Chapter 106: Super Tyrannosaurus VS Super Steel Snake

“Fire-breathing dragon, use flame vortex.”

The fire-breathing dragon uses the flame Uzumaki to trap the self-detonating magneto in Uzumaki. The self-destructing magnet is a little afraid of flames due to its steel properties, and is constantly hurting in the flame vortex.

“Blast magnetic monster, don’t be afraid, use top ball.”

The self-detonating magnetic monster rotated its body and used the top ball to rush out of the flame vortex, but it was also a little embarrassed by the flame vortex.

“Blast Magneto, use a charging beam.”

“Fire-breathing dragon, use jet flames,”

Self-explosive magnets use charging beams, while fire-breathing dragons attack them with jet flames. The two great tricks collided, and the fire-breathing dragon’s jet flame gradually suppressed the charging beam.

“The self-explosive magneto uses mirror reflection.”

The Magneto Explosive suddenly interrupted the charging beam, and a mirror-like barrier appeared in front of the Magneto Explosive. The jet flame hit it and suddenly bounced back and hit the fire-breathing dragon, which caught the fire-breathing dragon by surprise.

“Just now, use the electromagnetic gun after using the lock.”

The self-detonating Magneto first locks the fire-breathing dragon, and then shoots a light cannon with electric current at the fire-breathing dragon. The fire-breathing dragon flapped its wings and flew into the sky, but the electromagnetic cannon changed direction and caught up with the fire-breathing dragon as if it had eyes.

Locking this trick can surely hit the next attack. The electromagnetic gun is very powerful, as long as it hits, it will definitely paralyze the opponent, but the disadvantage is that the hit rate is low, but the lock completely compensates for this shortcoming.

“Fire-breathing dragon, use steel wings.”

The fire-breathing dragon hurriedly used the steel wings and blocked the wings in front of him. The electromagnetic cannon had already caught up and hit the fire-breathing dragon. The fire-breathing dragon fell from the sky and smashed to the ground.

“Fortunately, use the steel wings to block it first, otherwise it will be dangerous.” Liu Feng squeezed a sweat.

The fire-breathing dragon also stood up leisurely, and the electromagnetic cannon was very effective for it, not only causing it to suffer a lot of damage, but also making it paralyzed.

“Self-detonated Magneto, chase after victory, use one hundred thousand volts.”

The self-detonating magneto sent out one hundred thousand volts. The fire-breathing dragon wanted to avoid it, but suddenly couldn’t move his body and was hit by one hundred thousand volts.

“Fire-breathing dragon, use jet flames.”

The fire-breathing dragon sent out a jet of flame at one hundred thousand volts, and the self-detonating magneto could not dodge because it maintained one hundred thousand volts, and was hit by the jet of flame.

“Fire-breathing dragon, it’s time to tell the winner at one go, use Flame Fist.”

The fire-breathing dragon flew towards the self-explosive magnet, and slammed a flame punch on the self-explosive magnet, knocking the self-explosive magnet away.

“Then use hot air.”

The fire-breathing dragon flapped its wings and blew the hot wind. The self-detonating magneto was attacked by the hot wind again, and unfortunately fell into a burned state.

“Fire-breathing dragon, the last blow, the big characters exploded.”

The fire-breathing dragon spewed large-shaped flames on the body of the self-explosive magnetic monster. The self-explosive magnetic monster was severely damaged, and the whole body was burnt black.

“Blast Magneto, use a big bang.”

The whole body of the self-explosive Magneto suddenly turned red, and then there was a strong explosion all over the body, which swept the fire-breathing dragon into it.

“Fire-breathing dragon, use it and hold it.”

The fire-breathing dragon wanted to use hold, but the paralysis effect was so good that it happened to be immortal, which made the fire-breathing dragon move a beat slower, was hit by a big explosion, and lost its fighting ability. The self-explosive magnetic monster also lost its combat ability due to the side effects of the big bang.

“Really determined.” Liu Feng sighed. Seeing that the Explosive Magneto could not withstand the serial offensive of the fire-breathing dragon, it simply used a big explosion to bring the fire-breathing dragon to the end. I have to say that it was courageous.

“I didn’t expect you to be so powerful. To be honest, I knew that you were a postdoctoral fellow and planned to be merciful. But can you resist my trick if you are so strong? Go, Dagang snake.” Ami took out Dagang. snake.

Liu Feng used the exploration technique to check the attributes of the big steel snake:

Pokémon: Big Steel Snake

Properties: steel, ground

Potential: Champion

Strength: Uranus mid-term

Features: hard head

Hidden feature: Forced

“It’s better than that self-explosive magnetic monster. What’s the secret? Tyrannosaurus, you can go to this battle.” Liu Feng took out the Tyrannosaurus.

“The Tyrannosaurus, use water waves.”

The Tyrannosaurus sent out a wave of water waves and hit the big steel snake. Although the big steel snake had an effect on the big steel snake, the body of the big steel snake did not move at all.

“Sure enough, it’s hard to deal with, Tyrannosaurus, use a water cannon.”

“Big steel snake, use the iron tail to disperse it.”

The tyrannosaurus spouted a strong water cannon, and the big steel snake threw out a huge iron tail to directly disperse the water cannon.

“The strength is so strong. Tyrannosaurus, use the stream tail.”

The Tyrannosaurus threw its tail in the stormy sea and collided with the iron tail of the big steel snake. The two Pokémon saw no one take advantage of it, and they collided again and retreated.

“I have figured out the strength of the Tyrannosaurus, and then let you see my true ability.” Ami took out a string of necklaces from the collar, the center of the necklace was inlaid with a super evolution stone.

“I’ll go!” Liu Feng couldn’t help but explode. What about him, does Ami have a super evolutionary stone in the original work?

Pokémon: Super Steel Snake

Properties: steel, ground

Potential: Champion

Strength: Early stage of the championship

Feature: Power of Sand

“How? My super steel snake has never been shown in front of anyone.” Ami said proudly.

“It’s really amazing, but I also have a secret weapon.” Liu Feng also took out his evolution key stone.

When configuring the potion, after Liu Feng bought the potion from the system store, he wandered around in the system store, and suddenly stopped when he visited the super evolution stone.

Liu Feng’s super-evolutionary Pokémon already has a super-evolutionary stone except for the Gyrosaurus. After thinking about it, he spent one hundred thousand gold coins to buy the super-evolutionary stone of the Gyrosaurus.

“The tyrannosaurus, super-evolved.” Liu Feng also made the tyrannosaurus super-evolved.

Pokémon: Super Gyrosaurus

Attributes: water, evil

Potential: Uranus

Strength: Early stage of the championship

Features: exceptional

“Are you from Carlos?!” Ami said in surprise. Because super-evolution is only popular in Carlos, Ami would guess that Liu Feng is from Carlos.

“Yes, I’m from Carlos.” Liu Feng said.

“I said how could you super-evolve, but my big steel snake is very strong. Big steel snake, use earthquake.”

The big steel snake One Tail slammed on the ground, and the entire field shook along with it, and a crack spread to the tyrannosaurus.

“The Tyrannosaurus, attacked the ground with its tail and jumped up, using its tail.”

The Tyrannosaurus shook its tail and attacked the ground, and flew into the air with its reaction force. Then, with this impulse, the One Tail hit the big steel snake and repelled the big steel snake.

“Big steel snake, use rock blockade.”

As soon as the Tyrannosaurus landed, it was hit by a rock blockade from the Big Steel Snake.

“It’s really troublesome.” Liu Feng was helpless, the defensive power of the big steel snake is too strong, even the powerful water attribute moves are not easy to really hurt the big steel snake.

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