Night...... Quietly descended ......

Perhaps, in the eyes of the ordinary residents of Inazuma Castle, tonight will continue to abide by the "eternal" ...... that the shogun yearns for

But tonight...... Whether it is the Three Missions, the Fatui, or the Resistance, whether it is won or defeated, it is a night ...... worth remembering

But for Mirror Stream and Columbia, it's ......

"When will it start, I'm going to watch the play. The waiting time is too boring.

Kagami-ryu stood on the roof of the Narukami Shrine, his eyes looking straight at the castle tower through the clouds.

"If you're really in a hurry, you can blow up Inazuma Castle with one sword, and then it will be lively. Columbia sat beside Jingliu and said in a light tone.

Listening to Columbia's words, Jingliu pretended to be a little sad and touched his chest with his hand, and said a little exaggeratedly:

"Columbia...... Why can you say such cold words in such a calm tone?

" "Where did the simple and kind Columbia I remember gone?"

"Hehe. Columbia snorted coldly, if she hadn't closed her eyes, she would have rolled her eyes at Jingliu.

Jingliu looked at Columbia's unresponsive appearance, and couldn't help but be a little embarrassed. Then he looked at Yae Miko who looked solemnly at the direction of the castle tower

, "So, how is Ying's training? Do you have confidence in her?"

"The practice is good, if you want to say whether you have confidence or not, of course I think there is."

"But success doesn't depend on my faith, it depends on Ying's faith. If she gives up, I'm afraid the gods won't be able to save her when they come. Yae Miko said with a pretended lightheartedness, but his expectation that Thor would return to normal was probably stronger than anyone in Inazuma......

"So I'm bigger than an immortal?" asked Kaggaryu with a chuckle as she listened to Yae Miko's words.

"Yes. Yae Miko admitted without hesitation, for the mirror stream in front of him, Yae Miko can be sure that whether it is the demon god he has seen, or the seven gods who have gathered in the past, I am afraid that all of them are not the opponents of the mirror stream......

For such a person, isn't it worth judging an immortal?"

"So, for the sake of me having such a high opinion of you, why don't you help me." Although Yae Miko knew that Kagami-ryu would not agree, he still looked at Kagami-ryu expectantly.

After all...... If Jingliu is willing to make a move, the matter of the shadow is not called a matter......

"Oh, thank you for your review, but I decline. "

It's not as expected by Yae Miko.,Kagmiryu rejected himself.。

"Then you'll have to rely on yourself. Yae sighed, but there was no sense of loss in his eyes. After all...... Originally, it was Inazuma's own business, and Kagmiryu was just a shortcut......

As for Ying, the dumbfounded, just flickered around and came in. Although her own wishes also account for a large part of the ......

"It looks like it's going to be a fight. Kagami watched Ying and Paimon walk into the castle tower, and her lazy mood suddenly lifted.

"I hope everything goes well......" Yae Miko looked at Ying's appearance, more or less worried.

"Gone, I still prefer to watch it up close rather than going to the theater from afar. After Jingliu finished speaking, he stood up and prepared to leave.

"As long as you have faith in your heart, you will succeed.

After Jingliu finished speaking, he took Columbia to gradually be swallowed up by the night and disappeared from ...... vision

"Will it work?" Yae Miko muttered, touching her heart.

"Yes, it will work!".

"Oh, I forgot to say it, this is just talking, it's just a mental effect, I don't know if it's successful. Kagami's voice appeared in Yae Miko's head. The flame of self-confidence that burned with it was extinguished a little.

Yae Miko: ......


"Until...... All...... Burn it all!" As

soon as Jingliu and Columbia arrived at the scene, they saw [Madame] being beaten out of her second form by Ying, unleashing all her power.

Looking at the lady's state, Jingliu asked Columbia on the side with some curiosity: "Columbia, you see, [Childe] has a second and third form, and [Madam] also has a second form. Do you have any second form, Columbia

?" "You guess?" "

That must be there, or find a time to show me in the evening." Kamiliu winked at Columbia, though she was blocked by the black veil and couldn't see it.

"Do you think I'll

show you?" "I guess you'll show me." "


Mirror Stream: ......

"Actually, if you don't show me, I can probably guess that your second form should be an angel. "Jingliu is going to trick Columbia first.

"Uh-huh? Columbia snorted, not fooled.

"Strange, when did Columbia become so smart?" thought to Kagami, puzzled.

That's not good, how will Columbia handle her ...... after she becomes smarter

"[Ma'am] defeated. Just as Jingliu was thinking about how to handle the smart Columbia, Yingyi sword on the field knocked [Ms.] back to the original state.

"Huh, defeat so quickly?" Jingliu put away the thoughts in his heart and looked towards the field.

"When did this Ying become so powerful?" Jing Liu sensed the power in Ying's body slightly. Well...... Three elemental powers, yes.

Could it be that this Yingshi is full of life and full of energy? (crossed out)

"Do you want to save it?" Columbia looked at Raiden Shogun holding his dream in his hand, slowly walking towards [Madam], and asked in confusion towards the mirror.

"Help, why save? Just watch me do it. Kagaru chuckled, not seeming to take [the lady's] life in his eyes.


"What are you doing, I'm the envoy of Solstice, if you kill me, you're going to be the enemy of the whole Solstice

!" "Stand down, I'll tell you to stand down!" [Madam] looked at Raiden Shogun who was getting closer and closer to her, and she couldn't help but feel a little frightened in her heart.

"Please have the respect you deserve to the gods...... at this time, [the lady] remembered what Kagami had said to herself. Looking at the Raiden General in front of him, he seemed to be a little unwilling in his heart, and used his last strength to rush towards the Raiden General.

But in the end...... She was greeted only by Raiden Shogun's thoughtless sword, and under this knife, [Madam] also turned into a moth and left ...... world


Jingliu casually grabbed a moth into his hand, wrapped it with abundant power, and put it away casually.

"Mirror Stream, what are you?" Columbia looked at what Mirror Stream was doing, a little puzzled. [Ma'am] turned into countless moths, what's the use of you catching one.

"Shhhh Jingliu put his hand to his lips and said with a mysterious face: "In a few days, you will know......"

Although there is only one moth, under the nourishment of abundance, it is still simple to resurrect a [lady].

As for why he resurrected [Madam] instead of saving [Madam] before Raiden Shogun did it, it was of course that Kagami-ryu wanted to have

When the executives were pretending to remember [Madame's] coffin during the foolish play on a winter night, [Madame] suddenly popped out of the coffin.

At that time, I really want to see what their expressions will be...... Hahaha

Columbia: ......

Columbia looked at the changing mirror flow, and laughed from time to time, and shook her head helplessly.

"I'm crazy again. "


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