Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 295 Resentment, Battle Palace, Chenglong VS Dragon King Scorpion

Is Mingyi pretty?


Even in Shinji's eyes, she is a beautiful existence.

But Shinji is different from ordinary people after all. He has the ability to appreciate beauty, but he does not have the heart to appreciate beauty.

If Mingyi had beaten him severely, or put him under unprecedented pressure, then he might pay more attention, but the reality is that there is no such thing.

After delivering the dishes, Shinji went back to the house alone with his elf.

Why hasn't this guy come down yet, won't he oversleep?

In the blink of an eye, the next day, a girl with a ball head was a half-day after finishing her clothes and eating breakfast, and saw that Shinji still didn't show up, thinking strangely.

Miss Joy, may I ask Shinji, how much is the room of the purple-haired boy who stayed yesterday?

Finally, Naruto, who had run out of patience, found Miss Joy, and was about to break into Shinji's room and find out the slacker.

That boy has already checked out, don't you know?

Miss Joy asked in confusion.


Hearing this, Ming Yi was dumbfounded.

Well, it's like this. He asked me to get his elf back early in the morning, and checked out and left the elf center.

Miss Joy seemed to understand something, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.


Mingyi: The slacker is actually myself.

He seems to be challenging Mr. Yukang. If you go now, there should be time.

Miss Joy suggested.

Shinji wakes up very early, but others don't necessarily.

Normal gymnasiums, development facilities... It is impossible to start business early in the morning, without preparations, and before the sun comes out.

So even if Shinji went to battle the palace as soon as he left, he would have to wait a little longer when he got there.

Thank you, Miss Joy, for reminding me.

Amid the sound of thanks, Mingyi immediately rushed out of the elf center and rushed towards the battle palace.

In fact, Shinji did not challenge Yukang directly after leaving the spirit center, but found a secluded place to release the spirits to warm up and do some simple confrontation and training.

Although it is not a real confrontation, after this simple morning exercise, it is basically confirmed that the status of the Yueyue Bear team is -1, and the status of the big sword ghost is +1.

Yueyuexiong's fighting style is similar to breaking through all methods with one force.

Facing other elves is okay, but facing the surprise attack of the big sword ghost, seeing through the two magical skills, the burst speed provided by the water burst technique, the ability to hit the vital point of the seeing through ability, and the continuous offensive.

Yueyuexiong can't touch the Great Sword Ghost at all, let alone break through all spells, and it's useless if he can't beat his opponent.

In the past, it was good that the Great Sword Ghost hadn't reached the Heavenly King level of swordsmanship and was not mature enough, but now, Yue Yuexiong is really the one who was hanged and beaten.

In this regard, Shinji is also happy to see the success.

The differences in elves positioning and race training direction make mutual restraint inevitable. If the strength ranking remains unchanged, the elves will lose motivation.

When Shinji finished his morning exercise and came to a seemingly quaint palace, he saw an old man with long white beard, dark skin, ancient attire, and ancient markings on his arms and crutches.

Mr. Yukang, I've been waiting for a long time.

Shinji walked over and said politely.

Long before, he had made an appointment online for today's match, so this was the reason why he was not in a hurry.

Fortunately, the morning sun makes people feel cheerful, and it is a good time to fight.

Yukang smiled and said, Do you want to fight outdoors while feeling the nature, or fight in the arena inside the palace?

Different from other facilities, Yukang's battle venues are divided into indoor and outdoor areas. Needless to say, there are also some simple battle venues in the jungle of Metal Island outside. Ultimately decide the outcome.

It is a major feature, many challengers will choose to fight outdoors.

However, Shinji is an exception.

Indoor battles can make elves more focused, and there is no need to move around outdoors.

Outdoor battles are kind of fun, but that's about it for Shinji.

Compared to the time it takes and the like, he just chooses to concentrate on one battle.

This statement also has some truth, come with me...

Yukang nodded, holding the scepter, he was about to walk towards the interior of the palace.

Etc., etc……

There was a female voice calling from a distance, and the two turned their heads to look, only to see a girl with a ball head trotting over.

It's the little girl who defeated me before, isn't you an outlying island? Why are you back again?

Yu Kang asked with a smile.

Huh...Mr. Yukang, I want to watch the battle!

After running close, Mingyi panted and said

Watching the battle is naturally no problem on my side. You can ask the boy for his opinion.

