Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 330 (Part 2) The Shadow Halo, the Defeatable Yuuji

Come back, Miao Frog Flower.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Yuji took out the poke ball and put Miaowahua back into the ball, then took out another poke ball and threw it out.

Go, Electric Shock Monster!

Although his Kuailong is strong, he may not be able to find it when the Snow Demon is invisible. Even if he finds it, he will have to face the same operation that the Snow Demon may perform, which can only be said to be a headache.

Only the Electric Shock Monster has the operation that can definitely force out the Snow Demon.

Pray for rain!

Ah Kelu~

As soon as the grinning electric shock monster appeared on the field, before the surrounding invisible rocks attacked him, a ball of water condensed in his hand and threw it into the sky to explode.

Suddenly, the sky was covered with dark clouds and raindrops fell.

The Snow Demon Girl had already floated in front of Shinji, but she didn't disappear as before.

But Yuji was not careless, who would know that the Snow Demon Girl was the real Snow Demon Girl?


The summoning was successful on a rainy day, and Yuji decisively issued an order.

Ah Kelu~

After being attacked by the Invisible Rock, the Electric Shock Monster screamed, and the terrifying thunder and lightning on its body flew into the cloudy sky, and the golden arcs flowed through it, and finally gathered together and fell towards the Snow Demon Girl like five thunderbolts.

Shinji just watched this scene quietly, and said slowly until the lightning fell.

Shadow halo.

I saw the snow demon girl opened her hands slightly, her eyes were bright, and the multiple energies floated and condensed into several halos that swirled around her, seemingly without the slightest attack or defense power.

But when the lightning fell, the terrifying thunder and lightning couldn't break the halo at all. It separated and blocked the lightning and lightning with a slight rotation, and finally blocked it easily.

Thunder Fist!

Seeing that the attack failed, Yuji said decisively.

The electric shock monster stepped on both feet, turned into a flash of lightning and jumped out, and in a blink of an eye, it rushed in front of the snow demon girl, and punched the halo around the latter.


There was only a bang, and all the auras were shaken, as if they were about to collapse.

But in the next second, there was a hint of disbelief in the eyes of the electric shock beast.

Psychic thoughts!

The blue light in the Snow Demon Girl's eyes suddenly became stronger, and the powerful thought power instantly controlled the electric shock monster to death directly above the sky without moving at all.

Although this kind of control is only for a moment, it is completely enough for Snow Demon to give all of her aura to the electric shock beast, and imprison it in it.

When the Electric Shock Beast felt the power of its strong thoughts disappear and prepared to move, it found that this seemingly useless halo made it difficult to move, and the attack could not penetrate the shattering halo to reach the outside world, and its movement was also severely restricted hinder.

For a moment, the electric shock monster struggled violently.


Woman's fire.

Shinji's words were accompanied by the will-o'-the-wisp flying from the hand of the Snow Demon Girl and fell on the Electroshock Monster from the gap in the halo.


It's over, misfortunes never come singly.

Seeing this scene, Shinji didn't give the opponent any more chances, and said decisively.

Snow Demon Girl opened her hands to create a large number of wisps floating in the sky, and under her control, all the will-o'-the-wisps fell towards the electric monster one after another.

When the first group of attacks successfully touched the shadow halo, a strange reaction occurred, the wild fire and the halo exploded at the same time, and the sturdy body of the electric shock monster was immediately shrouded in smoke.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, the body of the electric shock monster lay on the ground as a matter of course, without moving at all.

The electric shock monster loses its ability to fight, and the Snow Fairy wins!

announced the referee.

Is this a loss? Is this a loss for the Electric Shock Monster?

Is this snow demon girl so difficult to deal with?

No problem, the chief also has Kuailong, Kuailong is invincible!

Invincible wool! It's okay if the Snow Demon is defeated, but the Snow Demon is still there, don't you know that the Snow Demon will use the same life?

Yeah, even if Shinji is replaced, with the snow demon girl as a guarantee, it is absolutely impossible for Kuailong to win!


No way, is the chief going to be defeated again?


Although Kuailong has not yet appeared on the stage, the online and offline audience outside the court seem to have seen the fate of Kuailong, and they no longer have much hope for Yongji's victory.

Unless Shinji is suddenly mentally disabled and gives a bunch of weird instructions, it is impossible for Yuji and Kuailong to win.

But is this possible for Shinji who can easily push Yuji to a dead end with only three elves?

Obviously, Yuji knew this too.

So he said to Shinji very simply: Shinji, you and your elves are far stronger than I imagined. It will be very difficult for me to beat you in this battle. I only hope that you can use your biting land shark and mine A fast dragon battle.

Yongji's idea is very simple, it is rare for Kuailong to play once, if he is killed by the same fate, wouldn't it make him feel uncomfortable?

Among other things, at least it was a worthwhile trip to fight against the biting land shark I saw last time and then be defeated, right?

Shinji is also very clear about this, but unfortunately...

Sorry, I don't have a biting land shark with me this time.

Shinji said lightly.

What about the electric monster?

Ssangyong can't do it, Yuji thinks it's not bad to fight Shinji's strongest electric monster once.

Sorry, I didn't bring it.

It's a pity that Shinji was destined to disappoint him, and he didn't bring one of the two brothers.

What? To deal with the famous Yuji, the strongest elves don't bring it?

What is this? Conceit?

What arrogance, it's self-confidence, okay, didn't you use the other three spirits to push Yuji to a corner?

While the audience was discussing fiercely, they paid attention to the field, hoping to see if Shinji would replace the spirit and Yuji's fast dragon to have a fierce battle.



Yuuji wanted to say other things, but found that there seemed to be something wrong with saying other things.

It is not appropriate to talk about the level of the earth turtle and the fast dragon, not to mention the attributes, and the other ones are almost the same reason.

Let Shinji fight him with other ones, as if he is the head trainer of Tangerine League and begged Shinji to let him win a round.

If you want to lose, just lose openly, and asking for mercy from your opponent will make you look cheap.

It's your turn to play, come on!

After taking a deep breath and calming down, Yuji took off the Poké Ball he had been wearing on his chest and threw it out.


With a clear roar, the solid and reliable Kuailong appeared on the stage.

But what Yongci never expected was that Kuailong appeared on the stage, but the Snow Demon Girl turned around and flew to Shinji's side outside the arena.

rest first.


After Shinji talked to the Snow Demon Girl, he took out a Poké Ball and threw it out.

In this battle, he did not carry the dragon that bit the land shark, but he had another dragon.

Dragon King Scorpion, prepare to fight! (End of this chapter)

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