Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 297 Zeraora, Plasma Lightning Fist Magnetic Field Acceleration

windy city

This is a city where people live with the wind, and the wind festival is held every year.

According to legends that have been passed down from ancient times, the legendary Pokémon Lugia will come on the last day of the Wind Festival and bring a wind of grace.

Now, the last wind festival has become a thing of the past, and this wind festival has not yet come.

After a few days of training with elves in the uninhabited place of Metal Island, Shinji came to this windy city by riding the biting land shark.

Walking in every corner of the city, Shinji seems to feel the caress of the wind.

His destination is very clear, that is, to search for Zeraola in the former Forbidden Mountain behind Fenglai City.

After experiencing the last wind festival and wildfire, Zeraora has been clearly incorporated and covered by the alliance, and can move freely in Fenglai City and its surrounding areas.

Within this range, no one is allowed to capture, subdue or attack Zeraora at will, otherwise they will be severely punished.

Aerial shot Rotom will patrol the sky to guard, as long as anyone does something against Zeraora's will, Rotom will immediately call the police, and serious cases will be wanted.

Therefore, even if Zeraora came out now, no blind guy would dare to casually think about subduing Zeraora.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages of being covered by the government. There are advantages, but there are also disadvantages.

Now there are always a bunch of curious tourists and citizens who want to find Zeraora to play with, and it takes so much trouble to provoke it that they can only hide from people everywhere to find it.

Rotom, help me find the location of Zeraora.

Shinji took out the Rotom phone and said.

The map of Rotom's mobile phone was obtained through mental scanning, but after Shinji's suggestions and Rotom's research, it is now barely able to search for approximate things within a certain distance.

Similar to the function of a special radar.

Trainer, you can trust Lotor completely!

Rotom's phone flew into the air without moving, his whole body glowed brightly, and the special mental power was emitted through the phone, covering the entire mountain.

The approximate locations of countless elves appeared in Rotom's mind.

It couldn't search for an ordinary elf, but it was not easy to find a rare Zeraora. After spending three minutes looking for it, Rotom finally saw Zeraora.

Report to the trainer, after the search is complete, Lotor will show you the way!

As soon as Rotom said that, he flew ahead and started working as a guide.

Shinji didn't say anything, and slowly followed behind with his hands in his pockets.

Under the tree on the mountain wall, a big yellow cat with lightning-like blue and black patterns on its body is lying there leisurely blowing the wind

I feel peaceful and happy in my heart, and feel comfortable not being disturbed by annoying little kids.

Rounding up, it has lived for a hundred years, and it is still being asked by human children to play games every day. What is it playing?

Uncomfortable looking for a place to sleep? Really want to play it won't play with elves?


Suddenly, the slight sound of footsteps appeared in Zeraora's ears. It opened its eyes and looked by feeling, only to see a purple-haired boy appearing on the gravel ground next to the mountain stream below and looking at him at some point.

Zeraola, I finally found you, come and fight with me.

Saying that, Shinji took out a Poké Ball and threw it out.

Ah Kelu~

The Electric Shock Beast appeared from the ball, looked at Zeraora with a smile, and wished he could immediately pin him to the ground and beat him violently.


Zeraora was about to shake his head and slip away when Shinji said he wanted to challenge it.

Although it loves peace and does not love war, it is not afraid of war.

But what are the opponents?

Little Elephant, Kodak, the mighty Heracross and so on.

At any rate, it has strength close to the level of a heavenly king. How can ordinary elves be his opponent?

But seeing the electric shock monster released by Shinji, the aura was stronger than his own, which made Zeraora feel interested.

The opponent is powerful, but it is still a fantasy Pokémon. Its hands and feet can easily explode with lightning for acceleration. Isn't it better than a higher-level electric shock beast?


Zeraora bent down slightly, and the whole elf was ready to charge at any time.

Since the opponent is willing to fight, it is even better. It is reasonable to beat up the opponent in a reasonable way, and let him communicate with himself after convincing him with virtue.

However, Shinji still said:

Get ready, pay attention to the control, let's start.


Ah Kelu~

The Electric Shock Beast hit each other with both fists, and after a chuckle, its body instantly turned into a golden lightning and disappeared.

