Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 426 The legendary boulder, Super Rayquaza appears and bites the land shark to super evolve i


you understood? What do you understand?

Ai Lan slowly raised a question mark, but soon adjusted his condition and launched the challenge: Please play a game with me when you have time. I will continue to improve myself through fighting and prove myself until I become the strongest.

Why not now? Because Fradali's appearance means that there will be important things to come.

Even the battle with Daigo has to be terminated, so there will definitely be no time to fight Shinji now.

Okay, I accept it.

Shinji agreed without hesitation.

After all, Ai Lan had fought against that person before, so there must be something special about him.

Moreover, the battle just now was quite exciting. Being able to survive so many moves at the hands of Daigo, it seems that his strength should not be underestimated.

Ai Lan, who are this child and that boy?

After Vladali and Daigo chatted briefly, they turned their attention to the little girl with red hair and green clothes and Shinji next to them.

My name is Coder, and here is Carlos' most capable child, Harry!

Then, I was working super hard with Ai Lan!

You have a rather young girlfriend.

Fradali bent over and smiled.


No! No! Not a girlfriend, I also want to mega evolve!

So I said, it's the elves that mega evolved, not you.

Ai Lan held her forehead, and then dismissed: Okay, you can go and play, we have something very important to talk about.

Hmph, what? You always treat me like a child...ah!

The coder clasped his hands and turned away in anger, sliding down the hillside within two steps.

Really, it's like this again.

Ai Lan reluctantly rushed down the hillside to help the coder up.

Vladali and Daigo looked at Shinji at this time.

I am Shinji, from the Sinnoh region. I am currently traveling in the Hoenn region. I came here just now to challenge Mr. Daigo.

Shinji explained his purpose.

The first time that person appeared, he easily defeated Jindai, and the second time he appeared, he easily defeated Zhulan. He also defeated that Ai Lan just now without knowing it, and bullied Hupa, who could summon divine beasts.

According to the information obtained last time, that person went back to prepare to challenge the champion. By analogy, his strength should be at least stronger than the average champion.

If Zhulan can be defeated easily, then defeating Daiwu should not be a problem.

So if I challenge Daigo once, I can basically see how much I have improved and how far I am from that person and the champion.

Well, he thinks that his current strength should not be weaker than that of the King of Heaven.

After all, before coming to Hoenn, I had defeated the all-powerful Denji with Moon Bear, Earth Turtle, and Biting Land Shark. After coming to Hoenn, I had defeated the ice-attribute King Furong with Electric Shock Monster, Boss Cordora, and Metagross.

It's a challenge. I can't help it. I'm actually quite busy. I probably won't have time to fight you in a short time.

Dawu spread his hands and was usually busy digging rocks and exploring ruins and other urgent matters. He was very concerned about the investigation that Fradali mentioned just now.

In other regions, strong strength and investigation, the combination of these three words always makes people feel uneasy. As a champion, you still have to know the inside story to avoid anything that endangers the safety of the people and the Hoenn region.

Actually, our Fradali Research Laboratory is very concerned about the energy released by elves during their mega evolution, and is currently collecting information on it.

The energy of mega evolution is huge, and we are studying whether it can be used peacefully.

Fradali said very seriously.

Peaceful use?

After hearing this, Dawu always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Peaceful use? Why peaceful use?

Isn’t the world peaceful enough?

Do you know this?

Before Daigo could figure it out, Fradali took out the device and projected a special wooden slip that shocked Daigo and successfully abducted him.

This trainer, do you want to come with us?

Before leaving, Fradali extended an invitation to Shinji.

Although Shinji doesn't have a very good temper, it is this kind of true temperament trainer that makes it easier for him to become a helper unknowingly.

You can take a look.

Shinji kept pace with the two of them.

Coming out is an experience, no matter where you are.

If something happens to the champion, just wait for a while. It won't be too late to challenge again when everything is fine.

Soon, several people set out together and soon came to a ruins where Cocodora was helping to carry stones.

I kept you waiting.

Although I traveled in search of various stones, ever since I discovered the existence of mega evolution, I have been searching for its origin.

Dawu walked out of the tent, compared and merged the wooden slips he found with Vladali's inscription, and discovered the mystery.


The word caught Shinji's attention.

The first person to cancel the mega evolution was the biting land shark who independently mega evolved. Later, he went to Kalos and got two mega evolution stones, so that his two elves could mega evolve.

One of the reasons why I chose to travel to Hoenn instead of other places later was to find super evolution stones so that all the elves who could super evolve would be able to super evolve.

If the origin of mega evolution can be eliminated, will my Liebite Land Shark be able to independently mega evolve like that Liebite Land Shark?

