Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 282: Elves vs Dreams

Ah Kelu~

Suddenly, the cries of pain from the electric monster caught the attention of the elves.

The elves turned their heads to look, suddenly startled.

I saw that the electric shock monster was strangely fat, as if it had been swollen from a beating.


Who did it, brother! I avenge you!

Surprised, Lie Bite Lu Sha quickly stepped forward to help his eldest brother.

Ah Kelu~

It's those dogs!

The electric shock monster lay on the body of Lie Bite Lu Shark, and pointed its trembling fingers at the five divine pillars summoned by the six dreams.


hateful! How dare you deal with my elder brother like this, forget it this time, and I will never let you off in the future!

Feeling the terrifying aura on him, Lie Bite Lu Sha decisively dropped his harsh words, and helped the Electric Shock Monster to bring it to Tutai Turtle for treatment.



The two elves, Dragon King Scorpion and Boss Kedora looked at Mengmeng and the elf behind him with serious eyes, but couldn't help being excited.

When you know that you can't avoid it, the real man is to face it bravely!

They are already curious about which Divine Pillar or Dreamy Pillar their opponent will be.


There was no trace of happiness on Snow Demon Girl's face, she floated very quietly beside Shinji, as if she didn't exist.

With the same strength, except for the dragon and the electric god pillar, the three divine pillars that can be locked are most likely not opponents, let alone the existences in front of him who do not know how many times stronger than him.

The Snow Demon Girl couldn't be more excited about a match she had to lose.


A dream waved his hand, and the pillars behind him retreated to the edge and stood still, and Shinji was also sent to a safe place on the edge.

At this moment, on the central field, there are only 6 elves of Dream and Shinji confronting each other head-on.


The dreams bloomed with light one after another, transforming into other spirits.

There are big and small physiques, the small ones are Rabbi, Frozen Bird, and Sidoran, and the big ones are Rayquaza, Zekrom, and Yveltal.

Just in opposition to the Tutai Turtle, Snow Demon Girl, Boss Cordora, Biting Land Shark, Electric Shock Monster, and Dragon King Scorpion.

The six divine beasts and phantom beasts appeared on the stage at the same time, and the surrounding atmosphere froze immediately.

Shirabi, Frozen Bird, and Sidrann are alright. They are small in stature and don't put too much pressure on people, but the other three are a bit too much. They are all legendary and powerful beasts.

Normally speaking, if you encounter the latter three beasts in the wild, even the champion is basically unlikely to defeat them.

To put it bluntly, it is estimated that Chihong and Dandi, the two trainers with the strongest comprehensive strength of elves, may defeat the so-called level one god.

But in any case, it is obvious that the elves transformed by the dream are absolutely crushing the elves of Shinji.


At the same time, the six divine beasts roared at Shinji's elf to signal him to attack.

The six elves looked at each other and attacked their opponents one after another.


Tutaigui hit Crazy Plant towards rabbi with a frightening power.


But Shirabi just waved his fingers with a smile. When the super power and innate ability were activated, he directly took over the control of the tortoise over the crazy plants, and made all the plants smash at the tortoise in reverse.

The earth turtle defended and barely blocked the crazy plants, and then the magic leaf and the flying leaf storm were launched, but was pressed back by a more powerful flying leaf storm, and the earth turtle was bound in a flying leaf storm in an instant. Move until you lose the ability to fight.

The Snow Demon Girl and the Frozen Bird danced in the snowy sky, their bodies disappearing one after another. The former used the ghostly shadow tactics to weaken them, and the real body illusion to hide.

Under normal circumstances, this is naturally possible, but as an ice and snow elf, Frozen Bird has a deep sense of the existence of the blizzard, coupled with the suppression of strength, no matter where the Snow Demon is hiding, Frozen Bird can easily find it.

After the cat caught the mouse for a while, the Snow Fairy was knocked out by the Frozen Bird's wing.