Yukang laughed.

May I?

Naruto stared at Shinji resentfully.

It's agreed to watch the battle, you slip away first, who hasn't got a little temper?

It doesn't matter, let's start as soon as possible.

Shinji said directly to Yukang.

Yu Kang smiled without saying a word, and walked ahead leading the way on his own, and soon led the two of them to a huge battle field inside the palace.

Is there no referee?

After looking around, Shinji found that apart from the three of them, there were no other people here, and there were no high-tech referee robots.

Not everyone is willing to stay in this deep mountain and old forest, haha~

You have to know that sometimes whether the referee is there or not doesn't really matter, just fight directly.

Yukang laughed and walked to the other side of the venue.

Let me take a good look at how you fight.

Mingyi found a place on the edge of the field to watch the battle, thinking secretly in his heart.

The rule of the game is 3VS3. Whichever side's three spirits fall first will lose. In addition, as a challenger, you can change spirits at will.

After Yukang briefly explained the rules of the battle, he took out his first Poké Ball and threw it out.

This is my first one, Chenglong (Laplace)!


With a crisp cry, Chenglong fell to the ground.

Dragon King Scorpion, prepare to fight!

Shinji then threw his own Poké Ball.


The Dragon King Scorpion landed on the ground, and the two large pincers were clamping. The tail pincers on the back had already stopped on the back, ready to start acupuncture.

Missile needle, speed.


As soon as Commander Shinji gave the order, the dragon king and scorpion pair of pincers immediately lifted up and shot out countless missile needles, and at the same time the tail pincers moved to start acupuncture.

As the most proficient long-range skill of Dragon King Scorpion, once the missile needle is launched, it will cover most of the sky, and the sky-filled champion flying needle will fall towards Chenglong like an arrow.

We use Blizzard!

Yukang laughed.


Chenglong opened his mouth, and a huge and powerful blizzard spewed out from his mouth, and the violent blizzard instantly blocked all the missile needles.

Then the target turned around and aimed at the Dragon King Scorpion who had rushed towards him at an extremely fast speed without knowing when.

The violent snowstorm instantly blocked the progress of the Dragon King Scorpion.

Dig a hole.

I wanted to catch Chenglong by surprise, but I didn't expect the opponent to be so vigilant, so the Dragon King Scorpion had to dig a hole and disappear on the field.

The blizzard whizzed past, only freezing the ground and the hole.

Under normal circumstances, it would be a good choice to let Chenglong use the water cannon at the cave or hit the blizzard to launch it at the cave, but Yukang didn't choose any of them, but waited for a certain opportunity with a smile.

Guessing that the time is almost up, Yukang said with a smile:

It's almost done, ride the dragon, crack the ground!


Chenglong seems to be motionless, but in fact he is already ready to go.

Yukang gave an order, and in an instant, Cheng Long Di Ren started, and countless gaps were opened around the body, and the bottom was bottomless, as if there was some kind of great terror.

As a nirvana, the hit rate of Earth Fissure is very low, but it can increase the number of ground cracks, increasing the hit rate at the cost of weakening the power.

Countless cracks continue to expand, as long as there is something in it that doesn't come out, it will definitely lose the ability to fight.


Sure enough, the moment the ground fissure expanded, a purple figure flew out of the ground.

Taking a closer look, it was the Dragon King Scorpion who had just dug a hole.

But at this moment, the state of the Dragon King Scorpion is extremely poor, several serious scars are branded on its body, it can be seen that although the Earth Fissure failed to instantly kill it, it also caused great damage.

Frozen Beam.

The moment the Dragon King Scorpion was forced out, Chenglong immediately spit out a frozen beam of light to pursue.

Fang of Fire, roar loudly.


At this moment, the Dragon King Scorpion has no ability to dodge. It can only block the front with three large pincers, and at the same time activate the flame teeth to successfully block the freezing beam with flames.

There is a gap in strength between the two sides, but with the power of the three-in-one flame tooth, they barely blocked the blow.

The moves were fighting, and the dragon king scorpion immediately roared loudly, sending out bursts of sound waves to hit Chenglong.

White mist~

There was a time lag when he roared loudly. At this time, he perfectly hit the Chenglong who was still spitting out the frozen beam, causing some damage to him, but the special attack weakening effect that came with it was a faint white glow that rose around the Chenglong out of thin air. offset by fog.