Zeraola obviously didn't imagine that the electric shock monster could be so fast, and she didn't have time to dodge it in a hurry, so she could only hastily put her hands in front of her body to bear the blow.

With a sound of Boom!, Zeraora was repelled, and the Electric Shock Beast didn't hold back, and continued to chase.

Fortunately, with preparations, Zeraora immediately exploded with thunder and lightning acceleration, turned into a blue thunder with the powerful explosive power of the race to dodge, and then launched melee combat and enhanced punches to attack.

Two lightning bolts, one blue and one yellow, flew one after the other in the sky, during which time they continued to attack alternately, but every time they touched, the blue lightning was sent flying, followed by the yellow lightning.

The strength of Zeraora lies in its speed. It can release a large amount of current from the fleshy balls of its hands and feet to create a powerful magnetic field, and then use the power of the magnetic field to explode with great power.

Some are similar to its electromagnetic levitation, which is an upgraded version of the gods, but Zeraora, who is more Buddhist and resigned, obviously has not worked hard to improve his strength in his life, either before or now, which makes it actually not a good ability. particularly strong.

The ability itself is more advanced than the Electric Shock Monster, but the proficiency is not enough, and the effect is not as good as the Electric Shock Monster.

In the front, it can be lifted and pulled faster with the help of high-speed movement, and after the electric shock beast is accelerated by the electric engine in the back, Zeraora fell into a unilateral beating situation.

Just like this, it was still the case that the electric shock beast released water without self-motivation and some special means.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and ten minutes later, with a bang, Zeraora, who was covered in injuries, was shot down from the sky by the electric shock monster.


Zeraora lay on the ground and tried to get up twice without success. In the end, she could only lie on the ground and stare at Shinji and Dengeki Warcraft.

After all, it can't be subdued, and we need to exchange some experience with the other party later, and the electric monster has been released into the sea.

Taitai turtle, help it heal.

Shinji threw the poke ball.


After the Terra Turtle came out, he looked at Zeraora, and at the same time launched the forest treatment to treat him.

In less than half a minute, Zeraora fully recovered, and even the hidden injuries from the previous mountain fire were forcibly healed by the earth turtle with its life force.


After getting up from the ground, Zeraora shook hands and felt unprecedentedly relaxed.

It rarely fights except that it loves peace. Another reason is that the wildfire 50 years ago left it with hidden wounds, which caused its strength to improve slowly. Otherwise, after so long, its talent would have reached the level of a king.

Zeraora, the main purpose of our coming to you is to let you teach the Plasma Lightning Fist to the Electric Shock Monster, so that it can try to learn.

Shinji said.


Zeraora had such an expression as expected. With this kind of strength, she came all the way to fight with it for no reason. It turned out that she was determined to steal her skills.

But it doesn't care, it's just a move, if you learn it, you can learn it, and it doesn't matter if you teach it, as for whether you can learn it or not, it doesn't matter.

Soon, Zeraora began to demonstrate the Plasma Lightning Fist while talking away in front of the Electric Shock Beast.

Ah Kelu~

After demonstrating for a while, the Electric Shock Beast suddenly waved at Zeraora, letting it directly target itself to attack.

It has an electric engine to attack with electric moves. Under normal circumstances, thunder and lightning are useless, and it will hurt a little when hit with fists and the like, causing a little damage.

But the electric shock monster is not afraid.

Only by experiencing it for yourself can you feel the difference between this version of the Plasma Lightning Fist and the Plasma Lightning Fist you have studied.


It was also the first time for Zeraora to hear such a request, and immediately began to attack the Electric Shock Monster with all its strength with the Plasma Lightning Fist.

I don't want to cause harm to it, but I want to beat it so that it hurts and groans.

Bang bang bang...

The sound of various beatings resounded through the mountain stream and lasted for a long time.

Zeraora is outputting with all his strength, and the electric shock beast is fully observing and absorbing the nutrients into his body.

It didn't take long for Zeraora to gradually weaken after a high outbreak.

Although it is a fantasy Pokémon, Zeraora, who is positioned as an assassin warrior, is not an endurance elf, and it is a bit tired to insist on output for a long time.

Ai Ke~ Ai Ke Lu~

That's it? Can you do it? Meow.

After the Electric Shock Monster couldn't feel any pressure, he couldn't help but say something.

As soon as these words came out, Zeraora was stunned for a second, and then used all her strength to attack again.

