Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 292 Super Power Insulator


The Great Sword Ghost let out a roar, letting out his aura perfectly.

At this moment, it is the strongest sword master.

come back.

The faintly shining blue light in Nazi's eyes disappeared, and she calmly took out the elf ball and put Taiyang Ibrahimovic back into her spiritual space, and said to Shinji:

Okay, there's no need to continue.

It's really unnecessary.

Shinji agreed.

It can be said that after the battle with Hu Di and Taiyang Ibrahimovic just now, the Great Sword Demon at this moment is the sharpest sword.

However, too rigid is easy to break.

If the battle continued, even if Na Zi didn't increase the elves, the Great Sword Demon would never be able to defeat Na Zi's remaining elves.

And if it can't be defeated, then it's better not to fight.

At least at this moment, the Great Sword Demon is in his best condition. Instead of gaining some improvement in the battle and then being knocked down, it is better to stay awake, summarize and organize his own strength, and completely stabilize his own strength.

Well done, today you gave me a big surprise.

Looking at the ruthless Great Sword Demon, Shinji, who has always been unsmiling, twitched his mouth and praised him.


It was the first time to receive such a compliment from Shinji, even the big sword ghost couldn't help but curl up his mouth, and silently straightened his body even more.

Go back to the ball first to stabilize your strength.

Taking out the elf ball to take back the big sword demon, Shinji looked at Nazi seriously again and asked:

Miss Nazi, may I ask, what is special about me?

As for what Nazi said about her being special, Shinji was calm on the surface, but he actually cared about it in his heart.

No matter what kind of time traveler they are, they will be more concerned about their identity as a time traveler. Although the memories in Shinji Shinji's mind are only of reference value for reality, he does not want others to share these things.

Don't you have any idea?

Nazu looked at Shinji meaningfully and asked.


Faced with Nazi's question, Shinji just stared at her blankly without blinking.

Finally, Nazi, feeling bored, spoke——

Your physique is very special, it can almost be described as a super insulator.

It is difficult for superpowers to invade your spirit and brain, and it is also difficult to directly cause harm to your body. Although your superpower talent is very good, it is difficult for the superpowers you use to affect the outside world.

To put it simply, less than 10% of the superpowers directly exerted on you by the outside world can really affect you.

The super powers you use have less than 10% influence on the outside world.

Super-powered insulator?

This is the first time Shinji has heard of this physique, and it seems to be pretty good at first glance.

This kind of physique is placed in the fantasy world, and it is the template of some special legendary dragons-I don't know much about magic, but I am basically immune to magic!

But in the Pokémon world... It seems that there is no room for development of powerful abilities such as mind power, teleportation, hypnosis, etc.?

Then if I have learned superpowers now, is there any use for me?

Shinji asked.

For trainers, the most important thing is their own training ability and elves, not combat power.

But if there is some combat power or some special abilities, I believe that no trainer will refuse.

A person with superpowers like Nazi can use superpowers to amplify the elves with superpowers. In the animation, Xiaozhi's waveguide power can also make him and certain elves exert stronger strength simultaneously.

To put it simply, having a special ability is equivalent to having an extra hook!

Telepathy, spiritual connection, strengthen your power of yoga.

After thinking about it, Nazi said so.

If Shinji's physique really learns superpowers, compared to learning to move objects with mind power, open up space with the mind, teleport...or develop the ability to attack, it will be more or less thankless.

Direct practice of telepathy, spiritual link, and easy communication with elves at any time, whether it is in battle or in daily life, the effect is very significant, the key is that it is easier.

It seems to be very good. Can you teach me?

After thinking for a while, Shinji raised his head and looked at Nazi with burning eyes.

The power of yoga is to use mental power through yoga to make the body stronger, and this strength and weakness do not matter.

If you really learn the telepathic spiritual link, you can accurately command the battle at any time during the battle, and there will be no situation where the elves cannot hear what the trainer is saying due to too much movement in the battle.

Even if it can only be one-sided spiritual communication, it is also excellent.

In Shinji's memory, there was a memory of an unknown protagonist in Generation who rode Rayquaza in outer space to fight fiercely with Deoxys and subdue him.

It is conceivable that if you encounter similar scenes and situations, the usefulness of spiritual communication will be extremely terrifying.

Of course, this is a superpower gymnasium and a school for superpowers, just pay the fee and sign up to learn.

Nazi nodded flatly.

Then can you teach it yourself? A crash course.

There is a superpower master in front of him who just ignores it, so it is impossible to find some ordinary apprentices to teach him?