Although the loud roar didn't work perfectly, it still made Chenglong stop the freezing beam, allowing the Dragon King Scorpion to fall back to the ground.

Keep distance from the missile needle, attack.

After the competition just now, Dragon King Scorpion knew that this Chenglong was stronger than himself and very smart, not comparable to those sleepy pillars of World Tree.

In its state, it can absolutely resist an attack by a dragon. It is a bit like a dream, and the only choice is to strengthen it first and then crush it.

Therefore, as soon as it landed, the dragon king scorpion burst out with its enhanced high speed to distance itself from Chenglong. When the double pincers were lifted, the needles shot out all over the sky, and the tail pincers began to tap acupuncture points quickly with one mind and two purposes.

It's not that easy, surfing, blizzard!

The surge of water under Chenglong's body turned into a huge wave and rushed towards the Dragon King Scorpion. While riding the huge waves, Chenglong's mouth blew out a violent snowstorm, easily annihilating the missile needles and blowing towards the Dragon King Scorpion with undiminished power.

Dig a hole.

The acupuncture points have not been completed, and the Dragon King Scorpion does not yet have the ability to fight head-on, so it decisively digs a hole and sneaks into the ground to avoid damage.

Water cannons!

The blizzard missed, and Chenglong on the huge wave instantly turned the spewing blizzard into a violent torrent, and smashed into the hole in an instant.


Almost as soon as the water hit the entrance of the cave, the ground behind the huge wave broke instantly. The Dragon King Scorpion leaped tens of meters high and appeared behind Chenglong. The three large pincers were full of lightning and grabbed Chenglong.

Strange light!

In this situation, Cheng Long had no time to dodge, or even meet the attack, he could barely turn around and a strange light in his eyes fell on Dragon King Scorpion.

The strange light can confuse the target, but even if the Dragon King Scorpion, whose mental power is highly concentrated at this moment, is confused, it can perfectly launch the attack that has been prepared just now.

The three big pincers of the Dragon King Scorpion clamped tightly on the vital points of different parts of Chenglong, and forcibly pulled him down from under the huge waves.

Hit the nail on the head!

The effect is outstanding!

Ah! Aah!

The two elves fell to the ground and became tightly entangled. Although Dragon King Scorpion's eyes were full of confusion and confusion, the force of the pincers clamping on Chenglong's vital point did not decrease by half.

Shinji's elves are rather strange, either they have the ability to forcibly break the chaos, or the chaos is to attack the surrounding units like crazy. When all the units are destroyed and defeated, they will turn their targets to themselves.

Therefore, Chenglong is still injured at this moment.

Absolute zero.

Yukang said.

The state of Chenglong who has endured the three-in-one lightning tooth of the Dragon King and Scorpion has long been bad, but the state of the Dragon King and Scorpion is almost the same.

As the endless coldness emerged from Chenglong's body, the Dragon King Scorpion in the chaos turned into an ice sculpture without much struggle, and at the same time lost its fighting ability.

But even after losing the ability to fight, the three large pincers were still clamped on Chenglong's body.


When Chenglong reluctantly escaped from the Dragon King Scorpion's pincers, purple poisonous gas suddenly emerged from his body.


As early as the moment it touched Chenglong, the Dragon King Scorpion was already ready to be poisonous.

At this moment, the toxicity erupted, and it happened to take away the blood-stained Chenglong.

Come back, Chenglong, you've done a good job.

Yukang took out the elf ball and took Chenglong back, and comforted him.

There is room for improvement, take a good rest.

After taking back the Dragon King Scorpion, Shinji looked at the Poké Ball and said something silently before putting the ball away.

This is my second elf, go, Frog Flower!

Yukang also threw out the elf at this time.


Amidst the thick roar, a huge frog flower fell on the field.

Shinji: Bite the land shark and get ready to fight!


Amidst the roar of the dragon, Lie Bite Lu Shark landed on the field, staring at the other side.

The killing intent is on the rise!

Take advantage of this opportunity to break through in one fell swoop.

Shinji said in a low voice.

Bite Lu Shark several times and almost made a breakthrough. Now, the timing is about the same.


Lie Bite Lu Sha lowered his body slightly, his eyes turned red when he opened and closed, and the blood mode was activated!


Feeling the more terrifying and frightening aura and killing intent on the opponent, Miaowahua subconsciously took a step back for some reason, and then realized that she was the stronger one.

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