"When the time comes...... I will use fireworks to expel the haze in people's hearts one by one!" the

two of them couldn't help but laugh as they listened to Yoimiya's speech.

Listening to the laughter of the two, Yoimiya's face was slightly red. Then he crossed his waist and pretended to be angry:

"What are you laughing at, what is so funny."

"I don't know what the Shogun thinks about the fact that he would issue such an order as the Eye Hunt Decree and the Lockdown Order. But, in my mind, this directive must be wrong. I think a lot of people in Inazuma think the same way I do.

"Since he's wrong, there will be a day when it will end

!" "At that time, I will definitely have the grandest fireworks in Inazuma!" "

To bid farewell to the eye hunting order, the lockdown order, and the unhappiness in people's hearts." "

I'm sure this day will come soon, and then, will you come and watch my fireworks show?" Yoimiya said, looking at Kagamiya and Columbia with anticipation in her eyes.

"Yes, we'll be staying in Inazuma for a long time. Kagairu chuckled and agreed.

"yes. Yoimiya jumped for joy.

Kagami-ryu and Columbia didn't speak, and the two of them just looked at Yoimiya quietly.

Yoimiya calmed the emotions in her heart a little, but the joy in her eyes was still overflowing.

Yoimiya didn't know why Kagamiya and Columbia's promise could make him so excited.

Perhaps, this is the first sight.

Yoimiya collected his emotions and said to the two with a smile: "Next, I, the guide, will come to understand Inazuma Castle for the two of them one by one." "

Then I'd like to ask Yoimiya Guides to take care of you. "

Hehe, I'm still a little embarrassed to be called, just call Yoimiya. "

Yoimiya Guide ......" ......

"This is Yaedo, and most of Inazuma's popular light novels come from here.

Yoimiya led the two to a bookstore and said to them.

"This name ......" Columbia picked up one of the most popular novels casually, looked at the title on its cover, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

"Isn't this title really to blame by the God of Thunder?" Columbia wondered as she handed the book to Yoimiya.

As soon as he heard the god of thunder, Kagairu knew what the name of the novel was.

"Reincarnated as a thunderbolt general, and then invincible in the world"

should be said or not, when he saw the name, Jingliu felt that he could also be on his own. The title of the book, Mirror Stream, has been thought of, and it is called:

"Reincarnated into Mirror Stream, my invincible daily ...... in the world on the Teyvat Continent"

Although on the Teyvat Continent, perhaps, there are probably not many people who know Mirror Stream. Then modify it slightly, and it's called:

"About my reincarnation mirror stream, and then rampant in the fairy boat......

" "Well, that's good. Jingliu nodded silently, feeling that he had already conceived millions of words in his mind.

Kagami's appearance at this time was seen by Columbia and Yoimiya, and Columbia was already surprised by this and didn't care.

On the contrary, Yoimiya looked at Jingliu with worried eyes: "Jingliu...... It's okay, right?"

"It's okay, it's just crazy every day. Columbia shook her head and said lightly.

"Uh...... All right. Yoimiya looked at Columbia's unconcerned appearance and didn't think much about it.

"Behind Yaedo is Miyaji-sama, who is Yae Miko of Narukami Taisha, and is also a dependant of the god of thunder.

"Maybe it's because of this, so the shogun doesn't care about this kind of book. Yoimiya scratched her head and said with some uncertainty.

"And I've heard that Miyaji-sama likes this book very much. Yoimiya searched the book section, picked up a book and handed it to Columbia.

Columbia took the book and glanced down.

"Please, my Fox Immortal

Palace Division" and a paragraph written on the cover: "Tells the story of the Waste Wood General and the Almighty Fox Immortal Palace Division." "

Columbia: ......

It's a miracle that this Thor's family hasn't been stabbed to death by Thor.

"Anyway, that's it, the Shogun has lived in the castle tower for a long time and has never seen anyone go out, so maybe he doesn't know about it at all.

"Yoimiya Yoimiya, how can I contribute? Kagamiru came back to his senses and asked Yoimiya.

"Wow, you know how to write a book. When Yoimiya heard this, he looked at Kagamiya with a look of adoration. Then he pointed to the counter in Yaedo:

"Just send the original manuscript to the staff, and they will send it to the reviewers."

"After the review is approved, the Yaedo people will contact you according to the address on the manuscript, of course, if there is no address on the manuscript and no one can be contacted, Yaedo will still publish the novel. "

After all...... The right of final interpretation belongs to Yaedo.

"I see, I'll pay attention when the time comes. Kagami nodded, already imagining the time when his novel would dominate Teyvat, not noticing the strange expression on Columbia's face.

"Mirror Flow...... Can you write?" Columbia complained in her heart, but looking at Jingliu's excited appearance at this time, Columbia didn't want to hit her.

"Then I'll wait for your novel to be published, and I'll definitely buy a few more copies when the time comes.

"Okay. "


"This is the Tenryo Ordinance, one of the three Inazuma Priesthoods. Inazuma is the head of public security, who is responsible for enforcing government decrees.

"If I could, I wouldn't want to see you in the Tenryo Mission, after all, this is not a good place for the people of Inazuma. Yoimiya touched the back of her head with her hand and smiled.

"That probably won't be what you want. "

Huh?" Yoimiya blinked, a little confused.

"Our pass is gone, and we have to go to the Heavenly Collar to reissue it. Jingliu patiently explained.

"Oh, it scared the hell out of me, I thought you were some wanted criminal, that's it. Yoimiya patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then let's go in and make up for it, it's not a big deal if you lose your pass, but if you encounter a surprise inspection, it's a big deal. Yoimiya hurriedly led Kagmiryu and Columbia into the Heavenly Leader.


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