Chapter 31 System Shutdown

“Although I don’t know what ability you are using, if that’s the case, you don’t want to beat me. Hu Di, use the shadow clone.” Na Zi said.

The Hudi split into many Hudi surrounded the fire-breathing dragon,

“Then use Shadow Orb.”

Many Hudi condensed the shadow ball and hit the fire-breathing dragon in the center together. Liu Feng had planned to let the fire-breathing dragon fly into the sky to escape, but thought that Nazi had super powers, so he gave up.

“Fire-breathing dragon, surrounded by flame vortex.”

The fire-breathing dragon released a vortex of flames, surrounding itself. The shadow ball hit the flame vortex, but was thrown away by the rotating force of the flame Uzumaki.

“What? Hu Di quickly retreat.” Na Zi said hurriedly.

“It’s late, fire-breathing dragon, use dragon tail.”

The fire-breathing dragon rushed out of the flame vortex, and the dragon’s tail flung out, huddled on the wall of the arena.

“Hu Di!”

“It’s over, fire-breathing dragon, use big characters to explode.”

The fire-breathing dragon spewed out a “big”-shaped flame, and the ground was inlaid on the wall, unable to avoid it. Na Zi wanted to save Hu Di with her superpowers, but Liu Feng suppressed it with the power of the waveguide, and she could only watch Hu Di be swallowed by the big characters.

The smoke dissipated, revealing the Hudi inside. At this time, the Hudi had lost the ability to fight. After all, Hu Di’s physical strength is not particularly strong, so it’s strange that he doesn’t get down on the ground.

Nazi looked at Hu Di’s injury, and after confirming that it was okay, Hu Di took the Pokémon ball back, and said to Liu Feng, “You won. This is the gold badge. Take it.” Na Zi took out the gold badge. Handed it to Liu Feng.

“Thank you.” Liu Feng took the badge, thanked him, and wanted to turn around and leave. Suddenly Liu Feng felt something exploded in his body, the three forces in his body began to riot, and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

“System, what’s wrong with me?”

“Warning, warning! Master because the body has superpowers, the power in the body starts to riot, please master…” Later Liu Feng heard the system seem to say something, but his consciousness was completely blurred.

“What’s the matter with you?” Na Zi asked when she saw Liu Feng standing there blankly. Then she saw Liu Feng’s eyes become hollow, as if she had lost her mind. Then Liu Feng’s breath became very chaotic.

“Superpower runaway?!” Feeling Liu Feng’s chaotic aura, Na Zi understood what was going on with Liu Feng. In the past, her superpowers were often runaways, and even her parents didn’t dare to get too close to her. In the superpower runaways again, her parents were also driven out of the house by her. But what Na Zi didn’t know was that Liu Feng was not just running away with super powers, but the three forces inside her body running away together.

Suddenly, Liu Feng grabbed Na Zi’s wrist and pushed it to Na Zi, and then kept touching her hand on Na Zi’s body. Na Zi was stunned, using her super powers to push Liu Feng away, but Liu Feng was more powerful, suppressing and sealing off Na Zi’s super powers.

“How could this be?” Na Zi murmured, leaving two lines of tears. A sound of tearing clothes sounded, and Liu Feng pressed on Na Zi. What Na Zi didn’t know was that when power ran away, there was only instinct. If there was no one around, then the instinct of the rancher was only Destruction; if there are people around, the violent walker will even kill; if there is only one woman, the violent walker will be a man again, this is the scene in front of us. (I don’t want to stop like this, but avoid being reported, so please make up the rest. Then, whoever, you put down the brick in your hand, I don’t want to stop. You, don’t Come here!! Ah!! Don’t slap your face!!!)

When Liu Feng recovered his sanity, he saw Na Zi who had fainted under her body, and then looked at the part where the two were combined, knowing that she had caused a catastrophe, and quickly pulled it out.

After changing her clothes quickly, Liu Feng hurriedly picked up Na Zi and used the power of the waveguide to explore her physical condition. Na Zi was really weak. After being tossed by Liu Feng, a lunatic for so long, she couldn’t make it through.

“System, system.” Liu Feng called the system in his heart, but the system did not give any response this time. “System, my eyebrows are on fire now, don’t drop my chain at this time.”

“Ding.” The system prompt finally sounded, but in the next instant, Liu Feng’s face went black. “Because the master has done the indignation of man and god, and cannot be forgiven. He should be struck by thunder from the sky and then penetrated into the eighteenth floor of Abi Hell. The system will be shut down today. The ability is sealed, all gold coins are cleared, and Nazi can reopen it after forgiving the owner, but the gold coins will not be returned.”

“Your sister, is it so amazing?” Liu Feng cursed, “The system, don’t turn it off first, you give me the medicine to treat Na Zi first, and give me a girl’s clothes. I can’t just Hold her like this.”

The system seemed to think for a while, then gave Liu Feng a bottle of medicine and a girl’s clothes, and then shut down. Liu Feng gave a wry smile, first took the medicine to Na Zi, and then dressed her as lightly as possible. After doing this, Liu Feng looked at the sky outside. Now it was dark and Liu Feng couldn’t let go, so she picked up Na Zi, fearing that she might meet someone when she went out, so she quietly found a window and jumped from the window. Go down. Although Liu Feng’s abilities were sealed, his physique was still much better than countless people.

After jumping out of the window, Liu Feng looked at the road. Fortunately, it was night and there were no people, otherwise Liu Feng didn’t know how to get back.

After finally returning to the hotel, Liu Feng knocked on the door, and the Sundae came out from the inside. He was surprised to see Liu Feng carrying a woman back from the outside, and at the same time disgusted.

Liu Feng put Na Zi on the bed, carefully put her down, tucked the quilt for her, and walked out lightly.

As soon as Liu Feng came out, Sundae pulled him onto the sofa and asked him what was going on. Liu Feng smiled bitterly and said what happened. Sundae listened quietly. A moment after Liu Feng finished speaking, Sundae suddenly stood up and slapped Liu Feng severely.

“Brother Feng, you bastard!!” After speaking, Sundae turned and rushed into the room.

Liu Feng was upset now, and didn’t know what to do, so he sat like this for two hours. Liu Feng stood up, opened the door lightly, and when he saw the word still asleep, he backed out. He knocked on the sundae’s door again and slowly pushed it open. Sundae was not asleep either, just lying on the bed and crying. Liu Feng sat down by her bed and said, “Sundae, I’m sorry. I don’t know what to do now, I can only say I’m sorry. I can go one step at a time.”

Sundae came out of the bed, plunged into Liu Feng’s arms, and said sobbing: “Brother Feng, I actually knew a long time ago that I can’t monopolize you alone, so as long as you treat me well, I will always follow you. But what makes me angry is that you raped Na Zi. Although I know that there is a cause, it was you after all. Brother Feng, do you know how much damage you did to her?!”

“I know, but things have happened, and I can only compensate her in all aspects. No matter what she wants to do, I can only do my best to help her achieve it.”

“Well, does it still hurt?” Sundae stuck his head out of Liu Feng’s arms and touched his face.

“It’s okay, in fact, if you don’t give it to me, I should give it to myself. Okay, you go to bed first.” Liu Feng touched Sundae’s head and then walked out. The room was given to Na Zi, and Liu Feng had no place to sleep. In fact, he didn’t have much sleep now, so he sat on the sofa all night.

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