Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 412 Returning to Sinnoh and meeting Minghui Xiaomao

Wow! I'm finally back!

In the crowded celebration square, a cheering sound attracted people's attention.

People looked around and saw a girl in retro clothes looking around and a purple-haired boy looking down at his mobile phone.

The nostalgic high-rise buildings and thriving streets. It's great to see a modern city again.

Xiao Zhao clenched her fists excitedly and looked around with curious eyes, as if she wanted to permanently record everything in front of her in her mind.

Better calm down a little.

Shinji said calmly.

Hehe, I was a little excited for a moment. Although this is not my hometown, it's not much different.

Xiaozhao smiled sheepishly and whispered.

Before time travel, I didn’t miss home much. After time travel, I knew I might never see the modern city again, but I missed it even more.

Now that she is back, Xiaozhao can feel her heart beating happily even if she is not talking.

Is there somewhere you want to go?

Now that I have traveled back in time, I can already teleport to certain points within a certain range. I came to Juqing City simply to satisfy Xiaozhao's desire to see her hometown in a different world.

Well...there is one!

Xiao Zhao thought for a while, took Shinji and ran in one direction!

Leaving the square, walking through the busy streets, passing by countless people with elves, the two came to the front of the moving towering building.

Zhuqing Building, the tallest building in Zhuqing City, is one of the landmark buildings in Zhuqing City.

Eh? This is a building...

Stopping, a trace of disappointment flashed across Xiaozhao's face, but she soon regained her mood.

Go in and take a look? Okay!

Shinji noticed this and after asking, the two walked inside together.

Zhuqing Building is a comprehensive building, with hotels, companies, shopping malls, and residents living there.

Taking the elevator, the two came to the mall and started shopping together.

Replenish some supplies. Just tell me what you want.

After staying in Xicui for several months, the supplies in Shinji's backpack have long been exhausted, and the backpack is in urgent need of replenishment.

I won't be embarrassed.

Xiao Zhao smiled and started shopping next to Shinji. He bought a lot of things based on Shinji's suggestions. However, when the salesperson asked Shinji to pay together, Xiao Zhao said before Shinji could: Separately!


Shinji cast a confused look.

If he remembered correctly, Xiao Zhao should not have any money on him, right?

Sister, can I sell props here?

Xiao Zhao smiled sweetly at the salesperson.

If the world is not very different, then most of the places where you can buy things in this world can also sell things.

The salesperson said: Yes, but if you sell the props directly, the price will be lower than at a special purchase place.

Okay, please collect these things.

After fussing around in her pocket for a while, Xiaozhao took out a handful of gold beads and pearls and handed them to the salesperson.

The pile of supplies was easily worth a handful of gold beads and pearls, and a lot of alliance currency was also obtained.

After shopping, the two packed up their things and went all the way to the top floor of the building.

The top of the building is quite special. In addition to some play facilities, there are also some simple battle areas where trainers can have an exciting duel among the blue sky and white clouds.

Of course, there are many restrictions.

When he came here, Shinji didn't have any special ideas. He just wanted to wait for Xiaozhao to take a look at the scenery of Zhuqing City. After nothing happened, he could just release the elves and fly back to Mumu City.

Although I have been talking to Reis on the phone across time and space, I haven’t been home for a long time. It’s time to go back and take a look, and take a look at the newly built Curtain Arena.

Is there any event being held over there?

Xiaozhao suddenly asked, pointing to the nearby high platform surrounded by the crowd.

Shinji shook his head slightly and looked around, and found that on a high platform surrounded by people, there were six elves with different attributes jumping up and down, releasing their skills and showing off their talents.

And those six Pokémon are particularly famous. They happen to be the beginner Pokémon in the Kanto and Sinnoh regions - Charmander, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Flamemon, Bogaman and Turtle. .

It's really rare.

Shinji commented that although the Gosanjia can not only be obtained, but can also be captured in the wild, generally speaking, few people can gather the Gosanjia from multiple areas at the same time.

Go over and have a look. Go over and have a look.

Xiao Zhao couldn't wait to squeeze through the crowd and came to the foot of the high platform. She curiously observed the three little Kanto animals that did not exist in the Xicui area. She subconsciously took out an illustrated book and began to write down its appearance and attributes on it. Go up.

