Chapter 115: Amaterasu’s Fire-Burning Giant

“Xiaofeng, what are you going to do?” Kona asked.

“You must save Rabbi Shi, otherwise Syracuse can’t go back to his original time.” Liu Feng glanced at Syracuse, feeling a little bit, Xiaozhi didn’t know that Syracuse was actually the current Dr. Omu in the end.

“Let’s stop it first. Go ahead, fire-breathing dragon.” Liu Feng took out the fire-breathing dragon.

“We’ll help you too.” Kona took out the water arrow turtle, and Ami also took out the big steel snake.

“Are you Kona Uranus?! And Miss Ami, the owner of the Shrine Museum, you are all there.” Xiaoxia took a while to see two people standing beside Liu Feng.

“Wow! Miss Kona, Miss Ami, the niche’s name is Xiao Gang, I don’t know if it’s possible, ah…” Before Xiao Gang finished speaking, Liu Feng couldn’t bear to throw him out of 100,000 with super powers. Eight thousand miles.

“Okay, let’s do it. Fire-breathing dragon, super evolution!” Liu Feng replaced Fire-breathing dragon X super-evolution stone with fire-breathing dragon Y super-evolution stone. The reason for the replacement is that the time rabbi is a beast with grass and super ability attributes, and the super fire-breathing dragon Y has fire and flight attributes, and the two attributes have a restraint effect on the time rabbi.

Pokémon: Super Fire-breathing Dragon Y

Attributes: fire, flying

Potential: Uranus

Strength: Early stage of the championship

Characteristics: Drought

On the other side, Kona and Ami also completed their super-evolution.

“Fire-breathing dragon, use jet flames.”

“Big Steel Snake, use the Cannon Light Cannon.”

“Water Arrow Turtle, use freezing light.”

The drought characteristics of the fire-breathing dragon are activated, the clouds in the sky are dispersed, the sun hangs high in the sky, and the fire-breathing dragon sprays out flames. The drought characteristics greatly increase the power of the fire-breathing dragon’s flames, and the entire arm of the giant beast is burned. Lost.

The big steel snake’s cannon light cannon broke the behemoth’s legs, and the behemoth staggered to the ground, and the only arm that was left pressed to the ground, trying to stand up, the freezing light of the water arrow turtle was so frozen. With the entire arm removed, the giant beast lay directly on the ground.

“Damn it, Shirabi, let them see and see your power!” Bixias shouted.

A suction force emanated from Sherabi’s body, sucking all the surrounding trees in, and reorganizing the body of the giant beast. At this moment, a blast of freezing light froze the giant beast’s feet, and a blue figure rushed to the giant beast’s body and attacked Bishas, ​​but wooden thorns appeared on the giant beast’s body and forced it back. That blue Pokémon.

“Huh? This is the incarnation of the north wind -kun?!” Kona was surprised.

“Shui-kun indeed.” Liu Feng nodded.

“Shui-kun, hum, let you become my thing too, go, Bangira.” Bixias took out another Bangira.

“Bangira, use Destructive Death Light.”

Bangira shot a destructive death shot and was easily avoided by Shu-kun. But Bangira’s destructive death seemed to have no side effects, and then another shot was made.

“Big steel snake, use iron tail.”

The big steel snake rushed to the front of the water-kun, an iron tail flicked out, and the destruction was scattered.

“Very powerful big steel snake, Bangira, take that big steel snake together.” Bixias said.

“You dream, big steel snake, use iron head.”

The huge head of the big steel snake slammed into Bangira, and Bangira was smashed into the ground. Shui-kun seized the opportunity, and a large water cannon attacked Bangira. Bangira used the destruction and death light to attack, but it was not defeated by Shui-kun’s water cannon.

“Big steel snake, use tap.”

The big steel snake tied Bangira with its tail and hit the ground directly. Bangira was thrown into a dizzy head.

“Resolve Bangira first.” Liu Feng said.

“Okay. Big Steel Snake, use a rock blockade.”

The Big Steel Serpent summoned rocks to attack Bangira and slowed Bangira’s speed.

“Fire-breathing dragon, use steel wings.”

The wings of the fire-breathing dragon were transformed into steel wings, and they swept across Bangira’s body like a sharp blade. Bangila slowly fell to his knees, losing the ability to fight.

“If you solve that guy, can you come and help me?” Kona smiled bitterly.

“Sorry, Sister Kona. Big Steel Snake, use Dragon Wave.”

The big steel snake blasted out a dragon-shaped shock wave to attack the behemoth, which relieved Kona from a lot of pressure. Kona finally breathed a sigh of relief. Shirabi has the strength of the third-level god, which is stronger than her super water arrow turtle, and the attributes are also unfavorable to water arrow turtle, which caused a lot of trouble to Kona. .

“Water Arrow Turtle, come back. Go, Frozen Bird.” Kona seized the opportunity and replaced the Water Arrow Turtle with a Frozen Bird.

“Freeze the bird, use the air to cut it.”

The Frozen Bird drew two air blades and cut off an arm of the giant beast, but then the surrounding trees were absorbed and refilled.

“Fire-breathing dragon, use big characters to explode.”

The fire-breathing dragon ejected large-shaped flames, burning the whole body of the giant beast in darkness, but then the trees replenished it again.

“Xiaofeng, what should I do? Its stamina is too strong. Although our attacks are also effective, it can recover as long as it replenishes the trees.” Kona said.

“I have a move to try, but I’m not sure if it works.” Liu Feng hesitated and said.

“Then try it, no other way,” Kona said.

“Okay.” Liu Feng’s eyes quickly changed into reincarnation Sharingan.

“Amaterasu!” The whole body of the giant beast ignited black flames, no matter how the giant beast absorbed the trees, it couldn’t put it out. “What’s this?! Shirabi, jump into the lake over there.” Bixias shouted.

Shirabi controlled the giant beast to jump into the lake, but the black flame was like a bone-attached maggot, even if it plunged into the water, it couldn’t be extinguished.

“It deserves to be the strongest Fire Style, it’s really amazing.” Liu Feng murmured. After the evolution of the eyes, the original ability has not disappeared, but has been greatly enhanced. And tricks like Chidori or Great Fireball are not the ability of the eyes, so they are still the original strength.

“Xiao Feng, what are your moves?” Kona asked in surprise.

“This trick is called Amaterasu, and it is an ability attached to my eyes.” Liu Feng said.

“It’s amazing! This trick is really… Liu Feng, why are your eyes bleeding?!” Ami quickly took out a handkerchief and helped Liu Feng wipe it off.

“Xiaofeng, how are you?” Kona asked concerned.

“Fortunately, using this trick will have some side effects.” Liu Feng rubbed his eyes.

“Not good!” Liu Feng suddenly remembered something, scared the two of them, and hurriedly asked: “What’s wrong?”

“The rabbi must be rescued first! Amaterasu’s flame will not go out unless the burning object is burned out.” Liu Feng said hurriedly. Then use super powers to release Shirabi from the monster. And the behemoth maintained by the power of the time rabbi naturally fell apart after the time rabbi was missing.

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