"You...... Who is it? Why did you come to Sumeru?"

Listening to the voice in his head, Jingliu did not reply in a hurry, but said to Columbia beside him, "Columbia,

let's discuss the matter of setting fire to the World Tree. "

Columbia: ???


are you going to do!I am Buyer, the god of wisdom in Sumeru, one of the seven archons of the world. Before you do anything in Sumeru, please think carefully about what the consequences will be......" As soon as he heard that Jingliu had come to Sumeru to do something, the voice in his head was a little nervous for a while, and then he quickly adjusted, and his voice became very serious.

"O Buyer, God of Wisdom......" Jingliu pretended to think for a while, and then said slowly

, "I know you, little auspicious grass king, Nahida, the caged bird imprisoned by the Akademiya.

"How do you know!" Nahida was not shocked that Jingliu knew this, whether it was the little auspicious grass king Teyvat. The fact that he was imprisoned in the Akademiya only needs a little effort to find out.

It's just the name "Nahida...... I only told a few people when I entered other people's dreams...... This person...... How do you know

......? Everything she did in her dreams was ...... in her eyes

Jingliu couldn't help but nod with satisfaction, although he couldn't see Nahida's appearance, but from his words, he could also hear that his words played a little role.

"My name is Kagami, CEO of the Fatui ......" Kagyuru chuckled lightly and said lightly.

[Captain]: ???

Jingliu: If you don't accept me.

[Captain]: It's okay......

"The Fatui...... Chief ...... "Hearing Jingliu's introduction, the alert value in Nahida's heart was directly full.

Although for all these years, he was imprisoned in the Akademiya. But in order to be a "real" god, he has been absorbing knowledge from the World Tree, and naturally he also knows what kind of organization the Fatui are.

I also understand that the first three seats of the Fatui have a combat power comparable to that of the gods...... Although I don't know how big the gap is between the top three places, I can never be the opponent ......

"Rest assured, we have no ill will.

"Hehe, no matter what your purpose is, I won't let you succeed......" Nahida snorted coldly, she was ready to burn the World Tree, and there was no malice, did she really think she didn't understand anything? Nahida

knew the purpose of the Fatui and the Ice Empress from the World Tree, and also knew that the two gods with the oldest existence, Wind and Rock, also acquiesced in the ...... of the Ice Empress's actions

But I can't do it myself, the heart of God is the most important core used to run the "void", and the void is the legacy left by the king of the Great Mercy Tree, and he is not qualified and cannot give it to the ...... of the Fatui

But...... The difference in strength between the two sides is too big, and he can't force them to rush, otherwise everyone in Sumeru will be in danger......

"I know what your purpose is, the heart of God I can give to you, but not now. As long as you don't do anything harmful to Sumeru for a while, I'll give you the heart of God, how about it?" Nahida thought for a moment and came up with an answer that satisfied both parties, of course, these were the answers that Nahida herself thought was satisfactory.

It doesn't take into account that the purpose of the mirror stream is not the heart of God.

"What do I want that for?"

"If you don't agree, I'm going to crush the heart of God...... Huh?" Nahida thought that Jingliu would not agree, and was about to add, but when she heard Jingliu's words, she was obviously stunned.

After thinking about it, his tone became more serious and said, "If your purpose is the World Tree, then I will never let you succeed!" The

importance of the World Tree is far greater than the Heart of God for Sumeru and even the entire Teyvat Continent. The Heart of God can be sent out, World Tree, no!"

......" Jingliu was silent for a moment, not expecting that making a joke on himself could make Nahida so excited.

However, from Nahida's emotions, the importance of the World Tree can also be seen. It's no wonder that the plot of [Dr.] burning the World Tree in the original "Winter Night Foolish Play" PV did not appear, probably after the World Tree was burned, the screenwriter didn't know how to go back.

But I have the ability to go back, do you want to try burning the World Tree? It will definitely be very lively then, right?

Jingliu thought in his heart, but finally dispelled this idea. She smiled at Nahida, who was possessing a bird not far away

, "I'm kidding, I'm just a traveler, and I just happened to travel here."

"Sumeru, as a kingdom of wisdom, must be able to add a lot of knowledge to me. "

Really...... Nahida's voice was still the same as before, full of vigilance, apparently not believing what Kagami had said.

But it's right to think about it, no one would believe that two people with strength comparable to gods came to Sumeru just to travel. Through the bird's gaze, Nahida also saw Columbia, who was full of danger beside Jingliu, and it was obvious that this was also a ...... of existence comparable to a god in the first three seats

Like this...... Coupled with the [Doctor] I saw earlier, the first three seats of the Fatui have all come to Sumeru...... In other words, the current Sumeru has three gods who have bad intentions towards Sumeru, ah......

Nahida, who was located in the Pure Shan Palace, scratched her head in some distress. He is still unpopular in Sumeru, and he has not reached the prestige of a god at all...... This situation ...... What exactly should I do about ......

"If the two gods of Wind and Rock encountered this kind of thing, they must be very comfortable......" Nahida sighed, silently feeling inferior in her heart.

(That's true, Mondstadt is plagued by Anemodemon, Fatui is oppressed, and Wendy can sing and drink everywhere.) Liyue Otsell attacks Liyue Harbor, and Zhongli can still stand by and watch the play, occasionally drink tea, and walk the birds. If Nahida knew how to touch fish, she would be a qualified god. Funny face.

Actually, I don't blame Wendy and Zhongli for not caring about the mirror stream, because they both know that it doesn't make a difference whether they care about the mirror stream or not. If you can't control it, it's better to entertain people well.

"Sure enough...... Not yet a qualified god......"

Nahida's lonely and weak voice echoed in the Pure Shan Palace......


"Sumeru's god of wisdom?" asked Grombia a jealously after the encrypted call between Kagmiryu and Nahida ended.

As for why they were jealous, of course, it was when Jingliu was talking to Nahida, and he couldn't hear what they were saying at all. And I heard that the god of grass in Sumeru seems to be a little girl.

"Kagami! She's just a five-hundred-year-old girl!" Columbia thought of this, and couldn't help but say to Kagami.


??? 500-year-old girl??? do you want to guess how old I am?


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