Shinji was looking forward to it.

Dawu said: According to the wooden slips, the ancients had a legendary boulder. The interpretation is that the road through the boulder is the beginning of the door.

Fradali: What I wrote in this piece is that the key to the door is the brilliance of two stones. When the stones are paired, the path will appear.

Keystone? So that's it! Please come with me.

Daigo suddenly realized it and stepped on the stone steps of the ruins towards the highest point.

Soon, everyone walked up to the highest point, a stone platform with strange paintings and two stone pillars.

Yes... I think this is the door... Ai Lan, go over there.

When the two of them put their hands on the pillars together, their key stones suddenly shone brightly, and strange power and light shone from the stripes on the stone pillars and stone platforms.

Then, a sky staircase extending to the mountains in the distance appeared.

Climbing along the sky steps, the group quickly walked through the thick fog and reached the ruins on the top of the mountain.

In these two altars, enshrine different key stones... You can't go wrong, the giant stone is here.

Walking to the central ruins, Dawu found writing on an altar, so he said to Ai Lan without hesitation: Ai Lan, go to the altar opposite.


As the two brought their key stones and the ball on the altar closer, the light shining like a mega evolution appeared in the ruins again.

When the light shines to its extreme, the altar descends, but a huge stone containing colorful light rises from the central altar.

The root of mega evolution

Found it, the legendary boulder.

The keystone is also reacting.


When several people were marveling at the boulder, Fradali immediately took out the device and shook people: It's me, I discovered the boulder.

The representative's coordinates have been captured and will arrive soon.

A voice came from the communication device.

In less than a minute, a spacecraft landed from the sky, and a group of researchers and various devices were transported to the boulder to begin research and investigation.

And Shinji also silently released the fierce bite land shark at this time.

Can you feel this power?


Liebite Lusha nodded.

Can I use it to directly super evolve?


Liebite Lu Shark shook his head.

Feel it, how can you super evolve if you can't use it?

If it can chew this stone twice and digest the energy inside, it should be able to try to super-evolve on its own.

Shinji instantly understood the meaning of biting the land shark, but there was some hesitation in his eyes - with so many people around, this kind of scene seemed not easy to try.

As for danger, Shinji doesn't care much about it. He doesn't dare to do anything without danger or risk. How can he be a trainer?

But at this moment, the sky changed drastically.

The blue sky and white clouds above the head instantly turned black, and thunder and lightning flashed in the thick dark clouds, as if indicating that some disaster was about to occur.


At a certain moment, a pair of eyes opened, and a slender green figure flew down quickly, hovering over the ruins, like a god in the sky.

Representative, the energy within the boulder is growing rapidly.

Below, the researcher said to Fradali.

Then, the boulder shone brighter, and Rayquaza above seemed to resonate with the boulder, shining golden light together.

In the light, Rayquaza's body rapidly transformed, becoming more sinister, handsome and intimidating, and his four new tentacles flashed with golden light.


With a high roar, Super Rayquaza appears!

Daigo: Rayquaza Mega evolved?

Ai Lan: How is it possible...

Fradali: But it happened.

Things are getting interesting.

Compared to others who were confused, shocked, serious, or afraid, Shinji's eyes flashed with strong interest.

What they didn't know was that somewhere in the volcano and deep sea, two other beings opened their eyes at the same time and ended their slumber.


Rayquaza didn't care about that. Looking at the humans below who were trying to seize the boulder, he opened his mouth and a terrifying dragon wave swept out.

Everyone, run away!

Seeing that something was not going well, Ai Lan quickly called out.

Everyone didn't care about anything and ran away quickly.

But the first wave of strafing Rayquaza had a target, and one blow directly destroyed the scanning instruments around the boulder and the spacecraft outside the ruins.

The Dragon Wave bombing ended, and black smoke shrouded everything.

Vladari Did we anger Rayquaza?

Back off!

Seeing that Rayquaza's anger had not dissipated, Ai Lan shouted and threw Charizard's Poké Ball.

Come on, Metagross.

Bite the land shark fiercely and prepare to fight!

Daigo followed and threw the Poké Ball.

Shinji, Ailan, and Daigo: Mega evolution!

As soon as the two elves appeared, they were enveloped in the light of evolution together with the biting land shark that had been released earlier, completing the super evolution.

The three elves looked up at Rayquaza, and their eyes seemed to be filled with anger.

Charizard, spit fire!

The fire-breathing dragon spread its wings and flew high, spitting a stream of blue flames towards Rayquaza.

However, Rayquaza surrounded the flames and got close enough to easily interrupt its attack and cause damage.

Careful, Charizard.


