido spewed out freezing rays, but the cross-character bat was so fast that it easily escaped.

“Fork bat, use air to cut.”

The fork bat released four air blades and hit King Nido, who was beaten back again and again.

“King Nido, spray flames.”

King Nido blasted out a large amount of flames and attacked the fork bat.

“Cross-shaped bat, use its wings.”

The four wings of the fork bat radiated light, and directly cut the flames open, and then came to King Nedor. The four wings hit King Nedor at the same time.

“King Nido grabbed it and exploded with big characters!” King Nido, who was slowly falling down, suddenly stabilized his body and grabbed the wings of the fork bat. A zero-distance big character exploded on the cross-shaped bat’s body. The fork bat was beaten into the air and received a lot of damage.

“Unexpectedly, King Nido is so capable. It seems that it hasn’t reached the level of Uranus. The Pokémon under Uranus can cause such a big damage to the fork bat. I have to say that it is really good.” Orange said approvingly.

Liu Feng nodded, and looked at King Nido with some concern. “King Nido, are you okay?”

King Nido yelled, saying that he was okay.

“The fork bat, continuously use air to cut.”

The fork bat condensed a lot of air blades, and hit King Nido. King Nido couldn’t prevent so many air slashes, and it was powerless to fight.

“This blow is over, cross-character bat, mind hammer.”

“No, King Nido, use one million tons of boxing!” The Mind Hammer is a super-powered move, which is very effective for King Nido of the poison system.

The fork bat slammed into it quickly, and King Nido actually recovered and punched it out.

“It’s useless, even if King Nido recovers, he can’t stop the blow. How, how is it possible?!” Aju shouted in disbelief. King Nido actually blocked it, and at the same time, its aura greatly increased.

“This is, King Nido has broken through that barrier!” Liu Feng shouted in surprise. The previous attack actually caused King Nido to break through that barrier and enter Uranus’ realm!

“Fork bat, even if it breaks through Uranus, its physical strength is already close to its limit. Change the skills and use Gang Wing!” Aju shouted.

“King Nido, let’s give it a go at last, use the sacrificial collision!” Liu Feng now also fights out.

Both Pokémon changed their skills, and the cross-character bat was faster, and the four wings hit King Nido first. King Nido endured the severe pain and forcibly bumped into it, and the two Pokémon each flew out.

“Fork bat!”

“King Nido!”

After a while, neither of the two Pokémon stood up, and both lost the ability to fight.

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