If you are willing to let go of your mind and guard, I can teach you all the superpowers I know.

Nazi looked at Shinji deeply, her eyes were quite strange.

If it was an ordinary person, she would even be able to completely see through and hypnotize that person without realizing it.

But Shinji...she really can't do this, the most she can do is to use him as a target to predict some future.

If you don't want to, ordinary teaching will do.

For some small benefit, it is personally unwilling to let others see everything about yourself, and Shinji is naturally unwilling.

My time will not be wasted on uninteresting things.

Looking deeply at Shinji, Nazi changed the subject and said, I need to pay more!



After two seconds of silence, Shinji spoke speechlessly.

Hehe~ You are very interesting in my eyes and have great research value.

Suddenly, the snow and ice melted on Nazi's face, and she smiled sweetly and horribly.

...hope that's all it is.

Shinji replied calmly.

With a creature of Nazi's level, if you really want to mess with him, running is useless, and if you don't want to mess with him, running is also unnecessary.

Keeping calm and going with the flow is the best way to deal with it.

The inexplicable lies in the suspicion, guilty conscience, fear, fear... If you don't mess with it, you will be sorry for your curiosity as an extraordinary human being.

The two briefly discussed the future teaching plan, and Shinji released the elves for treatment and paid a small tuition fee.

Then Shinji contacted Leisi to replace the elves, and gathered all the elves with super powers such as the golden monster and the snow demon girl in his hands, and attended the class together.

Due to the influence of Shinji's time, physical fitness and other factors, Professor Nazi's things are not particularly many, mainly reflected in three aspects.

Superpower enhancement development methods, meditation, telepathic spiritual link.

Needless to say the latter two, the first is to give a comprehensive explanation of superpowers, and tell Shinji the specific ability development direction of superpowers, so that Shinji can master the latter two in the future, and he can learn to research and develop new abilities by himself.

The reason why superpowers are called superpowers is because of their specificity and generality.

Theoretically, as long as you have enough talent, strength, and creativity, you can do anything you want with superpowers and omnipotence, not just the rubbish abilities that can only be linked to mental power and mind power in your imagination.

For example, general superpowers who are proficient in any aspect of hypnosis, mind power, and foresight are considered extremely strong, and those who can master teleportation are even rarer.

But these abilities are just small gadgets in front of Nazi, and they can be done at will.

Shinji doesn't ask how strong he is, as long as he can learn to send messages with long-distance superpowers.

Learning is going on, not to mention Shinji's progress, but the progress of the elves is remarkable.

Under the guidance of the world's strongest superpowers, their respective superpowers and meditation techniques have made huge breakthroughs, and their abilities in all aspects have been significantly improved.

Thanks for teaching, I'll go first.

Until some days later, Shinji bid farewell to Nazi.

as you like.

Sitting on the throne, Nazi gently stroked the kitten-like Taiyang Eevee, and replied indifferently, as if thinking of something, she raised her head slightly and cast her eyes on the Snow Fairy next to Shinji who was holding Rotom's mobile phone.

Your Snow Fairy and Rotom mobile phones are very special. You can leave them with me for a while and let me study and teach them for a while. Maybe they will all have good results.

As the most powerful superpower, these days she taught Shinji and his elves that the most special existence is not the electric shock beast that swallowed the stone slab, the strange-colored giant golden monster...

It's the humble Rotom cell phone that meditates silently, travels in the spiritual world, and always pays attention to the world for Shinji's consultation. More precisely, it is the Arceus cell phone and the Rotom that can be integrated with it.

Arceus' cell phone is very special, which makes Nazi very interested. No matter how much she probes, she can't see through it, which makes her a little curious. If she can study it thoroughly... Maybe her superpower will be qualitatively changed.

As for the Snow Demon Girl, that's all.

It can only be said that the innate talent for superpowers is good, but the speed of development is worrying. She happens to have mastered an ability that can develop the potential and talent of other people's spiritual power, which is just for practice.


Hearing her name, the Snow Demon Girl looked at Shinji in surprise, her big eyes were shining with love, she seemed not to want an elf to stay here.

Shinji didn't say anything about Snow Demon Girl's thoughts.

Gently stroking the head of the Snow Demon Girl, when the Snow Demon Girl thought that Shinji would firmly refuse and take her on a trip, Shinji said very directly:

Snow Fairy can, but Rotom can't.


Snow Demon Girl's eyes widened slightly, full of puzzlement.

If you stay here, you will improve faster.