Shinji on the side silently observed the surroundings, and soon found a few familiar people standing beside the high platform.

Those people also noticed Shinji and walked over together.

Dr. Yamanashi, Dr. Ohgi.

Shinji politely greeted the two old men in research clothes, and then looked at the two teenagers beside him, Minghui, Xiaomao, long time no see.

Recently, I have had a lot of academic exchanges with Damu. We jointly organized a promotional event for beginner elves in two regions to show more of the charm of elves. What do you think?

The initial elves in each region have their own characteristics. If we can let people know more about them, it should be able to promote the development of the trainer profession.

Dr. Yamanashi and Dr. Ohgi briefly introduced this activity.

Shinji is no longer the ordinary person he used to be. As a champion, he still has some power.

Very good. It would be even better if new trainers in the future could freely choose the Yusanjia from all regions as their initial elves.

It's great that each region has its own Gosan family, but as a time traveler, Shinji feels that it would definitely be more exciting if he could choose one of the dozens of initial elves as his initial partner.

The idea is very good, but there are many problems in its implementation. For example, elves with high popularity will be chosen by people, while elves with low popularity may not be chosen by anyone. This has a bad impact.

Damu couldn't even imagine that, given the current situation where many famous trainers have Charizards, when it was really possible to choose the Yusanjia from other regions, many newcomers would probably be vying for Charmanders.


Shinji also understands that reality is not a game. There are many issues that the alliance needs to consider when cultivating and distributing elves, and it cannot be perfect in this regard.

Seeing that the exchange between the doctor and Shinji was over, Minghui also spoke up, with a hint of resentment in his tone.

Long time no see, Shinji. After you won the championship, you disappeared without saying a word for so long. I can't find anyone who wants to challenge you. It's really a headache.

Even though only a few months have passed, the changes in the world have been horrifying.

In the past three months, new stars have emerged in each region, the Four Heavenly Kings have been defeated one after another, and many regional champions have changed hands.

Hoenn champion Daiwu was defeated by Xiaoyou, Chengdu champion Adu was defeated by Axiang, Hezhu champion Alice was defeated by Gongping, and Kalos champion Karuni was defeated by Karumu.

Even in the Sinnoh region, Minghui has successfully defeated the Four Heavenly Kings and Zhulan in succession, becoming the so-called champion candidate who can challenge Shinji for the championship.

But at this time, let alone whether Minghui can defeat Shinji, there is another problem before this problem - Shinji is not here, he challenges a hammer.

I have gone out to practice for a few days. Let's challenge again later.

Shinji said calmly.

Shinji heard from Reiji that Minghui wanted to challenge him, but at that time he was busy with Teru in the final preparation stage before challenging Arceus and had no time to go back to accept the challenge, so he just ignored it.

Then let's make an agreement, and then I'll apply for a competition to challenge you.

Minghui nodded with satisfaction. Although he was not confident in defeating Shinji now, there were some things that he would not do unless he found it difficult. If he did not try his best to challenge for the championship, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

Can I watch the battle then?

Xiaomao, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke.

Ever since he was defeated by Shinji, Xiaomao has felt the malice of the whole world.

He was frustrated in his challenge to Kanto and the open area, and he was defeated and frustrated in his battles with Karumu, Manchu, Leier, and Mingyi.

By the time he was still stuck at the age of gods after all the hard work, the people who had defeated him in the past had either been able to defeat the Four Heavenly Kings or had become champions.

Even his childhood sweetheart Xiaozhi became extremely powerful after traveling to other regions. All the Four Kings of Kanto region were killed by him one after another, becoming the second candidate for the championship after Qinglu.

Don't ask why they are candidates, because neither candidate is an opponent of the current champion Red.

Chihong is said to be traveling in uninhabited land. Except for appearing in the Sinnoh region halfway, he is even more mysterious than Shinji. He is completely out of contact. If nothing goes wrong, he will not appear until the Masters starts.

Anyway, now, with a green head above his head, Xiao Mao has decided to inherit his grandfather's mantle and work hard to become an excellent researcher.

I have no opinion.

Shinji said calmly.