After a period of time, Zeraora lay on the ground as if being drained dry, and the electric shock monster who was fully charged by the attack glanced at the person in front of him, and used a stroke of thunder to help him recover, and then walked aside to start Researched the Plasma Lightning Fist.

Facts have proved that Shinji's conjecture is not wrong.

Although the plasma lightning fist is not exactly = plasma bath + lightning fist (thunder fist), it can be regarded as a relationship of ≈.

The Plasma Lightning Fist that it figured out before was a set of programs that could barely run, while Zeraora's was a set of mature programs that could only run in its race.

Although it can't be completely copied, but with the reference, the electric shock beast has an idea, and I started to fiddle with a new launch method, constantly improving, perfecting, optimizing, optimizing, and optimizing.

Finally, it didn't take long for the electric shock beast to realize its own version of the plasma lightning fist.

Although the power has not reached its peak, the rest is just a matter of improving proficiency in the future.

Ah Kelu~

The goal was achieved, and the electric shock monster walked back to Zeraora, who had been regained by the earthen turtle, in a good mood, looked at him with a smile, and discussed the latter's special way of creating a magnetic field with lightning.

In fact, the essence of electromagnetic levitation is to use electricity to create magnetic force and then levitate. It is related to the magnetic field, but it is not yet to the extent of creating a magnetic field in the true sense.

Unlike Zeraora, it has never learned electromagnetic levitation, but Dengeki Warcraft remembers what Shinji said, it has the same powerful racial ability as other people's dreams, although it is far from the strongest transformation of dreams, but it is still powerful.

Zeraora's ability to fly and accelerate is achieved by directly creating a magnetic field through the current of the fleshy balls on its hands and feet.

It can also be regarded as a very advanced racial ability.


Zeraora looked up and down curiously at the Shock Monster, wanting to see where it could discharge a large amount.

The ability it has mastered requires a large discharge somewhere to be able to create a magnetic field acceleration.

It looked at it for a long time, and the place where the electric shock monster discharges the most is the two antennas on the head, using the head to create a magnetic field to accelerate...

Uh... that scene... Hey... I can't even imagine it.

Ah Kelu~

The electric shock monster rolled his eyes speechlessly.

Naturally, it does not have a meat ball that can discharge electric shock monsters, but what it needs to learn is not to discharge precisely at a certain position, but to create a magnetic field!

Besides, it's not impossible to accurately discharge and accelerate. It's not easy to discharge too much electricity on the feet, but the hands and tail can.

It's time to learn to create a magnetic field, and the hands and tail cooperate with the feet, and the speed soars again!


Zeraora didn't hide her secrets, she generously told Electroshock Warcraft her method of creating a magnetic field, and showed it many times.

After all, it is an innate ability. Although the ability has not been developed very well, there will always be some experience if you use it too much.

These experiences were also told to Electric Shock Warcraft when teaching.

As a result, the Electric Shock Beast learned very quickly, and it only took a few days to successfully learn this method of creating a magnetic field, and successfully applied it to speed.

Compared with the past, the speed when it erupted was about 1/3 faster.

This speed is enough to completely exceed the Great Sword Demon who is full of water burst, and it is also enough to rush to the opponent at a distance of tens of meters across the domain in an instant and punch him.

It can be said that unless an opponent with a slow reaction and movement can suppress it in a large range without dead ends, it will have no resistance in front of it, basically equivalent to a living target and a sandbag.

To this extent, it can be said that Zeraora, who cannot be subdued, is completely useless against Dengeki Warcraft and Shinji, and it is of no value to stay, and it is time to leave.

Thanks for teaching.

Bowing slightly to Zeraora, who was lying on a tree branch and dozing, Shinji took out the biting land shark and jumped on it and flew into the distance.

Ah Kelu~

In the future, my uncle will definitely let his opponents have a good experience of the two moves you taught.

The Electric Shock Beast grinned at Zeraora, and then the Lei electromagnetic field appeared to keep up with Biting Land Shark and Shinji.


At this time, Zeraora opened his eyes, turned over and got down from the tree, picked up a bunch of berries left by Shinji and took a bite, but finally couldn't help laughing.

Recommend a friend's book Man in the Spirit, Professional Phantom Thief, if you are interested, you can read it.

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