"Brother...... Brother, did I come back with two big troubles?

After Kagami-ryu and Columbia left, Kamisato Ayaka said to Kamisato Ayato with some embarrassment.

"How so?" Kamisato Ayato looked at Kamisato Ayaka's appearance, and couldn't help but put his hand on his head and rubbed it.

"If you put aside the identities of the two of them and just look at their behavior, there is no doubt that they are indeed genuine travelers.

"What are their identities?"

"The Fatui executives, [Sword Head] and [Maiden], they are all at the top of the table. Kamisato Ayato sighed.

"Executive!" Kamisato Ayaka exclaimed, but she didn't understand why she could bring back two executive officers when she went out to practice a sword.

"[Sword Head]......" Kamisato Ayaka muttered the name in her heart. As soon as you hear this title, you know that you are a master with a sword, and the unexpected gain in your heart is this......

"Actually, don't be too afraid, listening to Lord Miyaji and the temptation just now, you can basically be sure that they are not in danger at the moment, or rather, they don't see us at all. Kamisato Ayato looked at Kamisato Ayaka's expression, and thought she was scared, so she hurriedly comforted.

"I'm fine, brother, I'll go rest first. After saying that, before Kamisato Ayato could speak, Kamisato Ayaka left.

Kamisato Aya's hand stopped in the air, not knowing whether to call Kamisato Ayaka back or not.

"Alas......" In the end, Kamisato Ayato sighed and put down his hand in the air.

"The Eye Hunting Order, the Lockdown Order, the Winter Fatui, and the Fatui Executive...... It's really eventful......

" "As long as those two don't make a move, they can cope with the current situation."

Kamisato Ayato's straight body and bright eyes looked at the sky, radiating a confident glow.


"Columbia, I'm really tired today. Back in the room, Jingliu lay directly on the bed.

"That's so tiring. In the room, Columbia, who had already opened her eyes, rolled her eyes at the mirror.

At their level, if they are still tired from walking a few steps, it can only be said that the person is lazy.

"Alas, I'm too lazy to move, so I'll go back to the Narujin Shrine tomorrow and lie down for a day. "

Columbia: ......

Well, Mirror Stream is indeed lazy. Columbia had nothing to say about this.

"Get up and take a shower. Columbia walked up to the mirror stream, crossed her waist, and looked at the mirror stream condescendingly.

"Don't wash it, don't wash it. Jingliu held the cup and waved it casually. Then he added:

"It's fragrant anyway, and it won't be ugly." "

Oh, unless you wash with me. "

Columbia: ......

No, the fist was hard, as if it was a punch, but looking at the perfect face of the mirror stream, Columbia couldn't help but make a move.

"Wash, wash, go and wash in your dreams. With that, Columbia walked towards the bathroom.

"Anyway, between couples, it's normal to take a peek in the shower, right?" Jingliu looked at Columbia's back as she entered the bathroom, and an inappropriate thought popped up in her head.

With her own strength, Columbia couldn't find herself at all.

"No, no, no, it's against my morals. Jingliu hurriedly denied this dangerous idea in his heart.

Jingliu felt that a white mirror stream and a black mirror stream suddenly appeared in his heart, and the two mirrors were debating with each other.

"It's all a couple, look what's wrong

, look what's wrong, look what's wrong!" "Look at you big-headed ghost, do you only have

yellow waste in your head?" "Ha? What do you put in water without yellow waste in your brain?"

"Of course, it's a philosophical theory." "

Philosophy, you ......

" "Noisy, noisy, being argued, can't you compromise it?" Jingliu roared angrily in his heart, interrupting the debate between the two Jingliu.


"Compromise, go to the dream, and learn philosophy while watching. "

White Mirror Stream

: Black Mirror Stream: ?

" Sleep, see you tomorrow. After saying that, Jingliu turned up the quilt, covered his face, and fell asleep.

White and Black Mirror Stream: 6

Not long after, Columbia walked to the bed in this pajama and looked at Mirror Stream, who was already deeply asleep at this time.

"Good night, Mirror Stream.

Columbia kissed Kagami's cheek, then covered herself and fell asleep.


"Two, welcome to Kamisato Yashiki as a guest. "

Early the next morning, at the door of Kamisato Yashiki, Kamisato Ayato, Kamisato Ayaka and others heard that they were leaving, and hurriedly came to see off the guests.

"Kamisato Yashiki has a beautiful environment and excellent geology, I will come here often to live, and I hope you will bear with me. Kagami's face was full of smiles, and he wasn't angry that Kamisato Ayato and the others couldn't wait to leave on their own.

"Haha, thank you for Miss Kagami-ryu's evaluation of Kamisato Yashiki. Kamisato Ayato nodded with a smile, and then said

, "If something happens to Miss Kagami-ryu in Inazuma, even if you come to Kamisato Yashiki to find us, we are also one of the three Shinsha of Inazuma, and we can help you with your general busyness."

"As for the unusual busyness, we will do our best to help you.

"Then Jingliu is here to thank you first. Although Jingliu said thank you, his body didn't look like thanks.

Although the people on this side of Kamisato Yashiki won't care.

"Walked away.

After saying that, Kagamino took Columbia and walked towards the mountain of Shadow.

"They're just gone?" Thoma asked, looking at the backs of the two of them leaving, a little uncertain.

"As I said, they're just here for a tour, and when they came to Kamisato Yashiki last night, they might have come to mix up with them, so by the way, remind us to be careful not to shoot at them.

"Although we had no intention of attacking them in the first place. Kamisato Ayato didn't care and shrugged his shoulders.

I can't beat it anyway.


"How's it going to be in Inazuma Castle? As

soon as the two of them returned to the Narukami Shrine, Yae Miko came out of nowhere and asked.

"It's okay, I just took a general tour, and I met a very enthusiastic girl. Kagmiryu didn't hide it from Yae Miko, anyway, she knew that she and Columbia didn't hide anything in Inazuma Castle, so it's strange that Yae Miko didn't know.

"Well, I wonder what the two of you plan to do in the next few days?"

"Lie down in Narujin Shrine for a day tomorrow, lie down in Narukami Shrine for a day the day after tomorrow, and then

...... Yae Miko: ......

." Well, I don't expect to spit anything out of Mirror's mouth.

"Then I wish you two a few days of fun at the Narukami Shrine. With that, Yae Miko left.

"Are we really going to lie down in the Narukami Shrine for a few days?" asked Columbia curiously.

"Otherwise, where are you going?"

Columbia: ......


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