Luckily, the place that Jingliu pointed to was not the location of Huachengguo, and in the end, he relied on Columbia's slow little fairy spirit to come to Huachengguo.

There are many more camps stationed in the castle than in the game, and there are also a lot of rangers living in the castle, not as in the game, where there are only a few people.

But also,The number of rangers in the game is obviously very unreasonable.,In a huge Daocheng forest.,There are only a few people patrolling the forest.,I'm afraid I can't finish patrolling in a few days.。

"You ...... Who is it?"

a green-haired girl not far away, looking at two completely unfamiliar faces standing in place and looking at Huachengguo, couldn't help but walk over to them and asked.

The girl has short shoulder-length hair and light purple eyes, which is very cute. The smile on his face makes his whole person have a sunny and kind atmosphere.

"Hello, my name is Jingliu, and this is Columbia. We were travelers who traveled through this area, and when we saw the buildings built on top of the trees, we were a little curious, so we observed them for a while. Please also accept my apology for any offense. Kagami smiled and said very politely.

Columbia: "???

aside, when did the mirror flow become so polite, didn't you tell me that we were adventurers

? Why are we travelers again? adventurers and travelers, mainly travelers. So I say what's wrong with travelers? These two don't conflict.

Columbia: It's good to be happy ......

"No, no, no, I thought you were standing there because you couldn't find your way, I didn't think you were dangerous. Seeing that Jingliu was so polite, coupled with the appearance of two "weak women", the girl dispelled the suspicions in her heart and hurriedly waved her hand and said.

Then he realized his gaffe, adjusted and said with a smile: "Hello, I'm a trainee ranger of Dao Cheng Forest, Ke Lai, it's a pleasure to meet you." "

Collei ......" Jingliu heard this name and pretended to look pensive. After a while, Jingliu showed a sudden expression:

"I remember, you are the little girl Amber said."

"Amber, you know Amber. As soon as he heard Amber's name, Collei became excited. Since they know Amber, the two of them must not be bad people.

Kag-ryu looked at Collei and chuckled, "Aren't we travelers?

Speaking of this, Kagairu also pretended to sigh: "Of course, hiding in Mondstadt has encountered a lot of trouble. But all these troubles were solved in Amber's hands, and when the matter was over, we naturally became friends.

"I see...... Then Amber is fine. Collei asked Kagyuki with some concern, obviously completely believing Kamliu's words.

"Of course, it's okay, Mondstadt's dragon plague was successfully solved by the Knights, and Amber was awarded a medal by the Knights for helping many people during the dragon plague.

"Really, many people have been helped...... Collei silently recalled his experience in Mondstadt, and a sweet smile appeared on his face:

"It also fits her personality......

and then realized that there were two other people in front of him, and quickly came back to his senses and smiled at Jingliu and Columbia, "Since you are Amber's friends, then I will treat you well whatever I say."

"Since you're travelers, why don't I take you on a good tour of Huacheng?"

Jingliu nodded, agreeing with Collei's idea.


"Although I said that I would take you on a tour of Huacheng, I don't feel like there's anything to say after looking around. Collei took Jingliu and Columbia around the city, and found that there was really nothing to introduce, so he couldn't help but scratch his head a little embarrassed.

Huacheng, after all, is a camp built by the rangers, except for being built on a giant tree, I am afraid there is no special place.

"It's okay, I'm very grateful for your willingness to help take us around. "

Hmm...... Why don't I invite you to dinner?" Collei thought for a moment, then said to Kagami and Columbia.

As if afraid of the two of them refusing, Collei hurriedly added, "Don't refuse, I was taken care of by Amber in Mondstadt before. You are Amber's friends, and I can't do you any bad with anything.

"Then we're welcome. Jingliu looked at Collei with a smile and accepted his kindness. I didn't even feel the slightest bit embarrassed in my heart.

Jingliu: What's embarrassing? Did I lie to her? Does Amber know me? Is that a friend? Is that a friend, am I still lying to her?

The answer is no, it's her own blind thinking, and it has nothing to do with me. After all, I, Mirror Stream, never lie.

"My accomodation was just around the corner and arrived quickly. Collei pointed to a wooden house not far away, and led the two of them towards it.

"Amber, who is it?" asked Columbia, on the way to Collei's accommodation, as she bumped her shoulder against the mirror.

"A passionate girl I met in Mondstadt, don't think about it, I just said it when I knew that Collei and Amber were good friends. Actually, Amber and I only have one side to each other. Kagyu patiently explained to Columbia.

But...... This "don't think too much" is really a bit of a mess for Columbia. But Jingliu said so, and he didn't say much about it.

In addition, I didn't see the so-called Amber during the Wind Flower Festival before, so thinking about it, this Amber is indeed a passerby.

"Oh, yes. I am not the only one living in the house, my teacher also lives there. Collei suddenly remembered and said to the two.

"But don't worry, my teacher is not a very serious person, and he is very good. Collei was afraid that Jingliu and Columbia would mind, so he hurriedly introduced.

"It's okay, since it's you and your master's house, the two of us have to go over, naturally we have to get his consent.

"Don't worry, teacher, he should ...... I probably won't care......" Collei said a little unconfidently. I've lived with a teacher for so long, and I don't seem to have seen a teacher come to my home with outsiders.

I shouldn't be scolded, right


? When I walked into the house, I saw a young man with big ears on his head, a long, fluffy tail, and a slightly immature face cleaning and hygiene.

Hearing the movement, the young man stopped his movements and looked at the door:

"Collet, since you're back, you're ...... Huh?"


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