Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 275 Appearing in Large Numbers

Obviously, the tree of the beginning of the world used light energy and various energies to transform life energy, and easily restored the physical strength of the elves.


Seeing this scene, Tutaigui's eyes flashed with surprise.

It can also do the treatment similar to the tree of the beginning of the world if it masters the forest treatment, but it is absolutely impossible to achieve the perverted act of instantly restoring the state to full in an instant.


After receiving the treatment, the five divine pillars stood up again, and the origin of their faces shone with red light, looking at Shinji and his elves together, and began to launch various moves to attack.

However, faster than them are the electric shock monsters and earth turtles.

Crazy Plant!



Shinji gave an order, and in a short time, countless hardened plants on the ground were stabbed by the earthen turtle, causing terrible damage to the five elves in an instant and knocking them into one piece.

Ah Kelu~

Afterwards, an electric shock monster with golden arcs flashing all over its body burst out, and the thunder fell on the five elves, allowing them to accept the baptism of thunder and lightning.

Whether it is the earth turtle or the electric shock monster, they have used moves to maximize their abilities. At this moment, their strength is much stronger than that of the heavenly king-level divine pillars.

The two tricks hit one after another, and the thunder kept releasing.

When it subsided, the five divine pillars lay down on the ground again.

Five more light clusters flew from the sky to heal the five pillars, and the crazy plants and thunder knocked them down again.

After repeating this again and again, after a total of three resurrections, the Tree of the Beginning of the World did not waste energy foolishly delivering food, but carried out further defenses.





One after another of calm voices suddenly appeared, and one saw divine pillars appearing one after another on the cliffs on both sides of the mountain road, streamers of red and yellow in the sky flew over, turning into lightning and dragon divine pillars, watching Shinji and his spirits.

After the ground in the mountain path was broken, Reggie Locke also appeared in front of Shinji.

There are at least 20 of them in total.

What is the experience of being stared at by 20+ heavenly king-level beasts?

The terrifying sense of oppression changed the air pressure, making Shinji and his elves feel that their breathing was not smooth, and their hearts were beating wildly.

Ah Kelu~

Damn, there are so many, who can stand it!

Seeing so many divine pillars popping up at once, the Electric Shock Monster couldn't hold back anymore.

Don't look at it's full state, but at most it can defeat five or six of these poor-witted pillars at the same time.

Almost subconsciously, Dengeki Monster turned his serious gaze to Shinji, the meaning in his eyes was very clear——

The wind is blowing, trainer, retreat tactically, my uncle will lead the way!

Retreat, electric shock monsters, nine-tailed rear.

Seeing this, Shinji did not dare to give up the idea of ​​fleeing into the inner core area.

If it is said that at the beginning, what I faced was only the regular guards of the original tree of the world, and now I have issued a wanted order for myself.

Shinji is sure that if he dares to wait for the elves to enter the interior, he will face this group of champion-level divine pillars.

There are so many pillars, let alone yourself, it is not easy to change the four heavenly kings or the champion.

If you call Chi Hong, the current number one trainer in the world, to go inside and fight inside, if Dream doesn't save the game, it will probably be planted in it.

Fortunately, in the battle just now, all the elves used changing moves to strengthen them.

In a short period of time, it is not a problem to face these old antique pillars that have been asleep for too long and their brains are hard to use.

With the pressure of the earthen platform turtle and the electric shock monster, the elves quickly retreated against the attack of this group of divine pillars.

The electric monster flew into the air immediately, and continuously released charging and thunder to repel all the divine pillars blocking the way first.

Yue Yuexiong opened the way on the ground, and Reggie Locke, who was blocking the way, used hard support and sudden pounces to fly aside.

The other elves used their own moves to block the attacks from other pillars.

It seems that the situation is not bad, but every time a divine pillar falls, there will be a light of life falling from the tree of the beginning of the world in time to replenish its state, and then continue to launch more violent attacks.

When the disheartened Shinji returned to the starting point of the line drawn by Dengeki Warcraft, almost all the elves around him had different injuries.

It seems that because of the boundary line, all the gods stopped attacking one after another, and looked at them with raised hands, as if as long as Shinji dared to go in again, he would strike them with thunder and wipe out this virus.


After taking a deep look at the group of guys, Shinji walked outside with the six painted elves, and stopped after reaching a similar safe position.

It is impossible to really stay away, and it is rare to come here once, so naturally we have to stay for a while longer.

At least you have to wait until the phone is fully charged before leaving. Before that, use the tree of the beginning of the world to train the elves

In a way, it can be regarded as enhancing the immune system function of the original tree of the world.

Why not do a good thing that kills two birds with one stone?

However, you still need to rest first.

That's it, rest first.

The moment Shinji called to stop, all the elves relaxed and lay down on the ground in a very shapeless manner.

Earth Turtle, Forest Healing.

Shinji said after taking out the orange fruit and feeding the Tutai turtle one to restore its strength.


Eating the fruit happily, Tutai Gui felt that the strength in his body had recovered a lot, and then launched a large-scale forest treatment, covering himself and his surrounding partners in strong life energy.

In the light of the forest, the physical strength of all the elves began to recover slowly, and their injuries were gradually healed.

It didn't take long for all the elves to return to their full state, but after a battle, their faces were more or less tired, but more excited.

Although it is not that Shinji did not command the elves to defeat the so-called divine beasts, not every elf has successfully defeated them.

For example, the Great Sword Demon has never had close contact with the so-called legendary Pokémon in reality before.

Being able to see it and even defeat it today is another shot in the arm for its sword heart, and its feet and blades seem to be unsealed.

The spirit is slightly exhausted, but the sharpness of the elf's body is much sharper than before.

Take a good rest to summarize experience and exchange, and go again in an hour.

Shinji said it immediately.

It is impossible to go to the natural training ground and the charging ground only once a day. Only by using them as much as possible can I live up to my reluctance to travel thousands of miles to this barren mountain.

Of course, just knowing the progress of the battle is very slow, and only by sharing experience while summarizing can we grow faster.

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