Chapter 112 Purification, Dark Rokia

“Well, human teenager, I want to hear your approach.” Adam asked.

“If you want to awaken its mind, you need to reawaken its heart, but at the moment it needs to remove the excess evil aura and negative emotions from its body. Just leave it to me.” Liu Feng’s eyes became Sharingan and Rinnegan. The black energy on Diablo Rogia was drawn into Liu Feng’s eyes. The birth and evolution of Sharingan requires strong emotional stimulation, especially when it evolves to the eternal level of Mangekyō, it has to pay a tragic price. If there are negative emotions, there will never be less in these eyes.

“Your eyes can absorb this black air, but you have to do what you can. If your spirit is washed away, you will become like Ya Lieh.” Adam warned.

“I know, but I can’t stop it.” Liu Feng tried to stop the absorption, but Sharingan and Rinnegan were out of control and couldn’t even take it back.

“Don’t worry about me, first Hypnosis it, it is resisting now.” Liu Feng said hurriedly.

Adam nodded, and together with Rogia Hypnosis the Dark Rogia. Even if Diablo Rokiah is also a super divine beast, there is nothing to do in front of two super divine beasts stronger than it.

“What’s this feeling?” Liu Feng felt a sting in his eyes. It was obvious that he had reached the limit, but he couldn’t stop.

“Damn!” Liu Feng can only mobilize all the forces within his body that can be mobilized to refine these evil auras.

“Your master seems to be in danger, won’t you help him?” Adam said.

“It shouldn’t be necessary. The master actually has a very special power, but he can’t actively use it, but that energy is indeed very powerful.” Rogia hesitated and said.

“Even you say it’s special, then I really want to see it.” Adam was a little interested.

At this moment, in the system space, black air is raging in it.

“Well… these black qi is good for the owner’s eyes. Even the eyes start to absorb themselves, but the speed of the owner’s refining can’t keep up with the speed of absorption. After all, it is also the power emitted by the super monster. Ah, in that case…” Xiao Meng did not know when he would wake up, condensing the black energy in the system space into a bead.

“Master, can you hear me?”

Liu Feng from the outside world is working hard to refine this evil aura. Although he also heard Xiao Meng’s voice, he couldn’t tell his mind to respond.

“Master, this breath can only be refined with your previous strength, you can use it now, come on!” Xiao Meng said hurriedly.

Liu Feng felt a surge of energy into his body, repelling all the other energies in the body. The other energies couldn’t even resist, and he was suppressed and had no temper.

“It’s really overbearing, but it’s easy to use. It can refine the black energy in an instant.” Liu Feng looked at the light in his hand in surprise.

“Master, there is this.” Xiao Meng split the beads in her hand into two and entered Liu Feng’s eyes. Liu Feng felt a pure power pouring into her eyes.

“This is the evil aura that has invaded the system space. After I refine it, only the purest power remains, which is good for your eyes.” Xiao Meng said.

“It’s worthy of the refined energy after refining, and you can clearly feel the eyes have been strengthened.” Liu Feng sighed. Then he looked at Dark Rokiah and Adam who was staring at him dumbfounded.

“You, what kind of power are you?” Liu Feng now feels like Arceus for Adam.

“This, I don’t know, anyway, I can’t take the initiative to use it.” Liu Feng shrugged and put a hand on Diablo Rogia’s head. He didn’t expect Diablo Rogia to wake up and burst out abruptly. Black air.

“Scare me! You can calm down for a while.” Liu Feng waved his hand, and the space around Diablo Rogia froze directly, Diablo Rogia could not move, and even the black air that it radiated was trapped in the air.

“Huh?” Liu Feng was a little dazed. At this time, Xiao Meng’s voice sounded: “Master, your power can freeze space or stop time as you like, so you need to control it, if you accidentally make something out of the ordinary. Oh no.”

“Am I so good?” Liu Feng couldn’t believe it himself.

“Master, even Dia Luka and Palkia can control time and space. You are the Lord of the world. This kind of thing can be done with a single thought for you.” Xiao Meng explained.

“Uh, it seems that being the lord of the world has a lot of benefits, but let’s solve its problems first.” The power of the world in Liu Feng poured into Diablo Rokiah’s body, accumulating all kinds of things in it. Negative emotions are all purified.

“It’s incredible to be able to control even the vague things like emotions.” Liu Feng added another force to completely purify it. Diablo Rogia collapsed to the ground, but there was no black energy from its body. Appeared.

“Master, why don’t you change it back to the appearance of a normal Rogia? It can be done easily by the power of the world.” Xiao Meng asked puzzledly.

“I had this idea just now, but I took a look. Although it can use super power moves, it doesn’t know much. On the contrary, there are a lot of evil moves. Turning it into a normal Rokiah will make it. It becomes a lot weaker, and even the strength will fall back to the realm of a first-level god.” Liu Feng said.

“It’s so troublesome, not many masters, your time limit is coming, I want to regain my strength.” Xiao Meng said.

The power of the world in Liu Feng’s body disappeared instantly, this time there was no symptom of coma, but he was still a little weak.

“Master, are you okay?” Rogia hurriedly supported Liu Feng with his wings.

“It’s okay, it’s just a little bit of strength, let me rest for a while.” Liu Feng waved his hand and immediately fell asleep leaning on a rock.

“Well…” Liu Feng stretched after waking up, and found four Rogias staring at him intently, and asked: “Morning, why are you looking at me like this?”

“Ah, early. But Master, your eyes…” Rogia said.

“What’s wrong with my eyes?” Liu Feng was a little strange. Rogia had long known that his eyes would change, so why did he make such a fuss.

“Master, let’s take a look at it yourself.” Rogia condensed a water mirror, and Liu Feng stepped forward. After seeing his eyes, he was so scared that he backed away.

“Nine, nine Tomoe?!” Liu Feng was startled. The shape of the eyes in the mirror had all the characteristics of Rinnegan and Sharingan, that is, Rinnegan’s ripples, and Sharingan’s red appearance and gouyu. The most surprising thing is that, There are nine Gouyu.

“Nine Gou Jade Sharingan!? Impossible, these eyes need the fruits of the sacred tree in the Hokage Ninja World to open.” Liu Feng murmured. Nine Gou Jade Sharingan should be called Reincarnation Sharingan. It is the highest evolutionary form of Sharingan. It originated from the sacred tree and can only be obtained by consuming the fruit of the sacred tree. It has two abilities, Infinite Tsukuyomi and Tianzhi Yuzhong. Heaven’s Imperial Palace can bring people into other spaces, and Infinite Tsukuyomi is a very terrifying illusion. Kaguya once used Infinite Tsukuyomi to make everyone fall into the illusion. But how terrifying this trick is.

“Master, this is the great gift I give you. Although there is no fruit of the sacred tree, you can’t open your eyes. But I condense the evil breath that invades the system space into a black bead, and I divide it into two and inject it into yours. In your eyes, your eyes become reincarnation Sharingan, the effect is even better than the fruit of the sacred tree.” Xiaomeng said.

“I have to say, Xiaomeng, your gift is really a bit big.” Liu Feng looked at his eyes in the mirror and said that he was not excited. It was fake. However, Liu Feng is basically useless in this world. It is usually a Pokémon battle, and it seems a bit violent in his own hands.

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