"Look, that's a thousand hands and a hundred eyes.

Not far from the castle tower, Yoimiya pointed to the statue of a thousand hands and hundreds of eyes sitting upright in the castle tower.

The statue of the god stands tall in front of the castle tower, and it is covered with visions, although most of them are fake ......

"Strange ......" Kagmiryu looked at the appearance of the idol, and asked Yoimiya beside him, "

Is this god like the god of thunder?"

"Uh...... It should be, right?" Yoimiya looked at the statue of a thousand hands and hundreds of eyes, and her tone was a little unconfident.

"The appearance of the idol must be that of the Shogun, but I don't know why it doesn't look like it. It can't be someone else, right?, how could the shogun tolerate other people's statues being built in front of the castle tower. "

Hmm...... That's right, too. Jingliu nodded and didn't say much, but there were still a lot of doubts in his heart.

"Anyway, don't worry about this for now. Yoimiya shook his head, then pointed his finger at

the Vision of God on the Statue of Thousand Hands and Hundred Eyes, "From what is known so far, it is known that the Shogun seized the Vision of God in order to fill the statue of Thousand Hands and Hundred Eyes.

"From the current point of view, it seems that the Vision is just a few short. Yoimiya had a worried look on her face.

"I don't know what will happen when the Eyes of a Thousand Hands are filled with the Vision, but it's better not to know.

"For now, half of the visions on the Hundred Hands Hundred Eyes are fake, so there shouldn't be any worries about this.

"What needs to be worried is that during the inlay ceremony of the last Vision of God, Lord General may appear. For this kind of false god vision, I don't think the general can't see it. "

Alas...... You can only hide it for as long as you want......" Yoimiya couldn't help but sigh when she thought of this.

"She really can't see it. Jingliu silently complained in his heart.

Shadow must have been able to see it, but it was Raiden Shogun, a puppet who could only carry out eternal orders, and as long as she wasn't allowed to take a look, she shouldn't be able to see it.

"Then what are you going to do next?" asked the somewhat curious Asayamiya, if there was no Ying or Sora's arrival, what would be the next step for Yoimiya

?"What should I do next?" Yoimiya pondered for a moment, then spread his hands and smiled: "What

should I do? Of course it can't be done."

"To fight against the Eye Hunt Order is to fight against the gods. Yoimiya's face was full of awe.

"Are you so afraid of the gods?" Kagamiya couldn't help but feel a little funny as she looked at Yoimiya's appearance.

"Can you not be afraid? That's the god of thunder, one of the seven archons of the earthly world, no matter how you think about it, we ordinary people can resist. "

That thoughtless blade narrow, it was cut out by Raiden Shogun, and the island of Eight Thoughts was originally a complete island, but now it has become two halves.

"If I had been under that knife, I'm afraid there would be no ashes left." As soon as Yoimiya thought of this, she couldn't help but snort.

"The Vision you handed in is also fake, right?" Kagamiya felt the Vision of God in the image of a thousand hands and hundreds of eyes, but did not find Yoimiya's Vision of God. As the daughter of the largest fireworks merchant in Inazuma Castle, Yoimiya, who is a little famous in Inazuma Castle, Kagamiya doesn't think that the shogunate army will let her go.

"That...... Hehe, isn't that the Vision representing a person's wishes? I don't want my wishes to be buried in the cold idols. Yoimiya smiled, scratched her head, and twisted her body a little embarrassed.

"Isn't that what you're doing is fighting against the Eye Hunting Order?" Kagmiryu crossed his waist and looked at Yoimiya with a smile.

"That's true, but you can't say it directly. Yoimiya pointed to the castle tower and whispered.

"And what's your next step?"

"That'...... I promised others that I couldn't say it. Yoimiya listened to Kagamiya's words, and her face was a little embarrassed.

"Okay, then I'll not ask. Jingliu said lightly, without showing a trace of unpleasant expression on his face.

In fact, even if Yoimiya doesn't say it, he can roughly guess it, after all, he is a person who once stood in God's perspective.

"That...... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but when it's over, I'll tell you from start to finish. Yoimiya seemed to be afraid that Kagamiya would be angry, folded her hands, and hurriedly bent down to apologize.

"Don't worry, I'm not angry, and I don't really have much interest in your plans. Kagamiya looked at Yoimiya's appearance and couldn't help laughing.

"That's good. Yoimiya breathed a sigh of relief, really afraid that he would be unhappy with Kagamiyu because of this incident. Then he scratched his head with his fingers and smiled awkwardly:

"Actually, I don't know this plan very well, even if I want to tell you, I can't say it."

"It's okay, I'll just be a spectator." Jingliu said lightly, and then seemed to have found something, looked at Columbia beside him and asked with some confusion:

"Columbia, what's wrong with you?" Columbia

glanced at Jingliu, did not speak, and then stared straight at a three-colored dumpling stall not far away.

Looking at Columbia's appearance, Jingliu felt a little funny: "If you want to eat, go buy it, what are you doing?"

Hearing this, Columbia glanced at Jingliu lightly, and then said in a light tone: "I didn't bring Mora, Mora put it in the shrine room."

"Look for me, you didn't bring Mora, I did." After saying that

, Jingliu looked for Mora on his body, but it didn't take long for the smile on Jingliu's face to freeze.

Columbia on the side looked at the appearance of the mirror stream, and was not surprised at all: "Every time you pay the money, you either send the bill to the Northland Bank or I pay for

it, when have you ever taken Mora?" "If you have Mora with you, then I may feel that you have been taken away." "

That...... Actually, no, ...... once in a while. Occasionally, do you still have a belt?" Kagami wanted to refute Columbia's words, but the deeper she thought about it, the less confident her tone became.

Listening to Columbia's words, thinking back to the past few years, it seems that the bill is either sent to the Northland Bank, or it is paid by Columbia and various tool people. Never brought Mora with me.

"I don't think I've even seen what Mora looks like, right?" Kagami-ryu asked his soul, looking into his heart.

"No, I've seen it, but I haven't touched it.

"Since neither I nor Columbia have brought Mora, and I have a bad reputation among the Inazuma Fatui, how should I eat this three-color ball?"

"At this time, it is time for the Mora tool man to appear. Kagami's eyes glanced slightly at Yoimiya on the side.

"You all forgot to bring money, it's okay, Yoimiya will solve all your troubles.

"Whatever you want, I'll treat you." Yoimiya waved his hand and became a perfect tool man for Fu Mora.

In a place that Yoimiya didn't see, Kagamiya and Columbia smiled at each other.


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