Xiao Zhao on the side closed the pen, handed the paper illustration he had just drawn and written in front of Shinji, and said: How is it? Is the drawing good?

Vivid and three-dimensional.

Shinji gave his own evaluation.

Hehe, my painting skills are honed little by little.

Xiao Zhao puffed up her chest proudly.

Xiaoguang?! Why are you here? Didn't you go to the Hoenn area to travel to participate in the gorgeous contest?

Seeing Shinji actually communicating with girls, Minghui was quite curious at first, but when he took a closer look, he couldn't help but widen his eyes and exclaimed.

He said he was going to participate in the gorgeous competition, but he ended up staying with Shinji. For some reason, Minghui only felt sour in his heart.

Xiaoguang? Who? Me?

Facing Minghui's gaze, Xiaozhao tilted his head and pointed at himself in confusion, but after seeing Minghui's face clearly, his eyes widened and he exclaimed:

Mingyao?! Why are you here?

After exclaiming, Xiaozhao also realized. Before coming here, he said goodbye to Mingyao and Dr. Laben. How could Mingyao be here? It can only be said that they look alike.

So he smiled decisively and waved hello:

Hello, my name is Xiao Zhao. I come from Zhuqing City (Village). I am currently traveling with Shinji. You look very similar to a friend of mine.

It’s better if it’s not Xiaoguang.

After hearing Xiaozhao's self-introduction, Minghui breathed a sigh of relief and introduced with a smile:

Hello, my name is Minghui. I come from Futaba Town. My goal is to become the strongest trainer. I am going to challenge Shinji in a few days. You and my good friend look very similar.

On the side, when Shinji saw this scene, the words grandfather and grandson meet popped up uncontrollably in his mind.

Challenge Shinji, it's interesting, come on, come on.

Xiao Zhao felt in her heart that it was very interesting whether Shinji bullied others or was bullied.

Thank you, I will work hard, Minghui smiled, scratched his head, and asked, Are you also a coordination trainer?

Uh... I should be just an ordinary trainer.

Xiaozhao was stunned and said vaguely.


When Shinji heard this, he turned his head away and didn't want to look at Xiao Zhao.

Yes, ordinary, an ordinary trainer with Arceus.

Obviously, Minghui, who knew Shinji well, didn't believe what Xiao Teru said.

Throughout all of Shinji's experiences, how could he ever travel with a vase?

I remember the last time he met Narui from the Hezhong area for an exchange and battle. From his description of Shinji, he could tell that beautiful girls did not receive preferential treatment at Shinji.

According to Zeng, Li, the trainer of the Curtain Gym, was tortured to tears by Shinji in various fields many times.

There is only one truth, Xiao Zhao is here

Ordinary? Then can you fight with me?

Xiaomao didn't think Shinji was the same person who liked taking his useless sister on trips like he did before, so out of curiosity, he took the initiative to challenge her.

Although I have decided to pursue my career as a researcher, it is also very interesting to play against each other occasionally.

For example, when he first came to Sinnoh two days ago, he fought Minghui once.

Battle? Okay! When? Where?

Xiao Zhao, who has never had a formal elf battle in modern times, readily agreed, with a look of anticipation on her face.

The event is almost over. When it's over, we'll go to the battlefield nearby.

The level of the field at the top of the building is not high enough, so it is not suitable for battles with powerful elves. They can only fight in the field outside.

Not long after, the event ended. On the nearby celebration battle field, Shinji, Koteru, Komo, and Minghui arrived. The two players who were ready to start the battle took the initiative to stand on both sides of the field.

Do you need me to be the referee?

No need, it will be over soon.

Minghui was about to volunteer, but Shinji refused.

The rules of the competition are 3VS3. Whichever side's elves lose their fighting ability first will win the other side, okay?

Xiao Mao explained the normal rules of battle.

no problem!

Xiaozhao agreed immediately, already thinking about what kind of elf would be fun to use to fight.

Come out, electric monster!


Xiaomao didn't hesitate and released his beloved general directly.

Electric shock monster... interesting.

Xiao Zhao smiled. Although this electric monster didn't look as powerful as Shinji, it was really interesting to fight against the familiar elf. He brushed his hand on his waist bag and threw a poke ball out of Xiao Zhao. (End of chapter)

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