"Beauty...... Beautiful girl doll ...... The ...... of idols Cultivating a diary ......" Nilou stammered as she listened to what Kagami-ryu had to say.

The beautiful girl understands herself, the idol herself understands, and she understands cultivation and diaries, but why don't you understand the four at all...... Moreover, I'm not a beautiful girl, ......

"Yes, a beautiful girl idol cultivation diary. Jingliu nodded.

"This is a kind of art propaganda, as long as you become the idol of Sumeru, then most people in Sumeru will not refute art.

"At that point, you can take a long-term view and become an idol in the eyes of the people of Teyvat." "

This ...... This...... How could I possibly do that. Nilou hurriedly shook her head, compared to this, it is easier to fight for the right to use the Zubayr Theater in the hands of the Akademiya......

"Isn't that me?" said Kagami, seeing through Nilou's thoughts.

"Or do you not believe me?"

"No, no, no, how could I not believe you." Hearing Kagami's words, Nilou hurriedly waved her hand.

"Then you agree?"

"I...... I ...... "Nilou was a little distracted, and although it wasn't something to be ashamed of, it felt like Kagyu's expectations of herself were a little too high...... If I mess up, will I be very sorry for her?Jingliu

saw through Nilou's thoughts, and smiled: "Don't worry, it's just an experiment, and I won't blame you if I mess up." "

Good...... Okay......" Nilou looked at the contagious smile in the mirror and unconsciously agreed.

"Then it's settled. Jingliu nodded, was silent for a while, and then said

, "You can just maintain the original plan for the next few days, come to me when you have free time, and I will train you." "

What...... What kind of training?" Nilou asked, since she had already agreed to Jingliu, she also had to make some preparations, otherwise it would be the end of the fool when the time came to train.

"It's just some of the dances I wrote 'myself', don't worry, the difficulty won't be too high, and you can learn it quickly if you maintain your current level.

"You can practice hard during this time, and as for the Zubayr Theater, leave it to me, I still have some say in the Akademiya." Jingliu smiled faintly.

Columbia on the side listened to Jingliu's words, and looked at her suspiciously, not to mention whether Jingliu could write a dance for the time being, he had been by her side, and he had never seen her write.

Could it be that the mirror stream can still conjure up one?

"Thank you. Although Nilou didn't know why Kagmiryu had come to her, for whatever reason, she had helped the Zubayr Theater, and she deserved to be thanked.

But...... No matter from that corner, it seems that only one person ...... good about this matter

Whether it's helping the Zubayr Theatre or making yourself an idol,

you're the only beneficiary from the beginning to ......the endWhy would such a legendary figure come to her aid?Nilou was a little worried, but after thinking about it, she didn't seem to have anything to ...... for her to peep into

Whether it's identity, status, or ...... Appearance, when Nilou thought of this, she glanced at the mirror and couldn't help swallowing her saliva, how could anyone be so beautiful......

It's so good-looking, and it's so smart...... This kind of person actually exists in real life, and he still appears in front of him.

At least Nilou has not met a ...... that looks better than Kami-ryu since she was born

"No thanks, it's a collaboration between us, and it's ...... I didn't get nothing, either. Kagamino looked at Nilou's appearance and knew what she was worried about, and said with a smile.

"Hmm. Nilou nodded, since Jingliu had said so, it wouldn't be good to continue talking about it herself.

"Just hold this in your hand when you have time, and call me from your heart. Kagiramu handed Nilou a leaf he had just picked up from the side of the street.

"yes, I see. Nilou took the leaves with both hands and nodded solemnly.

Kagami looked at Nilou's appearance and smiled, "Don't be so formal, we're friends now, and we don't need much etiquette between friends, don't

we......?" You don't want to be friends with me?"

"No, no, no, really, I would love to be your friend. Nilou hurriedly waved her hand, it was her honor to be friends with Jingliu.

"Well, then let's go first, let's go to the Akademiya to help you solve the matter in the Zubayr Theater first. "

That...... I want to go with me too. Nilou suggested, after all, that this was a matter that belonged to the Zubayr Theater, and that she felt a little embarrassed if it was all trouble.

"No, you can prepare well during this time, and leave these things to us. Jingliu shook his head and said lightly.

"After all...... You can't let me down.

Nilou listened to Kagami's words, thought for a moment

, and then said, "Okay, then I'll prepare well in the next few days, and I won't let you down when the time comes!"


"Kagami, do you know how to choreograph?" asked

Columbia as she walked on her way to the Akademiya.

"Yes...... Yes, definitely, what would I do if I didn't say it?"

Although I can't, I can "learn" from it, and I can't manage it anyway.

After all......

Listening to the words spoken by Jingliu and Jingliu's expression, Columbia showed a sure expression.

Three consecutive denials to show affirmation, it can be seen that Jingliu will not choreograph.

"But then again. Columbia looked at the story made up by the mirror stream in the Void Terminal, and felt that it was a little outrageous.

"Legendary, the first day since Sumeru was built, a hexagonal warrior. Columbia read out the contents of the mirror stream one by one, and then showed a disgusted expression:

"It's a shame that you can make it up in such a short time."

"Does it matter what the content is? As long as the important thing can fool the people in the Akademiya." Jingliu spread his hands and said lightly.

It's said that it's a lie, but it's not that most of the people of Sumeru believe in the Void Terminal unconditionally.

Well...... It won't take a while to be a grass god to play?

Jingliu secretly made a decision in his heart.


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