Kamisato Yashiki is located at the foot of Mt. Kagegashiki, near the Narujin Taisha Shrine and the Forest of the Castle. I don't know why, as the cultural representative of Inazuma, the shrine priest Kamisato family, who is in charge of rituals and festival entertainment, is in this position.

After all, for ordinary Vision owners, the distance from here to Inazuma Castle is still relatively long.

"Miss, you're back. At the door of Kamisato Yashiki, a blonde man waited anxiously here, and when he saw Kamisato Ayaka come back, the heart hanging in his heart was also relaxed.

The man walked quickly to Kamisato Ayaka, looked at the two strange figures behind him, and wondered

, "Miss, who are these two?"

"Oh yes, Thoma, I'll introduce you." Kamisato Ayaka reacted and introduced the two Kagami to Thoma:

"These two are friends I just met, this is Kagami, and this is Columbia.

"They're getting lost in the town guard's forest, so I'd like to take them over to Kamisato Yashiki for one night.

"Friends you just met?" Thoma was a little puzzled, why did his own young lady go out to practice a sword and bring back two "friends"?

Thoma looked at Jingliu and Columbia, his heart was vigilant, but his face did not change at all, and he said to the two with a smile:

"Hello, I am Thoma, the housekeeper of the Kamisato family, responsible for cleaning, cooking and other matters, if you have any questions, you can come and ask me." "

Hello. Jingliu nodded lightly, which can be regarded as a hello.

"By the way, Kagami-ryu, Columbia, have you eaten?" Kamisato Ayaka turned her head to look at Kagami-ryu and Columbia.

Hearing this, Jingliu shook his head: "I didn't eat the rice, there are many wild fruits in the forest of the town guard, and we picked a little to satisfy our hunger."

"Wild fruits, it is better to eat less fruits in the wild, some of which are highly poisonous. Kamisato Ayaka looked at the two of them with some concern, and then looked at Thoma:

"Thomma, let's go prepare some dinner, it just so happens that I am also hungry after practicing the sword."

"Okay, I'll keep it simple, and I'll be ready to eat it soon." With that, Thoma stepped back and walked towards Kamisato Yashiki.

"Let's go in too, just in time for this time, I'll find you a room. Kamisato Ayaka looked at Thoma's departing back and nodded at the two of them.

"Good. "


And Thoma, who was leaving, did not walk towards the place of the kitchen, but walked to a room and knocked on the door:

"My lord, there is something important to report." "

Enter. It

didn't take long for a gentle and elegant voice to come from inside the room.

When Thoma heard this, he pushed the door open and walked in.

Thoma acted very carefully, as if he was afraid of being discovered by the mirror stream and Columbia. But everything Thoma did had long been seen by Jingliu and Columbia.

"It's good to be vigilant, but he's stupid to do that. Kamiliu whispered in Columbia's ear.

"What? The person who is not good for us is a stupid person, isn't it good?" Columbia asked rhetorically, listening to Jingliu's complaints.

"Unfavorable? They can be unfavorable to me?"

Columbia: ......

"The one inside is

the head of the Shinzato family, right?" "Yes, the head of the Kamisato family, Kamisato Ayato. Kamisato Ayaka's own brother, the owner of the Eye of the Water God, is a thousand-year-old fox like Yae Miko. "

Millennium fox, isn't Kamisato Ayato Kamisato's own brother? I think Kamisato Ayaka is just an ordinary person, how can her brother be a monster?" Columbia let out a little stunned in her heart.

"It's just a metaphor for Kamisato Ayato being as cunning as a thousand-year-old fox, not that Kamisato Ayato is a fox. Jingliu patiently explained.

"Oooh. Columbia nodded as if she didn't understand.

Forget it, Kagyuru didn't bother to explain, Columbia thinks that Kamisato Ayato is a fox or a fox, anyway, it's not bad.

"Two, you can choose any of these rooms, they are all cleaned. Kamisato Ayaka led the two to a room, pointed to the many rooms, and said to the two of them.

"That's it. Kagami looked at the almost identical door and casually pointed to one that looked pleasing to the eye.

"Eh, is this just the one? No need to save it, there are a lot of rooms in Kamisato Yashiki. Kamisato Ayaka listened to Kagami's words and didn't say any more, a little puzzled.

"But I'll just have to stay with Columbia.

"Well, okay. Looking at the appearance that Kagami-ryu and Columbia didn't mind, Kamisato Ayaka didn't say much.

"Then rest for a while, and I'll call you again when it's time to eat.

"Okay. With

that, Kamisato Ayaka left.


"Thoma, what's the matter?" asked

a man sitting upright at his desk in the room, putting down the papers he was working on, looking at Thoma.

The man's short light blue hair has a bunch on his right shoulder, the bangs on the left slightly cover the purple drooping eyes, and there is a mole under the slightly hooked corner of the mouth.

This person is the contemporary head of the Kamisato family, Kamisato Ayato.

"That's right, Miss, she's ......" Thoma told Kamisato Ayato the truth about the two people she had brought with him.

"Oh?" Kamisato Ayato listened, holding his chin with a slightly interested hand and falling into deep thought.

"Kagami-ryu and Columbia......" Kamisato Ayato remembered some important documents that Yae Miko had given him before.

These two names are mentioned in the document, and when Kamisato Ayato thinks of this, he asks Thoma,

"Can you describe the appearance of the two of them?"

Thoma pondered for a moment what they looked like, and then said,

"One is a girl with long white hair with a hint of blue-gray and a black veil over her eyes, and the other is a ginger black haired girl with a grid-like veil over her eyes.

"Looks right. Kamisato Ayato listened to Toma's description and was sure that they were the two people mentioned in Yae Miko's document.

"Okay, I see, Thoma, you go and prepare my meal first, by the way, I happen to be hungry too. Kamisato Ayato smiled at Thoma.

"Okay, got it. Thoma answered, and then left.

After Thoma left, Kamisato Ayato took out the document that Yae Miko had given him and flipped to the page in his impression.


, the eleventh executive of the Fatui [sword head]" "Columbia, the eleventh executive

of the Fatui three seats [maiden]" and the following passage:

"The first three seats of the Fatui all have the combat power of the gods.

"If you do, you must not have a bad relationship.

Looking at these words, Kamisato Ayato couldn't help but have a headache.

"Little sister really sent me a big gift, no, it's two......"


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