Boss Kedora was simply suppressing the attributes of Sidolan. The former was about to use the earthquake attack, but found that in the world tree, the earthquake could not be used at all.

In desperation, the double-edged head hammer launched and rushed towards Sidoran, and then was sent flying back by Sidrann's iron head. He opened his mouth and spewed out a lava storm, bound in the flames, and his blood volume plummeted instantly.

The metal explosion was used, but it turned out that it could only break through the lava storm, and then it was taken away by the residual temperature of the lava.

Liebite Lu Shark was brave to face Lie Kongzao, he rushed up with all his abilities, his aura was extremely terrifying, and then Liekongzao gave him the finishing touch.

The Dragon King Scorpion...has been turned to stone by Yveltal Deathwing.

In a blink of an eye, there was only an electric monster left on the field that hadn't been knocked down.

Ah Kelu~

Facing Zekrom, Electric Shock Warcraft was a little happy at the beginning, for no other reason, it can absorb a lot.

Electric attribute elves, who am I afraid of?

Ever since, Dang even thundered at Zekrom with a move, filling up the hatred directly.


Zekrom scratched the place that was struck by the thunder, and tilted his head in doubt at the electric shock monster. He turned on the overfrequency drive mode and hit the latter with a staggered lightning move.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with Zekrom's own thunderstorm, relying on his past fearlessness of thunder and lightning, the electric shock monster also opened his hands to welcome the interlaced lightning.

Then the whole elf was electrocuted and fell to the ground, breathing black smoke from its mouth, and its eyes were full of incomprehension——this uncle's characteristics are useless?

Zekrom characteristic-mega-level voltage: Can use moves to the opponent without interference from the opponent's characteristics.

If you find this characteristic well, you can ignore the characteristics of the electric engine, and as the dream of the ancestor of the elves, even the characteristics of the transformed elves can be perfectly reproduced.


Seeing that the six opponents were so careless, Dream Liuheyi changed back to its original form, beckoning in boredom, and the World Tree cast a green light to heal them and healed all the elves.

This battle is really fair.

Shinji couldn't help feeling a little bit after seeing it. Dreams are targeted.

The changed elves are still crushing, not to mention their strength, this race alone is highly targeted.

Shrabbi's plant control, Frozen Bird's Snow Hidden and Eye of Mind, Zekrom's mega-voltage...

There is no operation, it is all the suppression of value, strength, and race.


Mengmeng in the distance moved to Shinji's side unhappily when he heard this, and stared at Shinji with his mouth puffed up.

It seems to be asking, what is fair, I listen to you!

Become the same elves, or suppress the strength to the same level, so that it will be more interesting for you to defeat them.

Shinji said naturally.

The former can stimulate the elves' desire to fight, and if the latter is the case, their own elves will not be completely without the possibility of victory.


When Shinji said this, Mengmeng yelled arrogantly, directly transforming the avatar into the race of Shinji's elves, and at the same time suppressed his strength.


Ah Kelu~


For a moment, all the spirits of Shinji looked at Mengmeng with a strange light in their eyes.

Same race, same strength, isn't this a gift?

Sure enough, in the subsequent battle, Meng Meng was almost beaten to tears, not to mention confrontation, even fighting back was a problem.

Xiaomeng, when did I suffer this kind of grievance?

Halfway through the fight, the Dreamers collectively used teleportation to distance themselves, and began to use the skills of other races——

Obviously the body is an electric shock monster, but when the hand hits the ground, the sword of the cliff stabs out from the ground, instantly shooting down the electric shock monster that can't react in the air.

Obviously the body is an earthen platform turtle, and the ultimate impact rushing over is an absolute zero close-range explosion.

Obviously, the body is Boss Kedora, but with a wave of his hand, it turned out to be a large character explosion...

This kind of weird operation directly paralyzed Shinji's elves.

Dream is indeed suppressing strength, but this guy is cheating!

Unlimited firepower + full skill plug-in!

Strength is suppressed, but physical strength and ability are still there!

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