As soon as Ai Lan's voice came out, Rayquaza turned around and swooped down. Green light flashed past, and Charizard was shot down instantly.

The finishing touch!

Catch it, Metagross.

Metagross flew up and caught Charizard with its four arms.

But as Rayquaza collided again, Charizard and Metagross were forcibly separated.

Hovering in the air again, Rayquaza raised his head without saying a word and a powerful energy spurted out.

The energy ball flew hundreds of meters and exploded into countless meteors falling down.


Seeing meteors falling from the sky above their heads, everyone acted in different ways, either avoiding, running away, or protecting others.

Only Shinji, with a righteous look on his face, gave orders to the biting land shark——

Use Crush!

The next moment, violent meteors scattered throughout the ruins, and the billowing smoke obscured everything.


In the smoke, Liebite Land Shark let out a roar, and the blood in his body surged and he sprinted with all his strength.

In the blink of an eye, the giant dragon pounced on the food and flew to the boulder, opened its jaws and started to crush it!


Under the full force of the Super Bite Land Shark, the legendary boulder instantly shattered into a corner.


Before the land shark could take its second bite, a meteor accurately fell towards the boulder, and a terrifying explosion immediately occurred.

But when the biting land shark, which was dying from the explosion, looked towards the center again, the boulder had disappeared.

After one round of bombardment by the meteor swarm, Rayquaza in the sky also felt that the boulder had disappeared, and turned around and flew away into the distance without hesitation.

After the disaster, everyone reunited.

Ai Lan: Energy fluctuations?

Vladali: Well, it was detected offshore of Kanaz City, even though it was very weak. The fluctuation is consistent with the fluctuations and waveforms collected from the situation.

Daigo: That means you found the whereabouts of the boulder?


Vladali nodded and continued: We will continue to check the fluctuations here. Ai Lan, please go to Kanaz City to investigate.

I'll arrange for someone to pick us up right away.

Daiwu led the coders to take the lead outside the ruins, while Ai Lan was stopped by Fradali.

As for Shinji...

There's no need to go to such trouble, I'll go there myself.

Walking outside the ruins, Shinji directly released the Metagross, and flew down the mountain in Daigo's surprised eyes.

Under normal circumstances, Shinji is a very rational person.

He also wanted to find the boulder, but he also knew that the boulder was not easy to get.

His strength is limited and he can't even defeat Lugia summoned by Hoopa. How can he be an opponent of the obviously stronger Super Rayquaza?

Instead of expecting a huge boulder that is difficult to grasp, it is better to digest the fragments you get.

Yes, the boulder disappeared, but the fragments of the boulder chewed off by the biting land shark did not disappear.

Therefore, after flying a few kilometers away from the mountain ruins towards Karnaz City, Shinji asked Metagross to find a place with beautiful scenery and uninhabited areas to land and release the biting land shark.

How's it going? How do you feel?

Shinji stared at the biting land shark, looking forward to what effect the piece of skin could do.

Violent land!

The usually cold Biting Land Shark couldn't help but grin after hearing Shinji's words. Having just digested the fragments, it could already feel the energy of super evolution in its body, as if it was dormant and ready to move.

He bit the land shark and tried to activate it, but there was no response after several attempts. Even if he tried hard to eat, he could barely make his body shine slightly, and he could not complete the super evolution at all.

It feels a little uncomfortable to have an empty treasure that cannot be used.

Why can that person's Fierce Bite Land Shark be able to super-evolve independently... Wait!

Shinji, however, looked deep in thought, trying to recall the original scene, and suddenly remembered the ferocious state before biting the land shark before its autonomous super evolution, and said:

Activate with bloodline mode!

Hearing this, Liebite Lu Shark decisively activated his ability, and scarlet light burst out from his eyes, shooting away the bloody aura entangled above him.

Use the bloodline mode as the keystone to stimulate the resonance of the dragon's bloodline power and super-evolutionary energy in the body, and then...


The light of evolution suddenly appeared, and the body of Liebite Land Shark began to change.

The dragon's claws turned into blood scythes, and its body became stronger and its appearance became more ferocious.

Super bite land shark, evolution successful!

Get familiar with this power and try to fully master it.

The energy of that fragment cannot be retained forever. Only by mastering this power can we truly master autonomous super evolution.

Otherwise, when the energy is exhausted, autonomous super evolution will be nothing more than a mirror image.


With a good start, Liebite Land Shark was extremely excited. He stood by the water and looked at the mirror and tried again and again.


Next to him, the heterochromatic Metagross could not help but reveal a trace of envy in his eyes——

I haven't found my own super evolution stone yet, but Liebite Land Shark can super evolve without using any stone.

How abominable! so envious! (End of chapter)

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