From Shinji's point of view, the current growth rate of Snow Demon Girl following him is indeed limited, at least not as fast as staying in Nazi.

In other words, other elves with super powers can stay here to study, and Shinji doesn't mind.

But Rotom can't, as its own map navigation, search engine, teleportation device... Its status may not seem high, but it is indispensable.

Not to mention that now that the Rotom phone has accumulated energy, as long as Shinji is ready, he can travel to other worlds at any time.

Ultimately, Rotom is not the main combatant, strength and weakness don't matter, Shinji doesn't care.

So there is no need to keep it for others to be guinea pigs. It would be bad if some people saw that the mobile phone given by themselves was backhanded by Shinji for research.

Okay, then stay and play with my elf.

With a flash of blue light in Nazi's eyes, the Snow Demon Girl appeared beside the former.

The Snow Demon Girl is here, so let's stay here to take care of each other.

Shinji took out the poke ball and released the giant gold monster.

In the team, the golden monster definitely has great potential for development. If he can stay with Nazi for a while, the effect should be good.

More importantly, the Metagross has an easy-to-use brain, a strong learning ability, and a strong memory. If he learns more things, he can also teach other elves by the way.

As for why not keep the other superpowers?

Is it true that Nazi has a good temper when she is normal in animation?


The giant metal monster appeared and fell from the ball, looked around with some doubts, and then looked at Shinji.

Want to fight? Want to fight? Who are you fighting with? It can't beat any of them!

Although it doesn't seem like admitting it, the giant golden monster knows how stable his brother's position in the team is.

Stay here and study with Snow Demon Girl.

Shinji patted the body of the golden monster, put the two elf balls of the two elves on the ground, bowed slightly to Nazi, then turned and left, leaving behind the unwilling Snow Demon and the horrified golden monster.

With one move, two elf balls flew into Na Zi's hands, and after looking at them twice, she threw the balls into her space.

Since you stay here, let's play and study with my elf.

A sweet smile hung on Nazi's face, and a mental projection appeared in front of her with a wave of her hand, and some elves appeared inside.



Although they stayed in the gymnasium to study these days, they really didn't know much about the elves of Nazi except Sun Ibrahimovic and Hu Di.

At this moment, the two elves looked at the projection curiously.

In the projection, there are many kinds of elves with super powers, such as the King of Dumb, Sister Milip, and the magic wall doll. Among them, a giant gold monster seems to have noticed something, suddenly turned its head, and looked at it bravely. To the giant metal monster beyond the projection.


In an instant, the giant metal monster felt that he was imprisoned by a force and could not move. The next moment, he flew towards the projection and entered it.


Before the Snow Demon Girl realized what to do, her body entered the projection uncontrollably.

You go too.


A female voice sounded, and Sun Ibrahimovic jumped into the projection lightly.

It's funny not seeing anything...

In a blink of an eye, only Nazi who was sitting on the throne was left in the empty and dark room, with a creepy blue light shining in those beautiful eyes.


The Gold City is very large and prosperous, but there is no place that Shinji is interested in. After leaving the gymnasium, he left the city without looking back.

On the way, after replacing a batch of elves, Shinji led the elves towards Metal Island.

Kanto Metal Island, an island near Binu in the Kanto region, where the battle palace is located.

Binu is one of the seaside tourist resorts that are relatively close to Zhenxin Town. It is worth mentioning that the Pikachu and its trainer in the animation conquered the big waves here.

The reason for choosing to challenge the battle palace is very simple, because not far from the battle palace is Fenglai City, which is the location of the theatrical version of Our Story, and there is a Zeraora.

Of course, Xiaozhi has already been to this place once, and the story in the theatrical version has also happened. Now Zeraora has been officially incorporated and has become a mascot or something like that, and it is forbidden to be subdued and harmed.

So Shinji wants to let Zeraora communicate with Dengeki Warcraft about the plasma lightning fist, and let Dengeki Warcraft refer to the genuine plasma lightning fist to perfect his original plasma lightning fist.

What? Why not just make Little Dream become Zeraora or some elf professor to demonstrate?

It can only be said that 8 catties of fantasy, 7 catties of anti-bone.

Playing and having fun together is fine, but what do you want Dreamy to do?

Sorry, not enough intimacy.

Meng Meng: Xiaomeng, I will do whatever I want, so I won’t listen to you! hum~

The grades are flying off, and in the future it can only be updated daily, and the daily update is 4k to stabilize the data.

There is still a lot to write, at least one or two months to write, so hold on!

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